The Kid Is Weird Lately

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(Alright, long time no see haha o_o anyways, let's update lol)

**Time Skip, a month later**
You woke up in your comfortable bed. You sighed, yet another day of school. You loved your school, but sometimes the work was too much to handle. You rolled over and looked at the time: 5:30. Yeah, since school starts at seven I have to wake up super early, you thought. You got up and did whatever you do in the morning and headed out the door. The weather outside was beautiful as usual, nice and sunny, not too hot and not too cold. (Whatever temperature that is for you)

**Time Skip, at School ten minutes before class starts**
You walked into Death Academy and started walking to your classroom, best to be on time, until you heard a noise. You reached the door of the classroom, investigating the noise, you remained at the door and peaked into the classroom to reveal the chaotic scene before you. Soul and Maka were arguing over a symmetrically passed out Death The Kid, with Blackstar drawing on his face making it as unsymmetrical as possible, while Tsubaki tried to get him to stop. Maka chopped Soul with her book that she always kept handy and stormed out of the classroom. Being Maka's friend, you reached out your arm causing Maka to stop and glare at you. "What do you want?" You put your arms up in surrender, "H-hey, please do not shoot! What is wrong Maka?" Maka crossed her arms and looked at you, "Nothing, the boys are being super chaotic today and it is irritating me." You replied, "I am sorry Maka, do you want me to try to settle things down in there for you?" Maka uncrossed her arms and put them on my shoulders, "Please would you? I would appreciate it." You nodded and walked into the classroom with Maka close behind. You cleared your throat and spoke, "U-um hey guys, can you please stop. Class is about to start." Soul looked at you and instantly pulled Blackstar off of a still passed out Death The Kid, "Hey Blackstar, _______ is here, we need to stop." Blackstar hopped up from his spot beside the Kid, put the lid on the marker, and instantly went to his seat. Soul went over to Maka's side to apologize and Maka forgave him after another Maka Chop. Tsubaki pointed to Death The Kid, "What about him? Someone should take him to the nurses office." You made your way over to him and lifted him up, propping him on your shoulder, "I will do it I guess."

**Time Skip to Nurses' Office**
After laying Death the Kid down on the bed, you decided to pull up a chair and stay with him a while to make sure he was okay. Stein came in and checked on him while you were sitting beside him, "So he passed out again? We will just have to wait until he wakes up I guess. If you wish to wait until he wakes up, I guess I can excuse you this one time." He got up from his chair and turned his screw on his head as he made his way out to the classroom.

**20 minutes later**
The Kid has not woken up yet and it has been a while, you observed him and you found yourself leaning closer. Damn, he is going to be pissed when he sees his face. Maybe I should remove it before he wakes up? That would give me something to do. You went to get a hand towel, and ran the towel under the water, then squeezed it out, you approached him and started rubbing at his face. Thank God, you thought, it was not permanent marker, just white board marker. As you got the last bit of stuff off of his face, you felt something touch your hand holding the towel. You looked down to see that it was Kid's hand. You felt heat flooding to your face, causing you to pull back, but you were stopped by him opening his eyes and pulling you closer, "N-no, ______ please stay." You went still, shocked at his request and you could feel your face heat up even more, "Kid, what are you doing?" Kid opened his eyes again and jerked out of bed and stood on the side you had your chair, "I am so sorry! What has gotten into me?" You shook your head and looked down at your hands to find him still holding yours tight. He hesitated before pulling his hands away, you saw his face turn red, "U-um, sorry about this, w-were you the one taking care of m-me?" You smiled at him, still blushing, you felt the setting slow down tremendously, it felt like each word was a hassle, "Y-yeah, I-I thought since B-Blackstar drew all over your face I figured I should take it off before you got angry at him." The Kid's face turned even more red and he scratched the back of his head nervously, "O-oh, thank you a lot, I-I appreciate it. Well do we need to go to class? We are way past due." He ending with a subject change. You replied, out the towel on the bed and started walking out of the nurses' office with him following silently behind. He has never acted like that before. Awkward.

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