Chapter 17

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~Sorry this took so long. I had to focus on school and graduation, and now I've been preparing for college because I start soon. But I promise I will try to update sooner. Thanks for reading, voting and commenting.

*2 years later*

I ducked as the guy's fist flew at me. I kneed him in the stomach causing him to stumble backwards. I took the chance by grabbing his hair and slamming his head into the chain fence over and over until he was limp. He fell to the ground as the crowd cheered.

I wiped the sweat and blood off of my face as I walked out of the cage. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey before going to the back where the locker room is. I sat down on the bench and leaned against the wall. I drank from the bottle watching as the others got ready for their fights.

The owner of this place walked in and over to me holding out a think brown envelope. I took it from him and slipped it in my back pocket. I sat up and grabbed my shirt putting it back on. I slipped my jacket on and walked out the back door.

Snow crunched under my boots as more fell from above. I walked down the street with hundreds of strangers around me. I made my way to the old apartment building I was staying in and climbed up the fire escape to my window. I slipped inside to see it empty like always.

I shut the window and plopped down on the bean bag chair in the middle of the floor. I looked around my shitty little apartment and the same thing I always see. An old mattress with a sheet that full of holes, a duffle bag of dirty clothes and empty whiskey bottles. I'm living the American dream.

A knock came from the window and my friend, Ernie, climbed through. He carried a box in behind him and handed it off to me.

"Some guys came looking for you earlier. Said to give you this." He said sitting down.

I pulled the card to see familiar hand writing.

Happy Birthday Tyger~ Armstrong

I opened the box to see a DVD and a bunch of pictures. I flipped through the pictures and wished I didn't. Each one was of what they did to me. I assume the DVD is not different. I threw the box off to the side and finished the bottle of whiskey in my hand.

"Tell me something, Creed. Why the hell are you here?" Ernie asked.

"No where else to go."

"Bullshit. I've heard you talk about your family before. Why not go back?"

"Didn't belong there then. Don't belong there now. I was made to fight. I was made to kill. Not to be some normal kid." I shook my head and threw the bottle smashing in against the wall. "I can't even begin to tell you of badly I want to go back. See my dad, my brother and my sister. Get out of this shit hole and go home, but I can't. Not after leaving like that. Or after what I've done."

"Who were those guys today?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Guys even I'm scared of. Don't worry, I'm leaving tonight so they shouldn't come around anymore." I said getting up.

I grabbed my bag and packed all my stuff. I grabbed the box and pulled everything out and put them in my bag.

"You're really gonna keep that?" He asked looking at me like I was crazy.

"Yeah. Good reminders of what I've been through and where I come from. What I was made for."

"You talk all this shit about what you were made for and all, but why not prove those who made you wrong? Why not show them you don't have to be what they made to be?"

"Cause I don't know anything else."

I pulled out my key and threw it to him.

"Give that to your dad for me. I'll see ya around."

I walked out and ran downstairs. Armstrong's boys are probably still around. I made my way through the crowd and tried blending in as much as I could. I sniffed the air but couldn't recognize any familiar scents. I just kept my head down and kept walking.

I made it to the bus station and bought a ticket for the next bus to leave which is in 20 minutes to New York. I sat impatiently on the bench bouncing my knee. Soon the bus came and I was the first one on. I made my way to the back and sat down.

I put my headphones on and listened to Pandora for the whole ride. My mind is racing. Soon the bus stopped and I stepped off to see Xaiver and Logan standing in front of me. I walked away, but they started to follow me. I should have known coming here was a bad idea.

"We need to talk to you, kid." Logan said.

"I don't care."

"Alex, please. This is important." Xaiver said.

"Still don't care."

"It's about Wyatt." Logan said grabbing my arm.

I almost asked what was wrong, but it's probably bullshit.

"Weren't you there 2 years ago? I don't give a shit. Now get away from me." I growled yanking my arm away.

"That's bullshit, kid, you and I both know that. And it's not just her. It's her, Graydon, Gracie, and all the other kids from the base." He said.

I stopped and turned around.

"Ok, so they got themselves in trouble. What am I supposed to do?" I asked.

"Help them. We need you to come with us."

"Where are they?"

"With Armstrong."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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