Chapter 7: Adults don't play

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They were in a abandoned playground of sorts. It was like a children's outdoor adventure playground. The dark night sky did nothing to settle the chill in Saracen's spine. Him and Dexter had split up to find this one stupid vault. They had the key. They just had to access the vault now.

That... was the tricky part. You see, this playground was host to a number of murders a while ago. Genocide. How many children had died here was unthinkable, and it was a long gone tale that their spirits still roamed the grounds. Still thinking as though their were alive, still wanting to play.

Saracen rubbed his arms. He was only wearing a loose shirt and it did nothing to protect his body from the cold. He had been searching for a good fifteen minutes for this vault in this damned place and still nothing.

Saracen Rue knows things. Everybody knew he knew things. But this place, it was weird. It didn't cut off his powers when he entered, it dampened them. It was like a sponge. It was damp enough for it to be pliable, but not to the point where it is utterly soaking.

He hadn't told Dexter yet. He just didn't like it. It made him feel uneasy. Something in the back of his mind was telling him to get out of there, to run and never look back. But he knew he had to get to the vault. He just hoped Dexter had more luck than him.

He stopped. His dampened magic told him to. There was something wrong here. Something seriously wrong. He knew what it was, he just couldn't think. Saracen heard a branch snap behind him. That wasn't him. He didn't move.

Surprised that something as minute as that would scare him Saracen sighed. He was a legend on the battle fields. He was a war hero. He had witnessed terrible things and done even worse. He had taken countless lives. He had an alligence with death. He was a dead man. But scare him it did.

He felt a cold brush past him and a giggle. It sounded like a little boy. This was like something out of a horror movie. This was ridiculous! The constant noises of twigs snapping and giggles was making him disoriented.

"Would you like to play?" Asked a young boys voice.

Saracen's eyes widened and he edged back from the spot. He had to get on with finding this vault. He had a rough idea of where it was though. He crossed the playground, ducking under the large wodden structures and frames.

The vault, he saw it. It was well disguised with its surroundings but he was sure of it. He pushed the key into the slot, turned it. The door slid open and Saracen took the key out. It could be useful. Inside the vault was a circular object. Saracen took it and got out of there.

It had the visual texture of molten lava and was glowing a radioactive green from the cracks. It was a solid ball of uranium which over the years was encased in molten rock. How it ended up here? Saracen didn't know. Saracen didn't care.

Although... it shouldn't have been that easy. Sure, it was host to a haunted environment but surely it must have some security measures. Strange. Saracen knew there was something else about this place. Somebody else there with them. He knew they didn't want to hurt them. That's all he knew. They were a sort of... Guardian Angel.

As he was walking away from the vault, he abruptly felt the dampness lifting. Like the sponge had dried out again. He could feel his magic. He knew what was following him.

His spine settled, cold as stone as he turned around to face a small figure. It was a child. Around four or five years old. They were sucking their fingers and holding a teddy bear with no eyes and that was split down the middle. The thing that disturbed Saracen the most... was that it was a ghost.

"Would you like to play?" It said. It was the same voice from earlier.

"No sorry." Saracen replied. He was absolutely useless with children. If somebody was going to mess this up, it was going to be him.

"Why don't you want to play?" The child asked.

"I'm sort of busy." Saracen replied.

"What are you doing?" The child asked.

"Adult stuff. You shouldn't worry about it. Whats your name?" Saracen replied.

"Ryon." The boy answered.

"Well Ryon." Saracen began. "You should hurry off now. It's dark and that's not a good time for children your age. Scary things happen at night. Bad people come out."

"Why won't you play with us?" The child sobbed.

"What do you mean... us?" Saracen asked, cautious. Then he knew what was going to happen. That his definition of play wasn't exactly like the child's.

He backed away and hurried off to find Dexter.


"Dexter." Saracen said as he approached.

"Oh thank God Saracen." He took a sigh of relief.

"I got it." Saracen said smiling. "Now let's get out of here. I don't like this place it gives me the creeps."

"I know right. Really creepy this place. Really damn creepy." Dexter replied.

"It dampens my magic also. I don't like that. Although there is one more reason we should get out of here." Saracen said.

"Which is?" Dexter asked.

A piercing scream shattered the once known silence and that same voice could be heard. "WHY YOU NO PLAY?"

"You don't need to tell me twice." Dexter stated.

And they both got the hell outta there.

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