The New Star

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**The Next Day**
You woke up to another new day. 4:30 this time. You wanted to try a new routine instead of taking your showers at night you could take them in the morning. After you took your shower, got dressed, and ate breakfast, you had to leave for yet another day at school. 6:30.
**In the Classroom**
You were doing your work when a very nosy Blackstar beside you was peaking over your shoulder at your work. You ignored it thinking he would stop but he did not. You flipped your paper over and glared at him, causing him to widen his eyes in shock and look at you. He actually stayed silent because he knew Stein would make him stay after class if he disrupted, so he resorted to poking your shoulder over and over silently pleading for you to flip your paper over. You finally had enough, "Hey, Blackstar, it would be really nice if you could please stop. You are being super annoying today. If you are going to be annoying, then do it somewhere else." You instantly regretted what you said after you saw him instantly stop and turn away from you. "H-hey, Blackstar, are you alright? I am so sorry I did not mean to say--" you cut off our sentence as you heard snickering coming from him. "Hey! Stop that!" Blackstar instantly got up and stood on the table in front of the whole class and pointed at the sky while he smirked, "I--" he never got to finish his sentence as Stein turned around and saw Blackstar standing on the table. Stein got a creepy smile on his face as he titled his head, turning his screw with his hand, "So Blackstar, would you like to stay after class with me to have some detention? It looks like it is much needed for the likes of you." You tried speaking to Blackstar, "Hey, you should--" "Ah I see ____ would also like to join you. Alright, after class detention it is." Blackstar sat down in his chair and you two instantly fell quiet. You flipped over the paper and began working on it again to hopefully ignore the awkward silence in the classroom as you felt the states of your classmates.

**After class**
Every student left, leaving you, Blackstar, and Stein. Stein finally turned around and stood up from his chair, "You two will be in here for two hours, I will be back when the time is up. Here is an extra assignment you two can do while sitting in here." He handed you two a worksheet and walked out of the classroom closing the door. Why did I get in trouble? I was only trying to help Blackstar, jeez.

**Blackstar's Point of View**
Damn it, I did not mean for ____ to get in trouble, now I feel bad. I was teasing her that is all, just to see what reaction she would do when I annoyed her. He looked at you, "Hey ____, I am sorry--" You cut into his sentence, "Do not even worry about it, it was my fault, I should not have done anything." Blackstar waved his hands and shook his head, "No, it is my fault, sorry." You looked at him again before returning to her current worksheet. Awkward silence passed between you two, causing him to actually look at his paper for once. What the fuck is this? He held the paper up to his face, studying it hard trying to make sense of what he was seeing. Math was never his strong spot, well any academic class was horrible for him. He was able to get good grades he knew, but the teachers he had never explained the subjects to him to where he could understand it. At least he could fight well to make up for it. He glanced at you again, and he saw you done with your work and laying your head on the desk peacefully sleeping. The short glance turned into a stare as he observed you. He thought you were perfect already, but he would never admit it. Now seeing you sleeping made him blush. His eyes strayed to your work sheet. No, he would never copy work from you, that was wrong. He was teasing earlier, he just wanted you to notice him. When he saw you, he knew it was love at first sight, he knew Death The Kid and Soul felt the same way, but he was not going to let them take you from him. He wanted to get to know you better, he wanted to know everything about you. Uggh, what am I even thinking, I totally need to stop, a God does not worry over a girl. He worried about being the best, number one.

After a few minutes of thinking, he realized something, he did not want to be one for once in his life, he wanted to be second. He wanted ____ to be first. You are the star.

**Detention End, your point of view again**
Stein walked in shortly after you got up, you got up and handed the paper to him and walked out of the classroom with out a word. You were almost outside until you heard someone running towards you. You turned around to see a Blackstar running after you. He stopped, panting between words he managed to speak, "H-Hey _____, want to become friends?" You looked at him with confusion, "What do you mean by that? We are friends already are we not?" Blackstar replied, "Oh yeah, right... Um-- how about best friends!" He scratched the back of his head nervously with a big cheesy smile on his face. You chuckled, "Sure Blackstar, now have a good day." You turned around and walked out of the academy. Who knew he was such an idiot?

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