Oh Well, Oh Well | Vanitas

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So, this is drabble is for Whyareall because of her drabble challenge-thingy so...yeah. The song she chose is 'Oh Well, Oh Well' by Mayday Parade. Enjoy.

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Vanitas was sitting in the movie theatre. He had bought a ticket to one of those superhero movies. To be honest, he couldn't give a rats ass about the movie. He was there to help get his mind off of you. It wasn't working very well, though. He wondered if you thought of him as much as he thought of you.

Vanitas always thought the two of you had a bright future. That's why he was so surprised when you both let it die. It was killing him on the inside. He realized it was the end and he decided to let go of it but he still a little hope.

He regretted the desicion majorly. You made him a better person but he let you slip from his grasp. But he couldn't let it show. Maybe if he pretended that he didn't need you, it would become his reality. He left the theatre wiht the goal of getting over you.

He tried. He tried so hard. But he was having second thoughts. A lot of second thoughts. Even so, he eventually got to the point where he thought he could move on. But then, he caved. He just had to go to your apartment and beg. He knew he didn't deserve you but he could try. His tough-guy badass demeaner was crumbling before his eyes but he didn't care how people looked at him anymore. All he wanted was you.

It was that night that he realized you had moved on. He wasn't getting you back. No way in hell. He wasn't your reason to smile anymore but he accepted it. He decided that your happiness was all that mattered, regardless of whether it was with him or not. It was him that needed to move on now.

All he really knew now was that now matter who your with, what friends you have and who you get involved with, they would never know you as good as he did. That's why he wanted to feel and show you again that he'll keep you warm and safe in his arms. But he knew it wasn't happening.

Oh well, oh well. He'd just have to deal.

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*hides behind couch* Okay, hit me with your tomatos now.

I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter (*cough* LP reference *cough*). I really did try. I'm sorry, Adrian.

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