Uncle MiniCat?

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Vanoss's POV: 

I couldn't tell what time it was. The sun was just rising. I soon as I got up off Delirious without waking him up a huge shot of pain went through my body but mostly my ass. "Ouch!" I whisper-screamed. I limped up to our bedroom and got dressed. I threw on my 'H2ODelirious' shirt Del got me. And some black skinny jeans. 'Fuck, he really fucking won last night didn't he..' I giggled and went to check on our babies. Jacob was cuddled up with his teddy belly down, and Emmet was cuddled up with his owl belly up. 'Awwwweee' I chuckled and walked out of the room. 

I went back down stairs to my cute little Delirious still sleeping. I figured I'd make him breakfast and start Emmet and Jacob a bottle. I was gonna make chocolate chip waffles and sausage for breakfast. As soon as I got the sausage out to thaw my phone went off. It was a text from Tyler-(Wildcat)

 'Hey man do you mind if Craig and I come over this weekend we got something to tell you guys and we wanna hang out with our fucking best friends for a while.' I repiled. 'Sure bud and Del and I kinda gotta surprise for you guys too :P' 'Okie but I swear to fucking god if you guys prank me with some fucking Hoodini shit I'm gonna kick your ass Evan.' 'XD OK come at me bro and what time you guys plan on coming?' 'Idk maybe around 5:00 pm. Idk it depends on this dip shit here :)' Who is his little 'dip shit' Mini? No way are they? No they couldn't be... Or could they? No fucking way!!! 'Kay, hope you and your lil dip shit have fun ;) gtg ttyl gotta cook some bf for hubby.' 'Okie.....ummm.. -_- ANYWAY, good fucking luck feeding him xD see ya later.'

I continued the breakfast for my Delirious and I. The waffles were done, along with the sausages. I popped both of the bottles out of the microwave. I heard a deep husky voice 'Heheheh guess who's up' "What smells so damn good, other than you Evay bear?" "I made both of us breakfast in a bottle to eat." I giggled. "Damn did I hurt your ass that much you need to drink your food?" He let out his amazing, famous laugh and got up. He walked over to me and kissed me. "How much does it actually hurt?" "Well I sorta limp around a bit." I started to place out breakfast and Del busted out laughing. "Oh my god you look like a fucking penguin when you walk!" I glared at him. "A very sexy and adorable penguin though!" He started laughing again so I joined in. 

Delirious's POV: 

WAFFLES! SAUSAGE! ORANGE JUICE! AND A VERY SEXY HUSBAND TO EAT IT WITH!! YERSH! BEST. BREAKFAST. EVER. "Ohhhhhh my gods, this is amazing but not amazing as you!" (Sorry for the cheeziness, don't worry they'll be alotta cheeziness love with Mini and Wildcat too xD) Vanoss giggled and blushed a little. "Hey babe Tyler texted me this morning and asked if him and Craig could come for a weekend and hang out? But they have something to tell us." Hmmm I wonder what. "I'm down, but they don't know about our little Jake and Emmet." "Hey that's something we get to tell them our secret too!" Vanoss laughed, I laughed along but I had the greatest idea. "Hey why don't we make them change a dirty diper?" "Dude we haven't changed one yet!" "So? It can't be that hard!" "Ok smart ass lets see. I think Emmet is up!" 'Shiiiiiiiit' I nervously laughed "okie" 

I ran up stairs and grabbed Emmet and damn was there a smell. "Ok Emmet save your shit for Daddy Vanoss...literally." I put him on the changing table and wholey shit (literally xD) "GOD DAMN IT EMMET!!" He started crying "Ohhh shhh I'm sorry my little owl, awwwee Emmet shhhh it's ok daddy's sorry." He stopped crying and gripped my finger and it was the best feeling in the world. I changed Emmet's diaper and put a red onesie on him. And Vanoss grabbed Jacob and took him down stairs as I followed. We fed and burped both of them and put them on the floor on their bellys. I let out my famous laugh after Vanoss was tickling me and I punched him in the shoulder. Then a couple seconds after I laughed we heard a smaller but similar laugh. My maniac laugh. It was Jacob. He was still laughing like me. Vanoss broke out laughing, nearly crying. "Just like his father!!" He looked at me with his little blue eyes. They had a little glint of Delirious in them. I smiled and hugged him softly. 

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