Happy AkuRokuShi Day. 08/13/14

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Axel groaned in pain as Xion placed and ice pack onto his black eye. "Would you stop moving it! It hurts like a bitch."

"Well it's your fault for starting a fight you couldn't win." Roxas smirked.

"Wh--Hey! Today's not my best day, okay?"

"Mmhm. Keep telling yourself that." Xion joked, moving the ice pack one last time.


"Stop being such a baby."

Xion sat on the couch next to Axel and Roxas took a seat on the floor. He grabbed the remote and started looking through Netflix. "What do you wanna watch?" He kept scrolling through the 'Recently Added' list.

"Hey! You just scrolled past Hannibal!" Axel attempted to snatch the remote from Roxas but failed miserably as he forgot he had an ice pack on his eye. It moved a little and eventually fell, causing him to curse under his breath and grunt in pain.

"Eww! We are NOT watching that!" Xion grimaced at the mention of the show but then chuckled when she noticed Axel's stupidity. "We should watch Rise of the Guardians!"

Axel put his finger in his mouth, pretending to gag himself and Xion sighed, crossing her arms. "Fine then. Roxas will decide. I'm gonna go get some ice cream." She got up and exited Roxas' living room into his kitchen.

Xion came back with three sea-salt bars. She sat back down and handed the other two their ice cream. When she looked at the TV and saw what Roxas put on, she scowled.

"You've got to be kidding me."

Roxas had put on the Spongebob movie. The two boys laughed at her reaction.

"To think, I could be at home watching Rise of the Guardians right now." She thought.

It was going to be a loooooong Friday night for her.

* * *

Here's a short drabble for AkuRokuShi Day. Techically where I am, AkuRokuShi Day is over but Imma post this anyway.Oh, and forgive me if I haven't been myself lately, I'm a little depressed.

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