Teasers, man.

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Let's get this party started.

So Liz came up woth this teaser idea and I thought I'd post some teasers of my own. Now listen up for what ya got to do.

Fallout: This is probably my top priority at the moment. If you want a teaser for Fallout, tell me what you really think of it. Good and bad. The longer, the better. Tell me what I can improve on and tell me why you read it as well as why you like it.

Another Side: This story never made it far. I have a few chapters up but they were from when I first started writing seriously and are quite shitty. I'm working on revamping it (probably with a new name) so if you want a teaser for it, read the old version and tell how I can improve the story itself. Tell me what caught your eye the first time around. Tell me the good things (if anything) and the bad things.

Centuries: Centuries only has one chapter but I'm planning on continuing it. Explain to me what's good about my descriptions of the things in the story and what's bad and why. And if you'll keep reading it if I continue.

Classification: Now I deleted this a long time ago. It was my first original but it was so poorly written and the plot that I had planned was awful. I'm thinking of revamping it (well, the one part that there is). If you want a teaser for it, tell me what you like about my writing style and what you dislike. What I could improve on. Things like that.

Random: Everyone gets plot bunnies. I for one get a lot. I have so many story ideas that will never come to be. Thing is: if y'all show an interest in them, I will most definitely write them. For a teaser, I need y'all to look at my old writing (Another Side, old drabbles) as well as new writing (Fallout, recent drabbles) and tell me how I've improved. Tell me what aspects are better, what's worse, what's the same, and what else I can improve on. Also, tell me why you follow. Tell me your fandoms too so the teaser can cater to that. I get plot bunnies for all of my fandoms but I only write KH/FF because most of you follow me for that. If I see that you guys are into other things that i want to write about, then of course I'll write about them!

With all of this being said, I want them long. I want you to be brutally honest. If you're worried about hurting my feelings, don't be. It's very difficult to get on my bad side. The more I find that you put effort into these and were helpful, the better your teaser will be. Give me a half-assed, crappy blurb, then you'll get a half-assed, crappy teaser. We good? Alright.

On a side note, please, please, please, check out my last drabble and tell me how I did. Thanks!

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