Home Sweet Home

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Vanoss's POV:

I was finally able to get out of that hospital. Delirious grabbed our stuff and walked out to the curb while I called a taxi since our vehicle was still at home. As soon as the taxi came Delirious and I got inside with our stuff. I gave the driver the address as he drove off. 

*Time skip to Fong Household*

I thanked and paid the driver. Delirious grabbed our stuff and went inside. But I got lost in my thoughts. 'Who watched Jacob and Emmet while we were gone?' Delirious walked in first as I followed. Guess who were still here?? Yep 'Uncle MiniCat'. "Why the hell are you guys still here?" I looked at Wildcat. "Well someone needed to watch the little hoodini and delirious while you guys were gone." Wildcat stated. "But why didn't you guys come help me with Delirious?!" I was getting pissed. Mini answered this time. "We couldn't hear you Evan, your house is a pretty decent size." "Oh I thought you guys just didn't wanna get pranked again..." "Evan why the hell would we let you or Jon fall off a roof while we were standing right the fuck there?" Wildcat said. Delirious ran up stairs to check on the babies I'd imagine. Wildcat walked up to me and bro hugged me. "Dude, we are both soooo sorry." Mini nodded and joined the hug and Delirious walked down smiling and joined in our hug. "Well we better head out. We gotta plane to catch." Mini said. "Oh, you guys are leaving?" "Well we kinda have plans of our own." Wildcat said and smirked. We gave them one last hug and they left. 

Delirious's POV:

It was 7:00pm. "So whata wanna do, Evay bear?" I asked. "I don't know. It's just us." He winked. I ran into him and pinned him against the wall. I put his arms above his hands and started kissing him. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Then bit my bottom lip really hard. "Ouch!" "Sorry babe!" Then he tried again and I let him in. He wasn't really exploring my mouth, I mean he knows how it is. It was like reminiscing memories. In each others mouths. He let out a moan. Then started to suck and nibble on my neck, I tried holding in the moans but I couldn't. Then he bit me. But it felt sooooo damn gooood. "You little feisty bitch..." I whispered. He smirked and put his mouth to my ear and just blew into it. I let out another moan. Then he put his hands in my shirt and started messing with my nipples. He bit his bottom lip. I started to suck on his neck. He moaned. I put my mouth to his ear and whispered. "Am I a bit too Delirious for you?" He looked at me and his eyes seemed to be a darker brown. 

He looked hungry. He lifted me up by the waist and threw me on the couch. He started tickling me. I let out my maniac laugh and started laughing along. "Whose Delirious now bitch? You weren't ready for that Hoodini move were ya?" I started laughing even harder when I saw his neck. Bruises and hickeys all over his neck. "Looks like I marked my territory!" He looked at me and smirked. "Look at your damn neck. We gave each other fucking tattoos!!" He started laughing even harder. "I love you bitch!" I yelled. "I love you too!! And you're the bitch!" He chuckled. "NO! We both are!" He let out a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah, okay!" I looked into his dark chocolate brown eyes and fell in love with them all over again like the first time I saw his face. "I love you Evan Fong!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "You're my fucking owl bitch!" I chuckled after the kiss. He looked at me and looked like he was in a trance. "I love you....Jonathan Fong.." He gave me the most passionate kiss. "And you are my raccoon bitch..." we both chuckled and just sat there staring into each other's eyes. It could go on for ever in those beautiful brown eyes of his....


So I got two parts done on a school nite....FUCK YEAH!! This one was a bit short, but I promise I'll make it up to you guys! And dayuuummm if they got together would you guys try reviving me? xD SEE YA LATA MEH H2OVANOSS SHIPPAS!!! <3

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