The Talk (Non Storyline Chapter)

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Forbidden Kiss mini

The Talk..

Jade's P.O.V

Me and Brook were laying on the bed in a daze, the celling fan was moving around slowly. I found one of my dad's old soul CDs and played it. "Have you ever been hurt before?" Brook spoke up out of nowhere. "Yeah" I spoke softly as I remembered Yuki and Jake... "It sucks doesn't it?" She sat up and looked at me. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. Flashes of the rapes, arugments, the fights they were coming back to me now. I wanted to cry out loud for once. "Hey" Brook pulled me closer to her and rubbed my back. "It's gonna be okay" Her words made me weep. "Shhh" She kept repeating as I cried into her chest. "I been through hell Brook" I spoke up finally as I hugged her waist. "It's okay" Her words made me feel horrible! I have lied to this girl and she has been nothing but kind to me. I told her everything about why I came here and about Yuki and Jake. I didn't tell her I lied about my name. That part I kept to myself.

We sat int slicents for a moment. "Brook" I called her name but she put her hand up to stop me. "Your so brave" She spoke lightly as she embraced me. "And I know why I feel..." She looked off into the distance after we stop embracing. "You feel?" I dragged a few letters giving her time to come up with answer. She blushed a bit as she looked down. "Nothing. Come on let's go for a walk or something" She slide off the bed and walked towards her room. I felt a bit bad in a way, here I am lying to this girl and what? She's such a good friend. Len had called a few days ago talking about how much he wants to kill Owen about something, I wasn't paying any attention. I got up and went to my closet looking for something to wear since it was a bit chilly out. I grab a pair of dark jeans and a long sleeve crop cut sweater and a pair of bright blue Uggs and walked out of my room. Brook had her hair in that single braid that I remember seeing so long ago. I poked her side causing her to jump. "You! Oh we have to go food shopping by the way." I grinned and walked out of the door right along with her.

(N/A : You guys remember the food shopping chappie? Well this was the sence before that! Moving backwards but forward, here's what happen after..:D)

We came back from the supermarket and Brook was pissed, after showering I started cooking. "Tacos!!!" Andrew yelled as he ran into the kitchen with the Taco mix. I laughed as he lend forward towards me giving me the box. "And it has Dora!" He shouted pointing to the small cartoon picture of a small girl with non matching outfit with no ears. "That's rasict you" I opened the box and looked to see what was inside. "Blah! I got my letters!" He shouted as he waved thick yellow envolpes infornt of my face. "From?" I asked as I swatted them away, Andrew has signed up for a few colleges over the past few weeks. "Um. Brown, Hostra, Havery, St.John, St. Joesph" He named a few from his load. "How about you? Where did you go?" He asked poking my side as I put the pot on simmer. "Umms. Roger WIlliams" I stuck my tongue at him as he made a face, he pulled me closer to him, caputuring my lips with his. It felt so good to be in his arm sometimes, just as Brook cleared her throat causing us to stop. "No making out in the kitchen" She looked annoyed just as I pintched her boob. "Oh hush you!" I sat on the counter as we talked about different colleges. Andrew started throwing random pieces of letteces at us. "I'm bored!" He yelled as we sent glares at us. "Mhm" I groaned as I stared making everyone's tacos. We ate and talked for a few, Brook seemed distanced for some reason and it was bothering me. I decied to leave it alone. Speaking of phone started rinining in the next room. "I GOT IT" I yelled as I leaped over Andrew who ducked. I giggled and walked into my room, my phone was on the charger on the floor. It was a text message. From an unknow number? Hmms I wonder. Clicking the button t read it, my heart froze as tears fell from my eyes.

Unknow Number ...


Hey Yumi! I miss you so much, sorry for everything and I hope we can see each other soon. I mean I see seen you and they girl walking today but I just want you to know your still my sweet innocent Yum Yum

XoX Yuki

My head started hurting "Oh No"

She found me

She seen me

She seen Brook!


!~~ There you go Another Mini Chappie! :D Picture of Brook on the side

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