Chapter 1

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*Alex's POV*

"Come on. This way." My friend Wyatt whispered as we snuck around the building. She stopped at the back door. I picked the lock and we slipped inside. We ran up the stairs all the way to the top floor. We walked down the hallway till we came to the main office doors. I bent down and pressed my ear to door. I don't hear anything. I sniff the air. I don't smell anyone. It's clear. I nodded my head to Wyatt and we went inside quickly. I made my way to the desk and sat down. I immediately began looking through the files till I found the right one. Wyatt, on the other hand, was busy trying to open the safe that was hidden behind a picture. I found the file I was sent for and plugged the USB drive into the computer. It started downloading while Wyatt put the contents of the safe into her backpack.
"What do you think Colonel wants with all this?" She asked as she zipped the bag up. I shrugged my shoulders and watched the computer. I heard gun shots outside. We ran to the window and looked outside. A group of men were walking in through the front gate taking out all of the guards. This place is heavily protected. Outside was about 200 men and 2 tanks and these guys took them all out as if it was nothing. Our orders were to sneak in, retrieve the file, and get out without getting noticed. These guys might complicate things.
"We better hurry." I told Wyatt telepathically. I was born with damaged vocal cords so I can't actually speak so I speak using telepathy. Oh, I should probably tell you Wyatt and I are mutants. Dangerous ones. Even though I'm 13 and she's 11, we have been trained as weapons our whole lives. I went back to desk to watch the files download. It was close to finishing when I looked at the small TV on the desk and saw it was the security camera in the elevator. 7 guys stepped in and they were headed to the top level. There was a red button next to the screen. I shrugged and pressed the button and the elevator shut down. Then one guy put his hand to his head and it started working again.
"I thought no one was going to be up there." A big, blonde guy in the back said.
"Well, whoever it is they are probably after the same thing we are." An old guy in the middle said. The download finished as soon as the elevator reached this floor. I grabbed the USB drive and threw the computer down and smashed it. Wyatt ran and locked the main door. We ran for the side door and opened it as soon as the other one got kicked in. We took off running but stopped when an African American man in a cowboy hat teleported in front of us.
"Not so fast kids." He said adjusting his gun. The rest of them walked up behind us.
"What's the rush, kids?" The old guy said. I put the USB drive in my pocket and turned to face him.
"What's two little girls like you doing in a place like this?" A blonde guy with swords asked.
"That's none of your business." Wyatt growled and extended her claws. She has 3 metal claws that extend out of her knuckles on each hand. The guys looked at her in shock. Then I extended my claws. I have 5 metal claws that come out of my finger tips on each hand. Then 6 of the guys looked at the 7th guy in the back in shock. His scent was similar to mine and that told me exactly who he was. Victor Creed. My father. Or so I was told. Wyatt's father was his brother, James Howlett. Who isn't here. Neither of them know that we exist.
"Who are you?" Old guy asked.
"We could ask you the same." Wyatt said. He smirked.
"Colnel William Stryker."
"Wyatt Howlett. Alex Creed." She said motioning to me. The guys looked at Victor again. I rolled my eyes.
"Funny how these idiots can't put 2 and 2 together." I told her.
"Let's just get out of here. We're wasting time and the longer we take the more pissed off Colonel is gonna be."
"Well now that's out of the way. I believe you have something I want." Stryker said.
"Oh, really? Well that's too bad cause you ain't gettin' it."
"Fred." Stryker moved back and the big, blonde guy walked up to me. He grabbed my throat and lifted me in the air. I grabbed his wrist and kicked him in the face. He dropped me and as soon as my feet hit the ground I threw him into the wall behind me and he went through it. He didn't move so it was obvious I knocked him out. I turned back to Stryker to see him wide eyed. Victor had a smirk on his face. He was obviously impressed.
"Let's go already." Then an Asian guy pointed a gun at me and shot me in the gut. I looked down and pulled the bullet out with my claws.
"Damn I liked this shirt." The hole healed up and I dropped the bullet. I grabbed his wrist and punched him in the nose, kneed him in the stomach and elbowed his face and he was out. God, you'd think for a mercenary he would be able to take a hit. Apparently not. Then the dude with swords came at me. I blocked his attacks and when I saw an opening I punched him in the jaw. He spun around giving Wyatt the opportunity to kick him in the face and he went down. Victor chuckled a bit.
"I think we should replace Wade with her. She's better than him and a lot quieter." He joked but Stryker didn't seem to be amused. I couldn't help but to smirk at bit, showing off my fangs. The guy in the cowboy hat teleported in front of me and punched me. I spun around and caught him by the throat as soon as he teleported behind me. I lifted him in the air and dug my claws into the sides of his neck.
"You teleporters are all the same. Predictable." I told him. I lifted him a little higher before I slammed him down.
"Well, this has been fun and all but we have some place to be." Wyatt told them. Using our super speed we ran off. In a matter of seconds we left the building, ran across half of Europe, across the Atlantic Ocean and across the U.S. all the way to the middle of an Arizona desert. We came to a stop once we reached the base doors. The doors opened and we walked inside only to be greeted by a back hand slap to the face.
"What took so long?" Colonel yelled.
"A group of mutant mercenaries showed up, sir." Wyatt told him. I took the USB drive out of my pocket and handed it to him. He snatched it away and took the bag away from Wyatt. He walked away and a couple of soldiers pushed us forward. We were lead back to our cells and locked in. I sat down with my back against the wall and looked across the hall to see Wyatt laying down in her cell.
"Was that your dad standing in the back?" I sighed and ran my fingers through my long dirty blonde hair.
"Yeah. It was."
"Do you think that if we ever got out of here, our dads would want anything to do with us?" She asked turning her head to look at me.
"I think about it all the time, but I don't know. If we did get out Colonel would come after us. You could hide using your shape shifting, but I couldn't. And plus we don't know the first thing about the outside world. We've been locked up in here our whole lives. The only things we know are fighting and killing." I told her and she sighed.
"Yeah you're right. It's probably best if I didn't waste my time dreaming of something that will never come true." She rolled over and put her back to me.
"Hey, I didn't say that. Dreaming of a better life is how I stay sane in this hell hole. Besides, who knows, maybe it will come true one day. If we want out, we gotta plan it perfectly. I don't know if we would ever find our dads, but even if we don't, anything is better than this place."
"Yeah." The lights in our cells went out and it was nothing but darkness.
"Good night Alex."
"Good night Wyatt."

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