Chapter 8: The Brief Encounter

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Valkyrie was walking down the street. It was September so it wasn't too cold. Skulduggery had offered to drop her home but she had declined the offer. She needed some time to think and a good long walk would do her some good.

Although... for the past few minutes... a man had been following her.

She had walked briskly, taking weaving paths and even went to the pier... but still he followed.

As she passed a alleyway, someone began walking by her side.

"Hello Valkyrie." Said the person. They were a girl, obviously a Londoner just by appearence.

"Do I know you?" Valkyrie asked.

"You don't actually. But I am a friend of the dead men's so I guess you can trust me." The girl replied.

"There is not many people you can trust now." Valkyrie stated. Cautious.

"I know. Anyway there is a man following you." The girl said.

"Still!" Valkyrie sighed. Exasperated.

"Yes. He is young looking, around 70 years old. He is wearing glasses, short brown hair. 5'7 and... Vampire."

Valkyrie swallowed but kept walking. "Vampire?" She asked.

"Yes. Does that mean anything to you?" The girl replied.

"What's his last name?"

"He doesn't have one." The girl said.

"Samuel. It's Samuel." Valkyrie's spine went cold.

"So you have history. Do you want us to eliminate him?" The girl suggested as they crossed a road.

"Eliminated... so your like a special forces agent?" Valkyrie asked.

"Not quite but you'll discover much more about that later. The man is gone now so I must be off." The girl said with a smile.

"Finally he's gone." Valkyrie smiled with relief.

"Goodbye Miss Cain." The girl said before disappearing into shadows.

Valkyrie stopped. Only realising that the strange girl had unknowingly lead her to Gordon's Mansion. She took one last glance outside, only to see the shadows bend and separate. The kind of thing only done by one discipline.

She narrowed her eyes. "Necromancer..."


I'm so sorry guys for taking an age to update.

Like I had these chapters ideas and everything I just had to have the energy to write them.

Then when I wrote them I just had to have the energy to publish them.

Hope you are still here with me.

damn I've been spending too much time on tumblr...

Byeee and keep slaying <3 <3 <3

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