Chapter four

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September 11, 1971

James noticed Lily was pacing around the common room the night before their flying lesson. No matter how hard he tried not to watch, he just couldn't help but direct his eyes in her direction every so often.

"What's the matter with you, Evans?" James finally asked Lily when he finally couldn't take it any longer.

She looked over at him in shock as if they had never spoken to each other before. When she realized who made the comment, she frowned.

"I've never flown before, that's what," Lily snapped at James.

"Oh," James replied, looking down and adjusting himself in his chair, feeling awkward for saying anything now.

"I've never flown either," Peter said to Lily.

She looked over at him and gave him a kind smile.

However, the tender moment was ruined when Sirius said sarcastically, "That's a surprise."

Some people, including James, began to laugh.

"Stop that," Remus said, sounding much older than he really was. "The last thing we need is detention right now."

"Whatever," Sirius replied; joining James at the table he was at. "You're not scared, James?"

"Hardly." James gave a small laugh after saying this. "How about you?" he asked Sirius, a little more serious then before.

"I probably don't have as much experience as you do I'm sure," Sirius admitted.


September 12, 1971

Sirius was still in bed as Remus, James, and Peter got ready the next morning for their flying lesson.

"Wake up," James yelled into Sirius ear.

Remus and Peter turned and laughed when Sirius made not movement. Sirius then groaned and turned as James poked at him.

"Come on, Sirius. We have to get down to the pitch," James said as Sirius yawned and finally got up.

Remus and Peter said bye and left the room.

"Fine," Sirius said sleepily.

James and Sirius were walking down the stairs to the common room ten minutes later.

"Don't worry, Peter," Remus said as James and Sirius joined them. "You're not going to be the only one who's not going to be able to fly."

"Yeah, but we're with the Slytherins," Peter replied, starting to panic.

"You don't have to worry about them with you, right guys?" James asked Remus and Sirius as they exited the portrait hole.

"Right," the two boys immediately replied.

They spotted Lily and Severus talking while walking to the pitch.

"How do you suppose Evans and Snape know each other?" James asked, not really knowing he was saying this out loud.

"They probably came from the same village," Remus told him.

"Good morning, class," their instructor, Madam Hooch, greeting the class as they filed into two straight lines. Gryffindors were on one side, Slytherins on the other.

"Good morning, Madam Hooch," the two groups replied in unison.

"Now, I want you to begin by going to the left side of the broom. I want you to then extend your right hand and yell up."

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