I can't believe you!

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Brook's P.O.V


After crying into my moms arms she didn't even bother asking why I was crying. I sat the island watching my mother clean the counters, sighing every other second. "Stop sighing or you'll let your soul escape" My mother said in a calm tone that scared me and stop me from sighing. I huffed as she turned and wiped her hands on her apron. "So?" She dragged the O as my father walked in. "Oh Brook your home? I guess I'll like you to meet someone kind of speical. I heared heels click on the wooden poslish floor, my breath was caught in my throat. I was now chocking. "This is" I stared at the figure as they came into view, Oh damn.

I stared at the long legs of this she demon. I felt hate boil in my blood. "Yumi Wilson" She just came back to town with her girlfriend. "Yuki" I wanted to murder the both of them. She lied to me! Yuki smiled running her fingers through her brown hair. "Hi" She smiled her fake smiled at me. I wanted to kill her in cold blood. 'Yumi' who never looked up from the ground. "Hi" I said coldly as I got up and walked away. Running to my room like a child I cried for hours. I hate them. I hate her. How could she just do that! I opened the crickled paper and cried even harder. I was nothing more than a lay! A fucking lay?! I have feelings and she doesn't care about them For get them! I cried more chocking on my sobs.

Yumi (Jade) P.O.V

I promised to come back if Yuki didn't hurt or say anything to Brook. Yuki wanted to get something from Brooks father I wasn't sure and I didn't care. Once he was out of ear shot I dropped her hand and glared at her. "I have to go after her" I felt like a corn ball for a moment but Brook was hurting because of me! Yuki stood in my way. "Not part of the deal. Keep your distance keep looking at the floor or something but your not allowed to talk to her at all" Yuki's voice was more sinnester than usual. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Don't give me that I love her shit" Yuki brushed passed me into the living room. Picking up one of the family photos. "Pft she isn't that pretty you know?" Yuki put the picture facing downward on the table. "Yuki" I warned as I walked towards her. She only rolled her eyes. "I don't think so." Was all she said before grabbing my face and kissing me just as Brook's Dad walked in. "Whoa sorry to interupt but the paperwork is ready" He had a cheesy smile on his face. I really just wanted to slap him. "Yuki come with me" He said ushering her towards his home office. I still don't know why I'm here! Yuki smiled and walked along with him completely forgetting about me. I took my chance and ran up the stairs into the room that said 'Brook'. "Brookie" I called in a hush tone, she was sodding heavyly. "Oh Brook" I went to her comforting her in everyway I could. Kissing her forehead, nose and eyes. "Sweetheart don't cry. It's my fault" I whispered rocking back and forth with her in my arms. She kept crying never saying anything. Lifting up her head by her chin. Her eyes were bloodshot. "Angel" I whispered wipping away her tears. "Don't" She chocked out finally. She was mad but the tears kept falling down her face. "I'm sorry" I said wanting her to believe me, she pushed me away. "You used me! You lied to me! You You! Your nothing more than a common whore!" She spat out, her words hurt more than she knew. Flintching everytime she hurled an insult my way. "I'm sorry. You don't understand" I tried to come to terms with her but Brook is too sturborn!

"Jade or Yumi who ever you are! I understand more than you give me criedt for! I get you were in a bad relationship but I won't do anything like that to you!" Brook held an emontal wall now. "B listen. It's not the relationship it's the fact that she won't ever leave me alone! She won't go away! She doesn't want me to leave her!" I cried out trying to convice her, Brook only shook her head and walked towards the window. "Brook please! Understand Yuki isn't the normal girlfriend she's possive and mean and hurtful" I stood up as well. Brook didn't look at me for a long time. "Listen to me" I touched her arm, no reaction. "Brook she's my demon I have to face. I promise you this even if your giving me the cold shoulder" I chuckled a bit. Brook's body was tensed up. "But once I get rid of her I promise I'm coming back to you and we'll make it work. Don't take that stupid later seriously it was for show nothing more. " I walked behind Brook wrapping my arms around her small waist. She relaxed into my arms. Kissing the back of her neck she let out a shaky sigh. "I know you care about me and I'll be honest I'm falling in lo-" My short speach was cut off by Yuki calling my name. "Go to her" Brook's voice was cracking. "Brook" I whispered she only shook her head and turned to me giving me a quick smile. "I trust you, just go and keep up this act of yours." She kissed me softly. I never felt to good in my life, taking a step forward I cupped her face with my hands and kissed her back, our tongues played for a moment before I pulled away. Winking I left the room I heard her sigh and giggle a bit.

Back down stairs Yuki smiled and ushered me out of the house, her loose grip grew tighter with every step we took away from the house. "Next time, don't test me. part one is done and you have to get the cash up quickly for part 2" Yuki's voice was hard and cold more than usual. "What is this plan of yours" I said through cleantch teeth. She patted the top of my head with her free hand. "Nothing to worry your pretty little head about." She smiled as turned the car on. I didn't realize we were in the arm already driving down the road into the down town district. "How am I suppose to get the money rob a bank?" I shot at her as she turned down a few blocks. "Your so funny" She gave me a fake laugh then parked the car outside a brightly lite bulding. "Where are we?" I asked glaring at her. "Where you'll be paying off all my debts." I looked out the window to see in big bright neon lights 'Bows & Knots'. I stared at the bulding confused. "It's a strip club" Yuki smiled as my face fell.






~~!! Hello!!! This a short chappie but it's important neverless, and way hope you enjoyed. Bye~~!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2011 ⏰

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