Found a Weapon At Last?

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         You were attending the school day when lunch time approached. Everyone got up and packed their stuff, including you. Stein called to you and you joined him beside his chair, "Yes Stein?" He twisted the screw on his head and replied, "I may have found you a weapon _____. I did not know your specifications so I just tried to acquire the best one to suit your purposes." You nodded, excited at last, "Really Stein? Thank you, when will I get to meet my weapon?" Stein stopped turning his screw, "Maybe tomorrow, depends on when he gets here." Your thought process stopped involuntary at that word, "Wait, he? You do know I will be roommates with this guy right Stein?" Stein chuckled softly, "Yeah of course, but Ikkoku would never do such a thing. You will like him as your weapon companion, I am sure." You sighed in relief, "Okay good, thank you then Stein, I really appreciate it." Stein did a thumbs up signal, "Yeah, now off to lunch you go." You nodded, waving bye to him as you walked out of the classroom to sit outside alone enjoying the peace as you listened to music and read a book while eating a sandwich.

(Decided to add this chapter before I forgot, yeah so I hope you like the weapon..? If you do not like him let me know.)

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