The Star Rises

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(Hello again, a quick authors note, oh no, you can skip this if you want lol
I am having Writer's Block again.. But who does not? Anyways, I guess that is my excuse for not updating recently. If you have ever looked at my profile, you can tell that I have other stories to write, so please have mercy XD . Okay so I put some thought into this and thought that maybe I should have a Co-Author for this Fanfiction maybe? I do not know. If you want to help out, let me know. Anyways, sorry for boring you with my thoughts, anyways, to the story.)

*At the school next morning*
You arrived early today for once. This gave you time to have some silence before everyone else arrived for their classes.  You were reading a book when someone put their hands on your shoulders causing you to jump backwards and fall out of the chair, thank goodness your back did not hit the floor, something soft protected you.. Wait what? You bolted up and sat back down in your chair and stared at the person on the ground. It was Blackstar, of course it was. "What the hell was that for Blackstar?" Blackstar looked up at you, pointed at you, and laughed, "You should have seen the look on your face ___! It was great, I should do that more often!" You felt your face heat up from embarrassment, "No, you really should not!" He ignored your comment, and you knew your moments of peace were over when he stood up awkwardly and climbed onto a desk and stood up, striking his stupid poses, "I AM THE AMAZING BLACKSTAR, I WILL SURPASS GODDDDD!!!!" You face palmed, trying not to laugh, but a few giggles slipped out causing him to look at you with genuine confusion, "Hey ____, what is so funny?" By seeing his facial expressions, this caused you to laugh even harder, not even trying to hold back anymore. Blackstar got down from the desk and approached yours. When he approached your desk, he had an expression you have never seen him have before, a genuine serious face. This caused you to stop laughing and pick up your book to continue reading. You felt bad for laughing at him, but he kind of deserves it for scaring you. You were getting to a really exciting part in your book when someone snatched the book from you. You stood up quickly and walked up to Blackstar, (in this you are a little bit shorter than DTK, Soul, and Blackstar. If you do not like it, let me know XD ) reaching up your hands towards your book but Blackstar holding it just out of your reach. You did not say anything, just silently grabbing for the book, of course you did not realize as you were grabbing for the book, you pushed up against his chest, causing both of you to lose balance and for you to fall right on him. You blushed in embarrassment as Blackstar looked up at you and realized the position you two were in. You got up quickly and fixed your outfit, smoothing down any wrinkles. You grabbed the book from Blackstar but before you could walk back to your desk, he grabbed your wrist and turned you around to face him. Your heart sped up as you looked at his expression, still serious, but there was something else. Blackstar was leaning towards you slowly, and cupped your face in his hand that was not holding onto your wrist, "Hey _____..." He mumbled softly. You were trying to get away, but your body would not react, causing Blackstar to lean forward and kiss you. You widened your eyes in surprise, blushing even worse than before. He let go of your wrist and put his now free hand on your shoulder, steadying you. You panicked, pushing him away and running out of the school. You ran and went to sit on a really far point on the stairs leading to the academy. You tried to get your breath and heart rate in check as you fumbled with you book, opening it and trying to read it, but your thoughts kept going to that idiot. You covered your face with the book, felling your face heat up again. 'That was so unfair, could have had a warning or something you stupid boy? That was not okay.' You thought. You pulled out your phone about ten minutes later, almost time for class to start. Shit, you had to sit by him, awkward.

**During the day, in the classroom**
You were not wrong. It was super awkward. You could not even glance at him or else your face would heat up, remembering the earlier scenario. You just tried to focus on what Stein was saying as you were doing your school work.

**Blackstar's Point of View**
'Damn it, that was a bad move.' He thought to himself. What came over him just then? That was not okay. I wonder if there is a way I can apologize to her and things can return to normal? Yeah right. He glanced at you by habit and he felt his face heat up. 'What the hell?'

**Your Point of View**
When it was the end of the day, you did not wait on anyone, you started walking straight home when Kid stopped you. "Hey _____, what is wrong with you today? You are acting really weird today?" You remembered the incident that happened this morning and felt your face heat up yet again, "I-it is nothing! Y-y-yep, absolutely nothing to worry about! Best I get going now, I need to make dinner. Nice talking to you Kid." You ran away before he could ask any more questions, and made it to your house twenty minutes later. You ran into your room, dropped your belongings onto the bed, and you flopped down onto your bed. 'That was awkward as hell' Was the last thing you thought before you fell asleep before even getting a chance to cook some food.

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