Chapter 2

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A few days later

*Alex's POV*

I woke up to the sound to the distant sound of feet marching towards the hallway where the cells are. I sat up and moved towards the corner of my cell. I pulled my knees to my chest and waited. There is never any telling to what will happen when guards come here so I prepare for the worst. I look over to see Wyatt still asleep. The footsteps are getting closer. I can smell them now. There are a few scents I don't recognize. The main doors open and the guards walk in with a group of kids around my and Wyatt's age, give or take a year or two. They were lead to the empty cells down the hall. The sounds of the cell doors opening and slamming shut woke Wyatt up. She sat up and pushed herself up against the wall. The Colonel must be wanting to try some new experiments. The guards locked their cells and unlocked mine and Wyatt's. Two guards entered our cells. One grabbed me by the back of my jacket and pulled me to my feet. Wyatt was being treated the same way as me. We were pushed out our cells and down the hall. The kids they brought in looked at us with fear in their eyes. We were lead upstairs to Colonel's office. We entered and stood in front of his desk with our feet apart and our hands behind our backs. Colonel stood up and walked to the front of his desk.
"This group of mutant mercenaries you said that showed up at the mission . Did you get any of their names? What did they look like?" He asked.
"Their leader is Colonel William Stryker and one of them was Victor Creed, Sir." Wyatt told him. He smirked and nodded his head. He went and sat back down behind his desk.
"I thought so. I'm sure you two are aware of the new mutants by now. In a few hours we will be running a few more experiments to make you stronger. I'll be inviting several people to observe the experiment, including Colonel Stryker and his team. If one of you does anything out of line you will surely regret it. Do I make my self clear?" He asked.
"Yes, Colonel." Wyatt said. He dismissed us and sent us to the training room.
"How come you never talk to the Colonel?" Wyatt asked me.
"The same reason why I don't physically speak. Because I don't want to. Hell, he doesn't even know I can speak. He still thinks my vocal cords are damaged. They healed up when I got my abilities." I told her. She smirked a little.
"So what? Am I going to be the only person you ever talk to, even if it is telepathically?"
"You're the only person around here worth talking to." I said as we reached the training area. We were given a bit of food and some water before we began training. I was told to start of on worinkg on my combat skills and Wyatt is working on her flexibility. Training is the only thing I don't hate here. Our instructors are the only people here who are nice to us besides one of the nurses. I took my jacket and shirt off and Wyatt did the same. We stood there in our sports bras until we were told to begin. John, the head instructor, lead me to the boxing ring and Wyatt was lead to the mats by Tony. We trained for 5 hours before we were ordered to stop. Colonel walked in with a group of men including Stryker and his team. Victor's eyes immediately landed on me.
"Gentlemen, I liked to introduce my two weapons. X-221 Tyger(me) and X-232 Risque(Wyatt)." Colonel said introducing us. One man in the front scoffed.
"These aren't weapons. They're children. What can they do?"
"Don't underestimate them. They're tougher than they look." Victor told them. I would have smirked but Colonel would have beat the hell out of me if I did.
"Tyger has 10 adamantium claws and Risque has 6." We extended our claws to show our little audience.
"Tyger also has telepathy and Risque is a shape shifter." She shifted into the Colonel.
"They both have super strength and speed, enhanced senses, and healing factors." Wyatt sped over to the top platform where they were standing and then came back down. I walked over to one of the 2 ton weights in the back and lifted it above my head as if it weighed nothing. I set it back down and walked over next to Wyatt. Everyone clapped except Stryker's team.
"Now if you gentlemen will follow me to the lab, we will begin the experiments." Colonel told them as he walked down the stairs from the platform. He lead the group out of the training area and towards the lab. Wyatt and I followed behind them along with several guards. We were given out shirts back and we quickly put them on. When we entered the lab the group of men walked up to the observing area just above the lab. I walked over to one of the two metal tables and laid down. Wyatt did the same. A couple of nurses came over and cuffed our heads, arms, stomachs, and legs to the tables. They put straps over our mouths to keep us from screaming. The nurses position the needles above our heads.
"Today we will be giving Tyger telekinesis and Risque telepathy." Colonel told them.
"Will it hurt them?" One of the men asks.
"Yes. The procedure is extremely painful but they are trained to endure more pain that anyone could ever survive." I could tell Victor was getting angry just by his smell.
"Sir, we are ready to begin." The head nurse says.

*Victor's POV*

The nurse turned on the machine and the needles lowered towards the girls heads. I could smell their fear. They were terrified. The needles pierced their skin and they began screaming. The straps around their mouths muffled their screams. They struggled against the cuffs holding them down.
"Their heart rates are rising." The nurse said watching the beeping machines. The beeping gets faster and faster, then it stops and its just a constant ringing. The girls stopped struggling and were still. The needles were removed and they were uncuffed, but they did not move. After a minute or so Alex shot up and fell off the table. She landed on her knees and had her head in hers hands. Wyatt did the same.
"Yes!" Colonel Armstrong yelled as he slammed his hands on the railing. Alex looked up at me. She looked like a small, frightened child begging for help.
"Guards take them to the training area." Armstrong ordered. A guard grabbed Alex by her hair and yanked her to her feet and pushed her out of the lab. Wyatt was pulled to her feet a lot gentler than Alex. We followed them back to the training area and stood on top of the platform.
"Colonel, surely the girls are weak from the procedure. Don't they need a break or something?" General Hanson asked. Alex glared up at him. She looked behind her and all of the weights and equipment started to float in the air. Weights started flying across the room. Then she dropped all of them.
"There's nothing weak about us." She said telepathically. Everyone clapped.
"Good work, Colonel." The general said shaking Armstrong's hand.
"Thank you, General Hanson. Guards take them to their cells. Gentlemen, if you will follow me please." Armstrong walked out and everyone except me followed him. A guard grabbed Alex and shoved her towards the door. I jumped down from the platform and followed the girls. They were taken down a hallway of cells.

*Alex's POV*

We reached the cell hall and I could smell Victor following us. My door was opened and a guard grabbed me and threw me against the wall inside my cell and slammed the door. Wyatt walked into her cell and gave me a sympathetic look. They have always treated her better than me. I moved to the corner and pulled my knees to my chest and laid my head against them. The guards left and Victor walked in and stood in front of my cell. I ignored him hoping he would just leave, but he didn't. I looked up at him. He stood there for a minute just looking at me before he opened the slide on the door. He took something out of his pocket, stuck his hand through the slide and dropped it. A set of keys and a piece of paper. I looked back up at him and smirked. He returned my smirk and left.

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