Chapter 2: In the Eyes of A Traitor

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Valkyrie huffed.

They had been tracking this werewolf for hours now and they still hadn't sprung their attack.

Skulduggery was all about the stealthy approach, whilst Valkyrie just wanted to punch people in the face.

Such a simple request.

To punch people in the face.

Valkyrie forced herself to walk and as she put her foot down she broke a twig. Causing the werewolf to growl and slowly turn around.

"Thank you Valkyrie." Skulduggery began "Now that werewolf will rip you to shreads."

Valkyrie's eyes widened. "Why me?" She asked, sulking.

"Because I'm far too amazing to die. And your less amazing so you can work the rest out for yourself."

"Well dogs like bones." Valkyrie snapped. Her patience was paper thin.

"Your just angry. Angry that we haven't done anything yet. But you can do something now. Run."

And they both bolted from sight, the werewolf hot on their heels.


After a few minutes of running Valkyrie's legs were practically screaming at her and they came to a stop.

"Thank you." Valkyrie wheezed through her short and rasped attempts at breathing.

Skulduggery was hesitant for a moment. "Dont get your hopes up." He replied in a distant voice.

Valkyrie lifted her head only to discover five hooded figures in black standing before them.

Two had fire in their hands, one's hands crackled with energy, the other was a necromancer, shadows towering overhead. The last was cracking his knuckles.



The two elementals went for Skulduggery whilst Valkyrie took the adept.

She dodged a beam of energy and took out her shock stick. She swung for the adept's head but it didn't hit anything.

Valkyrie was confused for a moment but her questions were answered when she hit the floor, the adept on top.

He began firing punches Valkyrie's way but she easily blocked them.

She noticed one thing.

The adept wasn't very strong.

Not very strong at all.

She punched him in the face and with him momentarily distracted, rolled over so that she was on top.

She sent a right hook into his jaw which made a sickly cracking sound and the adept didn't get up.

Skulduggery was surrounded by two unmoving elementals and emptied his gun on the necromancer.


He was leaving her with the bone breaker.

Just great.

Skulduggery should be fighting him.

He was the skeleton after all.

Twin streams of lightning crackled in her hands and she sent it his way.

One of them caught the side of his face and the man snarled.

He wasn't happy.

He swung a punch for her face which she dodged and replied with a kick to the stomach.

The bone breaker doubled over and she sent her shock stick smashing into his side.

He was thrown into the wall in front of them and got up quickly, smashing into Valkyrie.

She cried out as her head smacked into the concrete. And with a sickening thud, the man grabbed her leg.

Valkyrie screamed in pain as she felt her leg break in a myraid of places.

He dragged her along the ground and she looked up to see the necromancer smash into a wall and not dare move again.

For that would be the end of him.

Darkness spotted her vision and just as Valkyrie was about to be dragged into the woods, the bone breaker suddenly dropped to the floor. A deep gash among his throat.

Skulduggery ran over to her.

"Valkyrie. Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened? Where is -" Then he looked down to see the dead man.

She groaned as she pulled herself to sit up against a wall.

"I thought slitting people's throats wasn't your style?" Valkyrie joked.

Skulduggery was silent for a moment. "That wasn't me." He whispered.

Everything seemed to stop for a moment as the pieces of the puzzle joined together. They both turned their heads to see a man.

And what a familiar man that was.

He had a mop of golden hair.

Those piercing golden orbs.

The quality of a traitor.

"Erskine?" Valkyrie inquired.

The man looked up. It was him. Yes. Erskine Ravel. But Erskine Ravel was dead.

"Ravel?" Skulduggery sneered. His voice was deep, dark and distant.

Erskine Ravel panicked and ran off into the woodland.

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