The Nice Jerk

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(Wow, I am updating? Yeah *claps* I need to update more aggggghhhhh)
            As you sat by Blackstar, you realized just how loud and obnoxious he is.
Once the bell rang for lunch, BlackStar stopped you in the hallway, "Hey ______, want to eat some lunch together?" As you looked at him, you wanted to say no so much you could feel it within the deepest fiber of your being, but you had to be friendly, for this is only your first week of school here. You just answered with "Sure, why not." Blackstar, cheered all too loudly and you followed him outside under a tree and sat down getting out your food. Blackstar smiled at you mischievously. You kept eating your lunch in silence not looking at him. Suddenly, Blackstar looks at you with a serious expression, "So, how is your life here so far?" You look at him and reply with, "It is actually better than I expected, people are nice to me, no bullies, great training, you know, the usual calm life." He smiled at you, "Well, that is good. I know you just met me, and you probably think I am annoying, but if you ever want to talk to me about anything, let me know, because every one needs a person to 'lean on'." You look at him in shock, he actually can be mature, impressive. You smile at him with true gratitude, "Thank you Blackstar, I appreciate it." He nods and goes back to eating.
          As the end of lunch signals by the bell ringing, you pack up your stuff along with Blackstar. You go up to Blackstar, "Thank you Blackstar, that was a good lunch, do you want to become friends?" You hold your hand out to him, Blackstar goes back to his usual self and eagerly reaches for your hand and shakes it, "Sure! Maybe we can eat lunch tomorrow to!" You brek grasp with him and walk back to your class after giving him a nod. I guess Blackstar can be a real jerk, but when it comes down to it, he is not all that bad. You giggle to yourself.

(Hahaha, I tried, sorry again for not updating lol ヽ( '『')ノ)

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