Chapter 8

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*Alex's POV*

I sat down on the widow seat in my room and stared outside. For a place that looks pretty old, it's pretty cool. I looked around the room. It was simple. A bed, a dresser, a desk and a TV. All things that I've only dreamed of having. I'm scared to touch anything in case it might disappear and this turns out to be a dream.

Graydon walked in and stood in the doorway. I guess he's done unpacking. He threw some clothes down on the bed.
"Kitty and Rouge gave me those for you since you didn't have anything. Just don't be surprised if the shirts are crop tops."
"Wanna explore the house with me?" I nodded and got up. We went into every room. We found Victor's room and his office. There were shelves full of books and a wall of rifles. We moved on and found the attic. At the end of the hall there was a bathroom. We went down stairs and found the kitchen, the laundry room, and the den. There was only one door left and it was locked. I started picking the lock.
"Dude, we are going to get in trouble." Graydon said. I just shrugged and opened the door. Behind it was a stair case leading to the basement. We went down there to find tons of boxes. Graydon started going through the boxes and pulled a cloth off a table to discover a pool table.
"Holy shit." He started looking for cues while I looked around. He threw boxes around until he found the cues on the back wall. He threw one towards me and set the balls up.

I use to play pool and poker with the some of the guards when Armstrong wasn't there. We'd gamble using money and cigarettes. I got pretty good after a while. Sometimes the guards were really cool and other times they were complete assholes. They taught me to play chess, checkers, and cards. Well, until Armstrong found out they let me out of my cell. After that I was just glad I was friends with the doctor.

We played a few games and I kicked his ass every time. He eventually gave up and we kept looking around. We found old army uniforms from wars from the Civil War to Korea. Old dog tags, boots and even guns. I even found pictures of Victor in uniform during war. Some of them had Logan in them too. One picture shown them tied to a post in front of a firing squad.
"Hey I found some DVDs. Wanna watch one?"
We went upstairs and I jumped on the couch as he put the movie in.
"What movie is it?"
"Batman with Jack Nicolson as The Joker." He sat down next to me and threw his arm around my shoulders. I huffed and sat back. He obviously doesn't understand I don't like being touched and he ain't gonna listen so I might as well get use to it.

By the time the movie was over a truck pulled up in front of the cabin. We watched from the window to see the kids of the base walk up to the porch. They walked right inside as if they lived here.
"What up?!" Jr said as the plopped down on the couch.
"What are you guys doing here?" Graydon said getting up. He was pissed that they were here.
"Relax, we just came to hang out since we all got off on the wrong foot." Ash said.
"Wayne grabbed my sister's ass. He's lucky I don't kill him right now." He yelled glaring daggers at him as he stood in the doorway.
"Just calm down. They'll eventually leave" I say only to Graydon. He just huffs and walks into the kitchen.
"You don't say much do ya, honey?" Jr asked as he looked at me up and down. He's thoughts alone made me want to kill him. I just rolled my eyes and sat down on the stairs.
"Soooo...what do you guy's want to do? I'm sure Victor has something fun to do since our dads come here all the time." Wayne asked.
"Pool table is down stairs." Graydon said pointing to the basement.
"I'm going for a run. Be back later" I told Graydon and he nodded and went downstairs with everyone else.

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