Chapter 12

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Sarah was waiting for Milene and Wendy on the beach jetty when they arrived on their little wooden sail boat.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you Wendy," said Sarah. "I was just angry that you left the wedding reception. I should have been more understanding."

"No Sarah, I'm sorry," said Wendy. "I shouldn't have disobeyed you. And you too Milene, I'm sorry. I just... I just hate all these secrets. I thought we shared everything. Sarah, you could have told me you were visiting my dad, I would have been fine with it, I think." Wendy paused, then asked, "Sarah, why are you visiting my dad?"

Sarah was hesitant, looking for the right words.

"Wendy," said Milene, "it was my decision to keep things from you for now. We were planning on telling you everything when we thought you were ready. But today's events didn't go as planned-"

"I know you probably have great reasons," said Wendy, "but it's still secrets. I'm eighteen years old now, a woman." Wendy then turned to Sarah, "For example, Sarah, I don't know anything about the life you had on Earth. You never discuss it and always evade my questions."

"It's getting late girls," interjected Milene. "I really think we ought to get to the train."

Wendy persisted, "I mean, how did you die?"

Sarah shifted uncomfortably, saying, "I told you, it was during an operation."

"I know, I know, an operation," said Wendy. "But why did you need an operation? And what happened before that? You never discuss it. Were you married? Did you have children? If so, how many? Did you have a career? Where did you go and what did you do during your time on Earth?"

"Wendy!" snapped Milene, "That's enough!"

"And how do you know my father?" said Wendy, her tone demanding.

"Wendy Elizabeth Clarence!" shouted Milene, "That is enough!"

"No Milene!" snapped Wendy, turning to Milene, "It's all secrets again. I hate it!"

"Ah! Now look what you've done!" said Milene, indicating towards the beach.

Wendy turned to see Sarah running away from them, and along the beach, in tears.

"I'm sorry Sarah, please wait," Wendy cried, making to run after Sarah.

Milene called Wendy back, "Just give her a bit of time Wendy."

Wendy stopped and watched Sarah run up the beach, past the beach hut and in the direction of the train station.

"I just hate secrets," said Wendy. "I'm sorry. I'll apologise to her."

Milene spoke softly now, "Come sit down honey."

Wendy turned around to see Milene sitting inside the small wooden rowing boat which had been pulled up onto the sand. Wendy reluctantly walked over, got into boat, and sat next to her. "She's so angry at me. I just-"

Milene interrupted her, "Wendy, dear, do you know what a jazz band is?"

Wendy, confused, shook her head.

Wendy, confused, shook her head

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