Chapter 7

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*Alex's POV*

Victor started the truck and drove off. I could see Wyatt in the side mirror watching the truck. Victor was fuming. He had a tight grip on the steering wheel, but he didn't say anything. Graydon stayed quiet too, until I felt him tap my shoulder.
"What massacre were you guys talking about?" He asked.
"Forget about it. It's better if you don't know." He started poking my shoulder.
"Teeellll mmeeee!" He bugged me. I reached my hand over my shoulder and clawed his hand. Victor shot us both glares and growled.
"You two are really pushing it." He grumbled. We sat back and left each other alone. Victor's already thinking about beating the hell out of us with his belt.

Victor drove us to a small, private airport. As we got out of the truck I saw a jet on the runway. One of the guys from his team was standing by it waiting on us.
"What's wrong Victor? You look upset." He said messing with him as we boarded the jet.
"Shut up and get this thing going, Bradley." Victor growled. Bradley looked at us before putting his hand to his head and making the jet take off. I sat down next to a window so I could look out. I loved to watch everything below when Armstrong's soldiers had to fly me to my missions. They weren't supposed to let me out of my chains in the back but sometimes they did. It depended on who was there.

No one really said much on the trip. Victor and Bradley talked some but I didn't really pay attention to them. Graydon listened to music on his phone. I watched as the ground went from green to white. Snow? Where are we going? I heard Bradley start chuckling a little. I turned towards him to see him and Victor looking at me.
"I'm guessing you've never been on a plane before, huh?" He said.
"I have been a few times. I've just never seen snow before."
"Really? Didn't Armstrong let you go outside every once in a while?" He asked.
"Only for training and missions. Other than that I had to stay in my cell."
"How long were you there?"
"10 years, 11 months, 7 days."
"How can you keep track of the days like that?"
"He took me on my 3rd birthday and I have a perfect memory so I never forget anything."
Bradley went quiet after that. Victor continued to not speak to me but he watched me closely. He was still mad but not as much as he was earlier. He's calmed down a lot but he's still thinking about taking his belt to my backside.

After another hour the jet landed near a military base.
"Where are we?" Graydon asked as we stepped off the jet.
"Canada." Bradley said before walking off. We were about to go inside when Victor grabbed the back of our jackets.
"You two even dare thinking about acting up and I swear you will regret it." He growled and let us go. We looked at each other and followed him. We walked inside to see his team and a group of kids around our age staring at us. The guy with swords jumped up when he saw me.
"I want a rematch!" He said pointing a sword at me.
"No." Victor growled glaring at him. He walked off down a hall and that guy followed him begging for us to fight. What a dumb ass. Everyone looked back at us. I read their minds to learn their names. There's Fred, John, Bradley, Zero, Wade, Jr(17), Wayne(15), Ash(13), Shawn(15) and Jada(10).
"Victor was the last guy I expected to have kids." Jr said going back to his food.
"Let alone take them in." Ash said cleaning her gun.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Graydon asked. The adults left and disappeared down the hall Victor went down.
"It means we've known Victor our whole lives and he's an asshole. Honestly, I feel sorry for you two" She replied.
"At least I'm not the only who thinks he's an ass." He said. Everyone laughed and he sat down. He introduced us and started talking to Jr and Shawn. I just walked over and leaned against a wall.

*Victor's POV*

Stryker explained to us the details of our next mission. It's a two day trip and I just got the kids. What the hell am I gonna do with them? I don't want to leave them here at the base because Alex will probably end up killing one of the other's kids.
"We should take Alex with us. See what she can really do." Wade suggested. I growled and rolled my eyes. I left and went to find Alex and Graydon. I went to the gym where I left them only to find it empty. I follow their scents outside to see Alex beating the hell outta Wayne. I ran over and wrapped my arms around her waist. I pulled her off of him and she struggled to get loose.
"What the hell is going on here?!" Stryker yelled busting out the door. All the kids started laughing.
"I paid Wayne $50 to grab Alex's ass." Jr said through his laughter. Before anyone could say anything, Graydon busted Jr's lip. Soon they were fighting and Fred pulled them apart. He's already sticking up for his sister. They might not be too bad.

Fred let go of Graydon and led his son inside. Wade grabbed Wayne and drug him inside as well. Alex kept struggling in my arms. I carried her to my truck and put her down. I opened the door and made her get in. Graydon joined her while I talked to Stryker.
"I'm going to leave them at my cabin while we're gone. I'll be back before we leave."
"Are you going to let them take classes with the others here?"
He asked. I forgot about the private tutors that the guys hired.
"I don't know. Maybe. I don't think Alex is ready to be around people yet." He nodded and walked inside. I got in the truck and started the engine.
"Alex, if a guy ever touches you again, kill him. Graydon, if she doesn't, you kill him." I put the truck in gear and drove off.

I pulled up to my cabin. We went inside and I had the kids sit down on the couch.
"OK. Look I have to go on a mission for 2 days and I obviously can't leave you two at the base, so you have to stay here. But there are rules.
1. No fighting
2. No cussing
3. No drinking or smoking
4. You do as you are told when you are told
5. No talking back or disrespect
There will probably end up being more but I'll worry about that later. You get one warning and this is it. You break a rule you get punished. I'm forgetting what happened today but it's the only time I'll do that. Graydon, since you're the oldest your in charge. Alex is to be in bed by 8:30 and you by 9:30. I'll know when you lie to me so don't even try it. Now, I guess you two can pick your rooms." I lead them upstairs and down the hall. Alex went to the room on the right and Graydon went to the left. Graydon started unpacking and I remembered Alex didn't have anything. I went to her room to see her looking outside from the window seat.
"When I get back, I'll take you to get some clothes and stuff that you'll need." She gave me a slight smile, but that's all.
"I better head back. Think you two will be ok by yourselves?"
"Definitely. We'll be fine. What's the worst than could happen?" Graydon replied.

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