Date and Jealousy?

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(So hello, been a while, I am so sorry I have not updated if you read this story anymore. Writers' block and school sucks jxjfjsjjdjfjd   >:0  I hope you enjoy)

      **Your Point of View, a few weeks later after meeting Ikkoku**

            It was lunch time at last, you and Ikkoku made your way to the regular table under the tree and got out your lunches. Over the past few weeks, you and Ikkoku have actually became pretty good friends, it is especially good because he is your weapon and all. You saw that he had (favorite food) in a plastic container, so your grabbed it from him quickly while smirking. His usual arrogant stuck up appearance softened to a little whiny kids' face with a voice to match as he reached for the container, "Hey! Give that back! I am really hungry today! Eat your own lunch _____!" You laughed at him and waved it just out of his reach a little longer just to see his reaction again. To be honest, you loved his reactions and how quick they could change, of course you would never have feelings for him, but he acted like a younger Brother even though he was one year older than you. You opened the container and took a piece of (favorite food) out and gave it back to him. He instantly settled down after hiding the now closed container under his shirt, he puffed his cheeks out at you and pouted, "You know, you can be so rude sometimes." This caused your smile to brighten, you reached forward over the table and ruffled his hair. He scrunched up his face with disgust and held onto your wrist to get you to stop, "Hey! I told you to quit doing that the first time you attempted this! You bully!" You laughed and tried to pull away but he still had ahold of your wrist, he looked down and realized what was going on and he let go suddenly with his face turning bright red. After having control of your hand again, you looked up at him to see him looking down at the table and his face bright red. You reached forward yet again and "knocked" on his head, "Hello, anyone home? Earth to Ikkoku!" He was about to say something when a certain male interrupted, "Well, I was stopping by to say hello, am I interrupting something? I can always try again another time I guess." You looked up to see none other than Death the Kid leaning against a tree smirking at the scene before his eyes. You patted the seat next to yourself, "Nuh uh, you are not interrupting anything Kid, you can join us if you want." Kid made his way over and sat down perfectly and looked over at you, sighing, he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Well hello then, I know this is sudden, but would you mind going to the Aquarium with me this Saturday at one o'clock?" You were taken aback for a moment, "Wait, was this a date?" "Yes it is a date if that is what you want to call it." Kid said. Oh, I guess I accidentally said that out loud, you blushed and clenched your skirt with your fists and then returned his intense gaze, "U-um, sure if that is what you want, that sounds fun Kid." He smiled with victory, stood up, and held out his hand. You took it and stood up as well, and you packed your empty lunch containers. You waved bye to Ikkoku, "I will see you in class in a few minutes Ikkoku, see you." You and Kid walked together to the classroom because the bell rang, demanding the return of students to come back to "prison".

       **Ikkoku's Point of View**
              As he saw you and Death the Kid walk away, he felt his heart hurt for some reason. He put his hand to his chest and clenched his fists. "Damn it, I guess I am not good enough for her, I am too childish and rude for her. Fuck." He muttered to himself. He went to fix his hair but he was greeted by wetness on his face. He grabbed his extra napkin he packed for you since you always forgot yours and wipe his face with it. Damn it, he was such a baby. He was fucking crying over a girl, what a pitiful sight I am, he thought to himself. He stood up, packed his lunch including the (favorite food) that has one more piece left to be consumed and headed inside the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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