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"It is done." He said.

"The first stage of our plan is complete." She said.

"I haven't even seen your face yet. How am I to know you're not one of them?" He asked.

She turned around. Her silk dress swaying. She took off her hood.

He gasped. He was the prettiest woman he had ever seen. He immeadiatley fell to his knees.

"I think I love you." He slurred.

"Snap out of it." She smacked his face. "We work together. Even though you are inferior to me."

He crawled back up. "So. Who else do we have on our side?"

"Meet... one of my many accomplices." She replied.

She gently gestured to her side and a man wearing sunglasses stepped out.

He had sandy hair and a smug grin was plastered on his face.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses?" He asked. It was dark in the room.

"Why are you such a sap?" The man replied. He spoke in a rich Texan accent.

"Why.... Aren't you dead. Aren't both of you dead?!" He was bewildered. He could've sworn he saw them die.

"Ayeee you see. We had a little arrangement." The man stated.

"Let's just say... I have connections all over. I have spies everywhere. Yet you don't even know they are there." The woman replied.

She gracefully sat down on an exquisite chair. Picking up a glass as she did so and swishing around the dark liquid inside.

"Now sit down. We have matters to discuss."

Just as he and the Texan man sat down the woman spoke again.

"There is one more person I would like you to meet." She gestured to her side.

A guy with glasses stepped out. He seemed young. He had sharp eyes and the absence of a vampire.

"He is joining us also. We share... how can I put it... similar beliefs." The woman continued.

"Is this the last one?" He asked. He was getting annoyed, as she just kept bringing people into this. It was HIS plan after all.

She laughed delicately. "Oh no. You want this plan to work, yes?"
He nodded shyly.

"Then we need all the help we can get."

The man with the Texan accent coughed. "Now can you tell me what all the fuss is about?"

"Of course." She woman stated.

The younger man didn't sit down. He had an eerie presence. He didn't like him.

"Now my friend here has devised a little plan." The woman said.

Finally. HIS plan.

"Kenny, is it?"

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