Supermarkets... (Non Story line chapter)

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Forbidden Kisss Short!!!

~!! I'll be posting shorts until I get the comments I need for the next chapter; I know you guys like the story so fliipping support it!~!!

Why Jade and Brook should never go food shopping .....-_-

Brook's P.O.V

I pushed the cart down the cereal alie while Jade ran up ahead to get the milk and eggs. I stared at the Cocoa Puffs and Cocoa pebbles and tried to decide which one to get. Oh the cocoa goodness! Pathmark wasn't crowded like usual which was good and bad. Good because the lines at the check out would be shorter and bad just because Jade begged me to take her. Jade came back with the gallon of milk and a dozen eggs and place them in the cart. "What's this?" I pointed to the milk as I narrowed my eyes. "Whole milk" She said in a duh tone; Now she was on the fornt on the cart leaning over and grabbing some grapes out of the fruit bag that I had in the place where the baby is suppose to sit. " One that's gross" I pointed to her eating the grape that fell in her blue Vnecked shirt.

"And two I drink 2% not Whole Milk" I folded my arms across my chest. "Well thats to damn bad" Jade grab the Cocoa Pebbles out of my hand and put it in the cart. Well atleast that guessing game is over for cereal. "It's milk" Jade held onto the cart as I pushed it down the alie and turned the corner. She grab a pack of steak and I reached for the chicken breast. "Go put the milk back" I said as I rolled towards the milk selcetion. "No it's fucking milk!" She nearly shouted; an elderly couple stared at her before whispering about her rude behavior.

"Calm down will ya?" I groaned as I put the milk back and grab my 2%. Jade took the milk out of the cart. "No" She simply said and pushed the cart. "I hate you" I muttered; Glancing around my eyes fell on Jade's ass. Oh damn was all I could think of speically when she tried to reach for something on the high self. The way her body was made and her hips. I'm not gay, moving towards her I pushed the box off the shelf and it hit her in the head. I smirked as she blinked in shock. "Oops" I covered my mouth as if it was innocent. She narrowed her eyes and open the Cocoa pebbles and dump it on my head. I was holding the 2% still. Quickly she open that and poured it on me! "Enjoy your cereal." She said before running off. The store manger seen me covered in his product and frown. And that's how I got kicked out of Pathmark. -_-

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