Chapter twenty-four

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February 17, 1977

Sirius paced around the common room. He had stayed with James last summer, but he was not sure if that invitation was going to be offered this time around.

"James, are you sure your parents don't mind my staying?" Sirius asked.

"You've been living with us for almost a year now, and they haven't kicked you out yet," James said with a laugh.

"Maybe I should look for a flat," Sirius suggested.

He hated being a burden, but of course James said he was not.

"With what money?" James asked.

Sirius looked away for a moment. He had not told what his uncle had done for him.

"My Uncle Alphard left me money," Sirius explained.

"The family must not have been happy about that," James said.

"No, he was disowned for doing it, but he didn't care. He was glad I ran for it when I did," Sirius replied. James then stopped. "What is it?"

"Lily's crying," James said.

Sirius took hold of James's arm as he took step.

"No, don't," he said.

"And why the bloody hell not?" James asked.

"Just let her get over it today, and then confront her about it tomorrow," Sirius said.


February 18, 1977

James had waited, even though he did not want to. When he saw Lily that next morning, he walked up to her.

"Lily…" he began.

"James," she gasped.

"Sorry," he apologized.

Lily sighed and looked down.

"It's all right. I've just had things on my mind," she said.

"You want to talk about it?" James asked, noticing the piece of parchment in her hands.

"It's my sister, Petunia. She's getting married," Lily said.

"Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?" James asked.

He would have thought that Lily would be happy for her sister. Sure, he could remember the very first time he met her she was crying to Severus saying her sister acted her, but he though they had made up.

"Not when you haven't been invited," Lily said.

James gave her a confused look. That letter in her hands was not a invitation?

"She did not," James said.

"My mum's the one that had to tell me. She's trying to get Petunia to change her mind, but…" Lily began, but she could not finish.

James placed a hand on Lily's shoulder.

"You have people here that care for you," he told her.

"Yeah?" Lily asked.

"Yes, you have Mary for one," James said.

She gave a laugh.

"She seems more interested in her boyfriend, Frank, nowadays," Lily said.

"There's also Remus, Sirius, Peter, and…" James began, but he got cut off when Lily asked, "And who?"

James took a deep breath, trying to muster the courage to say what he wanted to say.

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