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Vanoss's POV: 

I woke up on the floor on top of Delirious. He was still sleeping. I got up carefully and looked at the clock. It was 3:00pm. I think we fell asleep at noon. I put my cloths back on and walked out of our room. I checked on Emmet and Jacob. Jacob was 'talking' to his teddy bear. 'Just like his daddy' I thought. Emmet was jumping up and down holding on to the side of the crib. Then he started screaming which set off Jacob. "Ahhhhhhhhhh" from Jacob and he got up and started jumping. Emmet grabbed his owl and threw it at Jacob. Jacob fell backwards onto his crib and started crying. I grabbed Emmet and put him on the floor and scolded him. "Emmet, why'd you do that? That's very mean! Bad boy Emmet." Emmet looked up at me and started crying and punching my leg. I sighed. I grabbed Jacob and put him on the floor with Emmet. "Now, Emmet give Jacob a hug." Emmet crawled over to Jacob and wrapped his arms around him. "Awww, good job Emmet." I hugged both of them, but something was missing. I walked out of the boys' room and the followed me by crawling. 

I walked into the room with a still sleeping Delirious. He looked cold, even under the blanket. I grabbed him, still wrapped around the blanket so Emmet and Jacob wouldn't question, and set him on the end of our bed without any of our liquids on it. He woke up and looked at me. "Hey beautiful." He said in is very sexy morning voice. I kissed him on the lips and told him he has to get up. "But whyyyyyyy?!" He whined, it was adorable. "Becaaaaaaause, our babies are up and they're in the room and the only thing covering your beautiful junk is that blanket." "Oh shiiiiiit, I better get dressed." I grabbed Emmet and Jacob and took them out into the kitchen. I put them in their highchairs. I grabbed the cake and put it on the counter. Jacob stretched out his arms and tried grabbing it. Emmet started smacking his highchair. Delirious came down stairs and smiled.  "Oooh cake!" I laughed. "We made the cake, don't be so surprised."I cut both of them a piece of cake. Delirious and I started to sing the 'Happy Birthday' song. As soon as we finished Emmet had icing all over his face. Jacob had icing on his onesie. Then, I felt something on the side of my face. It was cake from who? I looked at Delirious and he shook his head. I looked at Jacob and Emmet and they were both giggling. Delirious bursted out laughing. And who couldn't laugh along with that laugh? We were all laughing our asses off until there was a knock at the door. Our laughing stopped. I walked towards the door with Delirious right behind me. 

I cracked the door opened and was attacked by hugs.  Wildcat, Mini, CaRtOoNz, Lui, and Nogla were all here. "Wassup?" "How you guys doing?" "Where's the party?" I looked confused. "What party?" "For the little ones of course!" Nogla answered. "Oh, we had a little one but we didn't think a shit ton of people were coming, just Delirious, me and the boys." "Dude come on! This was a surprise for them, so lighten up man." This was from CaRtOoNz. I walked everyone to the kitchen. "Awwwe there they are!" Nogla said and ran up to them. Lui started talking to them in his squeaker voice, making them giggle. Wildcat and Mini had their arms wrapped around each other and smiling at them. CaRtOoNz was telling them what to do and what not to do when they're playing video games with us. Delirious snuck up on me and wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed my neck and my lips. "So what's gonna happen babe?" He asked. "I have no idea, but we have to figure it out soon." I wrapped my fingers with his and walked over to the guys. "So what the hell we gonna do?" "Well Evan it's your house." Wildcat said. "Well first, how long you guys staying?" Delirious asked. "Just for tonight." Mini answered. "Okie, so sleeping orders." I started. "Nogla, you can sleep on the floor in the boys room. With Lui." I swear as soon as I said that I saw a tint of pink on Lui's cheeks. "Okie, CaRtOoNz, Mini, and Wildcat you guys split that up." CaRtOoNz had a funny looking face on. "Ummm can I sleep on the dining room table. These two might end up butt fucking each other." "Whatever man as long as you get sleep." Everyone started laughing. "Okie dokie boys lets get this party started!!" I yelled with my arms around Delirious kissing him. 


OKIE. FIRST, I'M SORRY I COULDN'T HAVE EVERYONE THERE Dx Second I hoped yer all liked and SEE YA LATA MEH FELLOW VANLIRIOUS SHIPPAS!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!! :3 xD <3  A/N : Heheheh notice I didn't say H2OVanoss, but either way it's the same two adorable love birds!! <3 

Dada?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora