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Delirious's POV: 

All I saw was blackness, but I heard sirens. I was on some sort of bed. And people talking. "He's waking up." "He's breathing" "Now we have to see how well that other one is." WHAT OTHER ONE?? I panicked inside so the people wouldn't hear me. I had a feeling these people were paramedics. But who was the other one. I can't even remember who I was with. I just remember sitting on the roof with Vanoss. We went over a bump and I hit my head. 'Ouch' I couldn't take the pain that went through my whole body but most in my back and head. I thought 'Fuck it' and drifted off into the blackness again until we arrived to our destination. 

*Le time skip to the "destination"* 

I woke up in a bed and I could actually open my eyes. I was connected to a bunch of shit. It was hard to move, and it hurt. I was in a hospital. "Hello" I said out loud to no one. A nurse walked in. "Hello Jonathan, you're awake! How are you feeling?" I looked up at her but it hurt to. It was too bright. "Like shit.." She sighed. "You are lucky that other man soften your fall for you so you would get hurt." I jerked up and every fucking thing in my body winced in pain. "Who was this man? And is he ok?" The nurse looked at me and gave me a weak smile. "I have no idea let me go ask the doctor." She got up and left the room. I was disappointed in myself. How the hell did I end up here? Was it my fault? Or someone else's?  I looked at the T.V and Sponge Bob was on. It reminded me of Vanoss. Where is he? WAIT. I nearly started crying. Was he the one that broke my fall? NO! NO! NO! The nurse came back into my room. She had the saddest look on her face. She looked at me and sat down on my bed. "His name is Evan Fong, and we saw he had the same last name as you so we figured he is your significant other." I looked up and nodded. "Yes. Is he ok?" She looked away from me this time and looked down at her hands. "Well, he is alive but he hasn't waken up yet..." I lost it and the nurse came over to me and hugged me, she was crying with me. "Hun, I promise you he'll wake up soon. Love never loses." I looked up at here and tried my hardest to smile. After a while she had to leave but she said she come back to see if I am ok. And that I needed my rest. 'AGAIN' I was watching Sponge Bob until I drifted off into a deep sleep.

*Delirious's dream (well nightmare)*

I was in a dark room. Then a light turned on. There was a hospital bed. I walked closer. It had a man in it. Closer. He was Asian with jet black hair. Closer. Lips I had mine all over all the time. Vanoss. He was connected to a bunch of stuff and looked like he was in pain. But he was sleeping.  Beep. Beep. Beep. Was all I could hear. Then the beeps got quieter and I could hear Vanoss's little snores. I had a little smile on my face. Then his eyes shot open and he screamed. "DELIRIOUS!!!" I grabbed his hand. "What I'm right here! Shhhhh." He looked at me and smiled. Then the machines started going crazy. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. Vanoss winced in pain. His grip tighten on my hand and nearly crushed it. He let out a loud yell in pain. "OUUUUUCH!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!" He laid back on to the bed, sweating. I started crying. "I'M SOOOO SORRY BABE THIS IS ALL MY FAULT I SHOULD'VE NEVER LET GO!!!" He tried looking at me. His eyes bloodshot. "But it was worth it you're.... you're still alive and well.." He looked at me and gave me a weak grin. "And you got Jacob and Emmet... and YouTube... and..." I stopped him. "WHAT ABOUT YOU!!! ALL I WANT IS YOU!!! OUR FAMILY ISN'T A FAMILY WITHOUT YOU!!!" He started crying. "Jonathan Fong.... I will forever and always love you... remember... through life and death..." He gave me a kissed on the lips then laid back down and smiled. Then everything froze. His grip loosened. His hand fell to the side of the bed. His brown eyes were just opened. I looked at those beautiful brown eyes one more time and closed them and walked away.....

*end of dream* 

"JONATHAN JONATHAN ARE YOU OKAY???" "YOU WERE SCREAMING AND CRYING AND YELLING AND SWEATING!!" "ARE YOU OKAY?" I opened my eyes. And let out a weak "Yes.. I'm fine." I said with tears streaming down my face. "Hey Jonathan you can go see your husband if you want to." I looked at her and nodded. "Ok lets go hun." She helped me up and walked me to another room. She opened the door and let me walk in. And then she left me alone with him. He looked so peaceful sleeping. Then my dream came back to me. I shook it off and went towards his bed. I took his hand and sat down in the chair next to his bed, but didn't let go of his hand. I looked at him and started to cry again. "Why. Why did you break the fall for me?" I whispered. "It's all my fault you're in this condition." "I owe you something when you wake up...if you do." I mumbled the last part. "But no matter what happens don't leave me." "I love you Evan...." 


"I did it because I love you..." I said very faintly. Delirious looked up at me and wrapped his arms around me, which brought a lot of warmth to my body in this cold ass room. I felt my hospital gown get wet. I looked at Delirious. He was crying. "Why are you crying?" "I thought I was gonna loose you!" "You'll never loose me! I'm your bitch! And your Evay bear!" I giggled at the last part. I heard Delirious sniffle then laugh. "I missed you so much!" "I missed you too!" I kissed him on the lips. "Thank you Evay bear." "For what?" "For breaking my fall..." "I did it for you. And I still have you so no need to thank me." I smiled and asked. "How long have I been in here?" "Almost 2 days." "Oh. Really?" "Yeah" "Well I'm glad I'm back. But when the hell can I get out of here!!" "It depends." "Whata talking aboot?" Delirious giggled. Ohh how I missed that adorable teddy bear. "You'll have to ask the nurse." A nurse walked in. "Jonathan how is he..? HE WOKE UP!!!" She ran over to Delirious and hugged him then lightly hugged me. "Evan, you need to stay for just one more night, and then you can go home with your amazing husband!" She hugged me once more and left. It was just Delirious and I again. He looked at me and sat on top of me on the bed. He deeply kissed me then laid his head on my lower chest area. "I love you so much Evay bear..." He yawned, how long did he wait here with me? "I love you too Del...." Delirious turned on the T.V and put on Sponge Bob and I started laughing. "Sponge Bob? How'd you know?" "Well you're my husband and it was on in my room!" He kissed me on the lips once more and laid his head back down. After a while I could here Delirious's snores. 'Awwwwee' "I love you.." I whispered in his ears. I was about to go to sleep. 'Man I can't wait to go home.' Was my last thought before falling asleep with my big teddy bear. 

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Welp. It all went out happy. But it's not over yet. And I can't write a sad story. YET. I'll update soon!! SEE YA LATA MEH FELLOW SHIPPAS!!! LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLL!!!  <3 :3 

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