Chapter 16

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I sat in the floor with my back against the wall. I stared at the door waiting for an angry Victor to kick it in. I heard the truck pull up and my heart started racing. Oh God. He must have brought Graydon home since I can smell him. Dad took him to his room and then went to his own room slamming the door. Shit.

Is he really going to make me sit up here all night scared as hell? Oh God, what is going to do to me? I'm so dead. He's definitely gonna kill me.

Wait, what the hell am I saying? Why should I be scared? I was not made to feel fear. I'm not supposed to be here scared like some little kid. I'm not supposed to be here in the first place. I haven't killed anyone in weeks and it's driving me insane. My blood lust is through the roof.

I sat here for a minute before getting up and grabbing a bag and packing it. I packed some clothes and my books. I slipped my phone in my pocket and opened the window. I crawled out and jumped off the roof. Of course Dad heard me an his lights came on. I immediately sped off.

I ran to the cabin where Dr. Krause is since he isn't relocating until tomorrow. I walked in and crashed on the couch. Krause walked in and looked at me.

"I see you made a decision." He said pouring two glasses of wine.

"Yeah. I'm not meant to be normal." I said taking a glass.

"What is your plan?"

"I don't know. Guess just find work as a mercenary or something. But right now, can I crash here tonight?" I asked downing my drink.

"Of course."

He finished his drink and went to his room. I grabbed the wine bottle and started drinking. Once it was gone, I laid down and stared up at the ceiling. God, Victor is probably pissed right now and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

After nearly an hour of complete boredom, I got up and took my shirt of as I went into the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and ran my hand over my ribs until I found a knot. The case.  How did I never notice this before?

I made one of my claws longer and cut my skin and started digging until I felt the case. I dug deeper and pulled it out. I dropped it in the sink as my side healed. I washed the blood off of me and the case. I hid the case in my bag and laid back down on the old couch.

Victor has probably already called Logan so Xaiver is probably looking for me. He is probably going to be mad when he realized I've blocked my mind off from him. Wyatt is gonna be mad once she finds out, but she'll have to get over it. She'll more than likely want to come after me herself. If so she'll check out all of the safe houses first. If she doesn't find me in any of those places then she'll know she won't find me.

The next morning Krause began packing his stuff to move to the next location. I sat at the table carving into the table with a claw. I sat up all night with questions running through my head. It's driving me mad, but I waited until Krause was done before saying anything.

"Is there any chance I'll be able to control Tyger?" I asked looking across the table at him.

"You are Tyger. That is like asking if you can control yourself." He said.

"What are you talking about? They told me Tyger was a second personality, so how can I be her?"

"She is not second personality. She is you. You are her. That lie was used as scare tactic to control you better. You are a feral mutant. What you associate with Tyger is your feral side. Your animalistic side. Your animal instincts kick in and you crave blood. That is all." He explained.

"So, Tyger and I are one and the same?"

"Exactly. Growing up being told that you are two different personalities made you believe that it is true so your mind created something like an imaginary friend to go along with the lie."

I didn't know what to think. Instead of Tyger being some crazy killer with uncontrollable bloodlust, she's me. We are the same person. I ran my fingers through my hair and shook my head. I grabbed my bag and helped Krause with his things before walking outside. I sniffed the air and groaned. I must have been too distracted while talking to hear the jet.

I turned around to see Wyatt and Logan walking towards us. I told Krause to leave as I shut his truck after he got in. He drove away as they got closer. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder getting ready to run. Wyatt looks pissed while Logan just looks angry like always.

Before I knew it, Wyatt sped towards me hitting me in the stomach sending me flying backwards. I landed on my back, but didn't go after her. I slowly got up really not wanting to fight her. I don't want to hurt her. She stomped over to me before punching me in the jaw and hitting me all over using her speed. I fell back down and just laid there for a minute before getting up again. She went to hit me again but I caught her fist. I pushed her away and fixed my bag.

"Why?" She asked giving me a defeated look.

"I'm not meant to live a normal life. Even then I was in danger from the start. Victor works for a man worse than Armstrong. He's been thinking of selling me out or running experiments of his own on me. From now on, I'm looking after myself and that's it. Don't bother coming after me." I said before turning away.

"You know I'll always come after you!" She yelled.

"If you do, then I'll kill you." I said as my eyes went black. "I'm sick and tired of you. I spent years protecting you, trying to teach you to survive, but you're too weak. You have always been a pain in my ass. I'm sick of you following me and trying to make me a 'better' person. Did you ever stop to think I like the way I am? I love to kill. I love the blood. I don't need some kid getting in my way so go back to your stupid school where you belong." I growled looking into her tearful eyes before speeding off.

I didn't want to say all that to her. I didn't want to be mean. I just needed to get her to give up on helping me. I don't deserve to be helped. She needs to move on and live her life. She deserves that.

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