Excuse me Whore

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Yuki's P.O.V

I'm not sure why but lately I've been hanging out with Liz, one of the other cheerleaders. She's pretty and perky and filled with school spirt. "Let's Go Tigers!" All the cheerleaders shouted as our football team ran down the field trying to score. Jerry our QB had the ball, it was only 4rd half. We were going against our rival the Oakwood Sharks. Man did we hate them! Last year they stole Red our mascot and put in him a fish tank. Seriously! How childish is that. Yumi was doing round offs and splits. "Let's go Team!" She shouted as she got back onto her feet and started jumping as the guys ran passed us. Liz was shaking her ass taunting the other team. "Liz, Yumi, Brit come here" I motion the 3 girls over. Our whole squad was hot but they were the hottest. "You remember Kick Ass?" I asked as the girls nod in agreement.

Myself and Liz cupped our hands together to boost Yumi up. I groaned as I lift her up, she didn't wiggle as much as she use to. "We are the Tigers!" Brit yelled as she did a few flips infornt of us. "Ready for battle. King of the jungle" We all chanted as we tossed Yum Yum up into the air. Her body flexed and turned around. I kind of forgot the rest of the words or everyone else chanting them. Me and Liz had to make sure she landed right or she would be injured. 1. 2. 3. Yumi came down with her hands first just like we plan. We heard the crowed gasp as she went down. The bright blue glitter eyeshadow looked amazing on her. Our hands touched and she flipped off of us and landed on her feet. "AND WHERE HERE TO KICK YOUR ASS!" She yelled as she turned and slapped her ass to the aposing team. Now the score was 79 to 80. We were behind by 1 points. Coach Jackson called for a time out as he pumpped his team up for the finally play.

"Hey Yuki" said Liz as she walked with me towards were we set our bags. I needed my water and to talk to Yumi. "What's up?" I asked as I grab and uncap my water bottle. She looked so nervous like she wanted to say something. "Look I like you" Liz said as a faint blushed crossed her cheeks. I smiled and ruffed her mouse brown hair. "I like you too" I smiled again as I walked away but she grab my wrist. "No. I like you like you" Her eyes widened at every other word. I was slightly confused. "I'm with Yumi. Sorry" I pulled my hand away but she pulled me back towards her and pressed her soft lips against mines. Instead of pushing her away I kissed her back.

Yumi's P.O.V

I skipped over to my bag to grab my phone. After the whole Ice cream palor Jerry came in and we started talking.

**Flash Back**

Len and Owen went into the bathroom. I giggled to myself as I started texting Yuki who was working at her dad's car shop. I heard the small bell that hung over the door. "Hey Jerry! Good Game last week, anything you want on the house" Cried out the owner as Jerry walked passed him. "Thanks" He shouted over his shoulder as he walked toward the back of the shop. Jerry walked passed me then retacked his steps infornt of me. Glancing up I blushed at the pair of pretty emeral eyes that stared at me. "Yumi Willson right?" He asked as he sat beside me. "Yeah how'd you know?" I asked as I put my phone on the table as the waitress set my ice cream down on the table. Now I was regretting ordering it. "It's my job to know all the pretty girls names that cheer for me and the team" Jerry smiled as he took one of my gummy bears. "Hey!" I whined as he ate it.

"Sorry. Mind sharing with me?" He asked sheepishly as he slide his arm over my shoulder. "Only if you like cake batter" I smiled as I took a spoonful of ice cream and put it into my mouth. He smiled and picked up another spoon and copied my actions. "Well thank you pretty lady for getting my favortive kind" I laughed at his cheesy comment. We spent about half in hour talking and eating my ice cream which he soo going to pay and get me another one! "Ok Yumi" He said after an endless amout of laughter. "What are my chances with you?" He gave me one of his heart melting smiles. I had to laugh, it was to funny! "Your such a dog" I laughed as I brushed some of his blonde locks away from his eyes. "How?" He pouted as he lend closer to me. Our lips were only inches apart. "You swoon me I mean try to swoon me and basicly get what you want" I burtled out as I looked away from him. Jerry brought his fingers under my chin to face him. "What do I want?" He asked his green eyes like spot lights only shining on me. "Sex" I said firmly, he blinked blankly then laughed. "Yum your one funny gal and I like that about you" He smiled again as his brushed my hair behind my ear. "Listen I had the biggest crush on you since freshmen year. It was hard to talk to you with your gaurd whore always lurking around you and keeping you away from just about every male." He sighed as he sat back in his chair.

"Yuki isn't a whore! She's smart and kind an-" He cut me off with a laugh. "Yuki smart?" He wiped away a tear that fell from his eyes. "Yeah she's smart. Have you seen her grades?" I defended my girlfriend; Jerry quickly sobber up for this moment. "Have you seen what she'ves done to get those marks?" He asked in a serious tone. "Study duh" I rolled my eyes using a duh tone.

Jerry only shook his head. "Look Yumi. Yuki isn't a great person she's been sleeping with her teacher ever since her freshmen year. She's a damn senior now!" I didn't believe him, he was lying. "You don't have proof" I said folding my arms across my chest, he looked at me. Not my chest but my face and said. "Haven't you notice her being extra jumpy about you? Or even getting extra annoyed when one of your peers ask you a simple question even on the lines of homework or the weather?" He was so right she was pulling a classical guy move when they cheat.

Blame the girlfriend and make her feel bad. "Your right" I whispered looking down. I felt his lips brush against my ear. "Don't be so upset, your a good girlfriend anyone would be happy to claim you" I looked up to quickly causing out lips to smash together. We stayed like that for a while, his lips were soft and felt warm and perfect against mines.

Breaking away he smiled as he put his number in my phone and kissed me again just as Owen and Len were coming back.

**Flash Back Over***

Ever since then Jerry and myself have been hanging out, it felt nice. I heard voices one was clearly Yuki and the other was another girl, they were aruging and I couldn't tell about what. But once I reached the corner I seen it, all the proof was right there. Yuki and Liz making out right in fornt of me. "Bravo Yuki" I said causing the two of them to jump and break apart. "To think I was just going to call the whole thing off with Jerry to give you a chance." I laughed, all I could do was laugh all my pain away. "Yumi" Yuki said as she tried to come closes to me. I held my hand up to stop her from touching me. "Don't. Your a lair and a cheater. Your grades? Slept to the top?" I asked I knew it would hurt her. "Who told you" She yelled as she tossed her pom poms down. "So it's true!" I cried as I throw my mines down as well. "Why does it matter?" She growled as she stepped closer to me, she may have height over me but thats all I'll let her have. "Your so damn trashy. And I can't play happy house wife with you." I narrowed my eyes to stop the tears, she looked taken aback by this comment.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying we're over don't come chasing after me I don't need some slut stanking up my backside." I turned and walked away. A crowed had formed and I just pushed passed them. "I QUIT THIS STUPID ASS CHEERLEADING SHIT!" I yelled as I grab my bag as walked off the field and waited by Jerry's car. Atleast I don't have to cheer again.

~!!! Yeshhhh Another Chapter up ! How did you like it? And the break up? COme on I'm dying to know what cha think!



And you'll have another chapter!

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