This Happens Again?

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(Yeah I lost motivation and didn't know how to continue, I'm sorry >. <   I might make another story also so idk. Hope you enjoy this part)

      You were on your way to school and you zoned out thinking about random stuff when you bumped into something. You looked up and of course it was Soul. Soul smiled really wide and scratched his head, "Why do we always run into each other like this? So uncool." He laughed afterwards. You looked at him and laughed also, "I have no clue Soul. Well, how are you today?" Soul looked at you and replied, "I'm okay, just trying to become the coolest weapon in the academy. What about you?" You chuckled and said, "Well, I think you're pretty cool anyways." You blushed the second you had realized what you said. Soul looked at you and blushed to coming closer to your face. "Why thank you _____. You're really cool yourself." You felt your face heat up after that and you had to hide it with your hands. You continued walking and managed a smile when you realized Soul followed closely behind.

                          *time skip school*

       You came in and sat beside Blackstar once you got into your class. Blackstar looked at you and smiled, "Why hello ______, how are you today!?!" You smiled at him and said, "I'm okay." Blackstar laughed really loud and stood up on the desk, "WELL THAT IS GOOD!" You laughed, "Yep."

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