Chapter 13

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The next morning was the same as the last ones few mornings have been. The only odd part was that Audrey never came back. She had to have spent the night in someone else's room. I wasn't too worried for her but when I really thought about it, she didn't have too many friends. She and I had that similarity and that was about the only thing we had in common.

She might have been with Tiana's daughter, Trinity, who knows though. For all I know she could have stayed the night with Chad snuggled up next to him, looking for comfort. I wouldn't blame her either. Breakups have to be hard, I honestly wouldn't know because I've only dated Ben before this and neither of us were too upset over that.

"Time to get up and get ready," I whispered to Carlos kissing his cheek before getting out of bed. I was picking out an outfit once Carlos got out my bed and started making his way towards the door.

"I'll meet you down at breakfast," he yawned and I realized that he was not a morning person at all. He sluggishly walked out of my room as Audrey returned from being MIA for our room.

"Is he going to sleep here every night?" Audrey asked me as she sat down in front of her mirror getting ready for the day.

"I don't see why you would even care. Where did you even go last night? Don't tell me it was with Chad, as much as I hate you, you could do way better. I mean you think I hate you, you don't understand how much I hate Chad Charming," I told her as she just shook her head with a small laugh.

"No, I went to go have a talk with Ben about everything and then Jay invited me to hang out and I stayed the night. We complained about the two of you a lot actually, turns out I have more in common with a villain than I ever did with the likes of you," she remarked looking at my outfit choice and then a look of disgusted appeared on her face.

"What? Does my fashion choice all of sudden offend you or something? I happen to love this sweater," I explained and she just shrugged.

"No, but you're dating Carlos De Vil. I just couldn't date a boy that had more fashion sense than me, that would be embarrassing," she replied putting on her lip gloss. I still couldn't believe that Audrey daughter of Aurora would stay the night with Jay son of Jafar. I guess she really proves my statement that we're not our parents and that our lives are not set in stone.

"It is true that Carlos has an amazing fashion sense but that doesn't mean I have to better than him. This is the 21st century Audrey, boys can have a feminine side even though fashion isn't very feminine in my opinion and girls don't have to be prim and proper all the time. You really think I care that he dresses better than me, that had to be the only thing that his horrible mother ever taught him," I stated changing quickly, not changing the sweater and heading down to Jay and Carlos's room. What does Audrey know? She likes Jay of all people, there's a reason I don't listen to her advice.

Anyways, I knocked on the boys' door as Carlos opened the door for me and I saw Jay give a wave in the back just chilling out on his bed. "Ready to go?" I asked looking at Carlos's outfit. I loved the way he dressed, although I didn't get the shorts all the time but I didn't question it. I didn't care that I didn't dress up to par with him. I need to stop letting Audrey make me question things.

"Yes, someone was telling me about maple syrup and I really need to try it. I asked Ben about it and said it was liquid candy! Liquid candy!" He beamed taking my hand as he rushed me down to the mess hall for breakfast. He grabbed two waffles for himself as I directed him to the syrup and he poured it all over his waffles filling the little squares to the brim.

"How are you not three hundred pounds?" I asked him as I got a bowl of cereal for my breakfast and an apple.

"We didn't have this stuff back on the island. Why does this stuff make you fat?" He asked and I told him all about the world of sugar and calories stored away in everything sweet. "But, it takes so good," he responded looking so disappointed by them.

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