Chapter 9

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*Alex's POV*

I sat in the corner of my room with my knees pulled to my chest. It was early in the morning, and I can hear Victor downstairs. I haven't slept since I left the base, and it's starting to take a toll on me. It's hard to stay awake, but I have to. I'm plagued with nightmares if I so much as close my eyes. My mind wanders to the basement of the base. My own screams ring in my ears. My hands shake and it became hard to breath.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Victor's hand waved in front of my face. I looked up at him as he handed me a few pictures. I looked through them to see they are some me killing people. I struggle to remember where I am in these pictures.
"Where are these from?" I asked.
"Indonesia. Don't you remember?"
I shook my head.
"I remember arriving and leaving, but that's it." I said as I handed the pictures back.
"Why can't you remember?"
"Long story."
"I got time. So why don't you quit with the telepathy and tell me." I took a deep breath. Thank you Wyatt for teaching me how to talk.
"I have a duel personality. Alex and Tyger. When my eyes go black, I turn into Tyger and lose control. I can't stop myself and I can barely remember what I do. What you've seen is the small part that I can somewhat control. Indonesia was a training exercise to see what level of control I have over it. Which is very little." I explained.
"They made you kill an entire village as a training exercise?" I nodded and he shook his head.
"Go get ready. You two are starting school today." He said as he left.

I got up and grabbed a pair of jeans and a crop top Kitty and Rouge gave me and went to the bathroom. I got a quick shower and towel dried my hair and got dressed. I started brushing my teeth when Graydon started banging on the door. I finished getting ready and went back to my room. I put my boots, fingerless gloves and jacket on.I went downstairs to kitchen. Victor was sitting at the table eating. I grabbed a water from the fridge and leaned against the island. Graydon came down and fixed him a plate of eggs and bacon and started stuffing his face. I eventually got a little bit of food and ate.

We left and headed towards the base. I don't know why Victor wants us to take classes. I was force fed an education by brainwashing. I'm smarter than most doctors and CEOs. Making me to go school is stupid and I'd rather not spend anymore time with those idiots.

We get to the base and walk in to see a man dressed in an army uniform standing in front of the others. He had them standing in formation. The man turned around and I immediately recognized him. Sargent Jackson.
"Creed. Last I saw you you were choking on your own blood." He said as soon as he saw me.
"Wouldn't have been if you would have kept your mouth shut." I replied.
"Had a job to do. Nothing personal. Since when did you talk?"
"You've always been a terrible liar and besides you spent more time being drunk then you ever did doing your job. " Everyone looked at us weird as we conversed.
"I take it you know each other." Stryker said as he walked in.
"He worked for Armstrong a few years ago. Use to be one of my trainers." I told them.
"Then I expect no trouble?" He asked.
"Good. Victor." Stryker said as he walked off. Victor followed him but he shot me a look that told me he had questions.
"Line up with the others." Jackson ordered. I rolled my eyes and got in line with the others. He lead us through the halls until we reached a set of big doors. Inside was several desks, books and a black board. Everyone took a seat and I took an empty one on the back.
"You're a teacher now?" I asked.
"No. I'm just here to report any trouble to your fathers." He replied as he took a seat next to the door. A minute later a woman entered the room. She was obviously in her mid 20's.
"Alight, I'm Ms. Taylor for those who don't know. Since all of you are different ages, you take different courses. Alex you will be Ashley and Graydon you will be with Jr. So why don't you all take out your math books and we'll get started." She said as she fumbled around her desk sorting papers.

Several extremely boring and pointless hours later we were finally let out of that room. Afterwards, Jackson took us outside for our final class.
"Run the 5 mile trail. First one back can skip the next drill. No speed, Creed." He said. I rolled my eyes and noticed the others taking off their shirts. Even the girls leaving them in sports bras. Graydon and I did the same as the rest. I heard all of the gasp when they saw my scars and tattoos. We lined up and Jackson shot his gun off in the air. We all took off with me up front. Even without my speed I'm still faster than them. Graydon and Jr stayed close behind me. Jada and Ash were last and Shawn and Wade were somewhere in between.

I finished the run first with everyone trailing close behind. Everyone was out of breath and about to fall over while I was fine.
"Everyone but Creed, line up." Jackson ordered. He had them doing some obstacle course. I watched them as Victor watched me from the base.

*Victor's POV*

"Did you ask her yet?" Wade asked as soon as I entered the room.
"It was a training exercise for her dual personality. The only reason those two survived is because she has a little bit of control of her other side."
"Is her other side the whole black eyed, demon possessed looking thing?" Wade asked and I nodded.
"And Jackson. What about what he said?" John asked.
"Choking on her own blood a few years ago. She had to have been 9 or 10 maybe." Fred said.

We finished the meeting and went separate ways in the base. I went to the gym while the others disappeared. After a while I went outside to make sure Alex hasn't killed anybody yet. They had just back from running. She was leaning against a tree watching everyone do the course. I walked over and stood next to her.
"When did you get tattoos?"
"The night you came to the base."
"What did Jackson mean earlier?"
"When Armstrong wasn't at the base the guards would let us out for a while. Jackson found out and reported it. He took me down to the basement like he always did everynight and left. When he came back he saw the guards beat the hell out of me. They nearly killed me. He quit after that." She told me.
"Is that where the scars are from?" I asked.
"Some." She never looked at me which is something I've noticed. She never makes eye contact.
"Creed! Get in line!" Jackson yelled. She walked away as he walked over here.
"I want to know what he did to her." I said.
"All I know is they beat her every night. I was never allowed past a certain point when I escorted her to the basement. It's obvious that it got worse after I left. I've always had my suspensions about what went on though. Half the time she couldn't even walk back to get cell. You understand where I'm getting at?"
"Yeah." I said before walking back to the base.

*Alex's POV*

Jackson finally told us we were done and we went back inside.
"Do we have to do that everyday?" Graydon asked.
"No. It's always different." Jr replied. We all sat down and just hung out for awhile.
"So, what's with all the scars and shit? Like, what happened?" Wayne asked me.
"I had a rough life. That's all."
"Can you feel them or anything?" He asked.
"I can't feel anything from the waist up or certain parts of my legs."
"Prove it." Jr said butting in.

I stood up and took my shirt off. Jr stood behind me. Balls of fire appeared in his hands. Victor and Fred walked in as soon as fire hit me again and again. He finally quit and my burns healed but I didn't feel anything.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?" Victor and Fred yelled. But everyone kinda ignored them.
"Holy shit! You didn't feel that?" Ash said and I shook my head.
"Let me try next!" Ash said pulling out her gun.
"NO!" Zero yelled at her as he walked in.
"Alex. Graydon. Let's go!" Victor said.
We said bye and went to the truck. Victor got in and slammed the door.
"You're crazy as hell, you know that?" He yelled.
"Not my fault!"

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