#1 Falling | Ventus

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I should probably be working on AS because I'm not gonna be able to write the entire week but I really wanted to do this. Sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy!

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You were at your 16 birthday party. Yuffie had gotten everyone to surprise you and by the looks of it, everyone put in a lot of effort. There were balloons covering every inch of the floor, streamers hanging from the roof, confetti everywhere and a giant cake in in the centre of the table.

You blew out all the candles and Tifa handed you a knife to start cutting the cake. You cut the first piece and gave it to Yuffie as she was being an impatient little twerp. The second piece was given to Sora who shoved his way toward you in order to get a piece. You continued giving everyone their pieces.

After you had given everyone their pieces, you took one for yourself. You took a bite and it felt like you were floating in heaven. The cake had the perfect cake-to-icing ratio along with just enough sprinkles. You were enjoying your cake when you were rudely interrupted by a certain blond-haired goofball. He had his hands behind his back and a smirk plastered on his face.

"Ugh. What do you want, Ven? Can't you see I'm busy with someone?" You said, gesturing to the plate full of cake in your hand.

"I'm terribly sorry, Your highness, but I didn't get any cake." He grinned.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I--" Before you could finish, he revealed what he was hiding behind his back, which was an excessive amount of icing. He slathered it all over your face and even got some in your hair. Deciding that it was best if he wasn't there at the moment, he bolted.

You were surprised at first. The surprise faded into a look of anger as you registered what just happened. You quickly followed his actions and ran towards the direction he went. He ran up the stair, with you on his tail. He ran through the upper level and down the other stairwell in hopes of losing you. He had no such luck.

You followed him down the stairs and into the foyer where everyone was gathered. They all looked at the both of as you ran past them. Seeing the icing on your face, they figured out what happened.

"I bet my piece of cake that Ven's going to get beat up." Zack muffled with his full mouth.

"Deal." Riku smirked.

"GUYS! It's not about whether Ven is going to get beat up. It's about whether they are finally going to confess their feelings for each other!" Yuffie scolded.

You kept running through the maze of halls for what felt like decades. You were finally catching up to Ven. Amongst the excitement of being so close to catching Ven, you failed to notice the stuffed animal that little Marlene had left on the floor earlier.

Everything started to go in slow motion as you tripped. You were in midair screaming "This can't be the end!". You were falling. You took in every detail of the moment. The air on your face, your hair flying everywhere, the intenseness of the scene. You shut your eyes and waited for impact.

What you failed to notice about the scene was that Ven had noticed your graceful little stunt. He had stopped running and positioned himself so that you would land on top of him. After all, it was tiled flooring and it would probably hurt a lot if you landed on it.


You opened your eyes to find Ven underneath you. You groggily sat up and tried to put the pieces together. What the hell just happened? You looked at Ven again. He had sat up as well. You were sitting in his lap looking straight into his big blue eyes.

He wiped his finger on your cheek and licked it. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion but then realized that there was still icing on your face and he had just taken some. You hastily started to rub your face with your sleeve in hopes that it would get rid of the icing. Of course with your luck it didn't work.

He caught your arm as a means to stop you from panicking. He leaned in slowly. He was getting closer and closer. Almost there and....NOPE!!

"Have you guys made out yet or no?" Axel asked as he walked into the hallway you guys were currently in.

You jumped up in surprise. Your face was bright red and Ven had his usual smirk on, trying to act normal.

"AXEL! You ruined the love!" Yuffie popped out of where Axel had came from. Axel shoved you to the side and brushed past you. Yuffie followed, with a angry gleam in her eyes. Apparently the rest of the group was hiding as well and they started to chase after Yuffie so they could stop her from killing Axel.

After they were gone, you and Ven chuckled to yourselves.

"So...Um...Should I help you with that icing?" Ven asked.

You smiled, "Sure. I'd like that."

You had never been so happy to have fallen before.

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It's really short, I know. But at least I tried, right? Right? No? Oh well. Comment/Vote/Follow?

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