Chapter 5: Sarcy Rue Knows Things

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Saracen pushed his way out through the mass of partying, drunk bodies, soon followed by Dexter.

He threw the glass bottle aside before adjusting his red beanie. Dexter gulped down the remaining of the alcohol as he put the now empty bottle on a wall.

They took a second to glance at eachother before bursting out in laughter.

They were both covered in paint. Abseolutley from head to toe. A myraid of different colours littered their bodies as they continued to laugh.

Any other person would be knock out wasted by this point. Shots, beer and very strong alcohol had been consumed that night. However, Saracen and Dexter could both handle their alcohol. Very well.

Saracen looked at his arms, then clothes. He guessed his face was the same.

"I'm a rainbow!" He shouted with glee.

Dexter playfully punched his arm and they began to make their way away from the nightclub. Saracen checked his phone. It was 2:18am.

"Bro, that was awesome." Dexter bean as he slung his arm around Saracen's neck.

"Agreed. A paint rave with endless drinks. Can't be beaten." Saracen replied.

"Seriously though, mortal raves are the biz. Sorcerer raves are so dry and are full of dry people, talking about dry things, with dry drinks, dry music, and no paint! Horrific." Dexter implied.

"Worst nightmare." Saracen stated. "You know, we had been at that place for over four hours."

Dexter smirked, slightly ruffling Saracen's hair. "What did I say."

"Mortal raves rock." Saracen replied.


There was no way either of them were getting in any of their cars like that so they walked.

They talked and laughed and immaturley joked and pushed. But under all that was the constant flirting that was evident between the two.

Whenever anyone stated out the obvious they would retaliate and deny everything.

God they were excellent liars.

Saracen stopped walking and twisted his body vertically as a razor sharp knife whisked past his neck and impaled the tree beside him.

Dexter stopped walking and Saracen gulped at the knife which was level at his neck.

He pushed Dexter out of the way, just as an arrow pierced the ground where he was just standing.

"Well somebody is trying to kill us." Dexter stated.

"Well no shit Sherlock." Saracen replied.

Dexter scowled and threw a purple energy ball into the darkness. It lit up its surroundings before dying out.

"Nobody's there." Sighed Saracen and they carried on walking as if nothing happened.

"So Saracen. My old buddy, my pal. My friend for over four hundred years." Dexter began.

"What are you getting at Dexter?" Saracen implied.

"I dunno Sarcy boy. My pal Saracen. Sarc my dear friend. My best friend."

"Dexter." Saracen warned.

Dexter grinned. "Whats your power?"

Saracen stopped walking and leaned so that he was right next to Dexter's ear. For the first time, Dexter thought he was actually going to tell him his secret.

He leaned forward and whispered...

"I know things."


While at Valkyries...

"You love me Valkyrie. Deep down in your heart you do and I only hang out with you to give you that intelligent conversation you crave. I'm your only friend Valkyrie and without me you'd be nothing." Skulduggery ranted as they walked from the Bentley.

Valkyrie scowled. She could literally feel the skeletons ego overriding Jupiter. It even had its own moons orbiting it. Valkyrie was the tiny satellite that had to keep track of it. Watch it grow.

Valkyrie walked ahead of the skeleton and towards Gordon's house. "You can't run from your problems Valkyrie." The skeleton called after her.

"I can walk from them." She shouted back.

Valkyrie reached the door and unlocked it. Immeadiatley throwing her shoes off. She chucked her jacket somewhere near her shoes and threw herself on the sofa.

Skulduggery however, much more dignified, casually walked into a study room which was more or less used as a paper holding room for only a fraction of the sanctuary documents. He picked up a new case file which he had only recived news about quite recently and went back to join Valkyrie.

He scrolled through it. Reading every detail.

Valkyrie got up and went to the kitchen. She remembered those Krispy Kreme donuts she had brought earlier.

Thanking God it was Autumn and they didn't melt, she pulled out her phone and dialled Tanith. Telling her to come over and that there was donuts.


Ten minutes later Tanith appeared with Fletcher who looked excited.

"Hi Fletcher." Valkyrie said.

Fletcher didn't reply but his grin grew.

Tanith sighed. "When I asked him to drop me here I mentioned donuts. Somehow he knew where I was and where they were." She gestured to him. "And here we are."

Valkyrie smirked and walked into the kitchen. Only to return with a white and green container and a dozen on those Krispy Kreme donuts.

She set them down on the table and they all dug in. Savouring the taste of the sweet and sugary delights and stuffing their mouths full.

Skulduggery just rolled his imaginary eyes. "Do you mind?" He asked. It was more rhetorical though.

None of them replied. Skulduggery scowled and went upstairs with the files, to talk to echo Gordon about the cases.

By the end of it, they had eaten both of the boxes of donuts. Resulting in eight each.

Valkyrie was sprawled on the main sofa. Tanith on the other and Fletcher splayed on the love seat. All too stuffed with deliciousness to even talk or move.

Skulduggery came down the stairs and left the house for a little bit. Only to come back with Ghastly.

When Ghastly saw them he laughed slightly. Tanith mumbled something inaudible and Ghastly kissed her cheek before going upstairs with Skulduggery.

"Men." Valkyrie mumbled.

Skulduggery heard her.

"Teenagers. And the five year old." He called back.

We all know who he meant by the five year old. The ice cream, loving sword lady who was also Ghastly's girlfriend.

Tanith Low.

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