Chapter 1: Death In the City

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Tanith Low caught the ledge of the next roof and pulled herself onto it.

It was midnight and the bright, vibrant and ever moving city rushed pass beneath her.

She hadn't been to London in a while now.

In a sense she loved London. It was her home.

She went to the edge of a very tall building, admiring the pure velocity of the city.

She just wanted to see it again. She was here to get that same rush and nostalgic feeling she got whenever she was here.

And she loved it.

The cold wind pierced her face and the clouds looked as if they'd release buckets of water any second.

Typical British weather.

All of a sudden a strong force smacked into her. Threatening to push her over the edge.

She sent a sharp kick into whatever it was, and turned around. Only to be faced with three figures in black hoods.

They reminded her of necromancers. The way they stood deathly still and were covered in black.

One sent a beam of energy at her which she easily dodged and she unsheathed her sword.

The elemental clicked their fingers and began hurling fireballs at Tanith.

She ducked and swiped low, the sorcerer jumped and landed just as Tanith sent a boot to his face.

The sorcerer stumbled back a little and then all three of them were on her at once.

The energy thrower took out a dagger and went for her throat, it barely missed and she sent a kick to his face. Tanith swung her sword and opened up a sorcerers arm, cries of pain filling the air. Punches were aimed and swords were swung and soon the adept fell to the floor unconscious.

The elemental cried out as Tanith's sword opened up his chest and while she was distracted, something sharp and cold raked across her back.

She cried out in pain and blindly swung only to give the attacker a boot to the face which sent them sprawling.

The shadows turned sharp and dived for her.

Oh great. A necromancer. The worshipers of death. Yay.

She rolled to the side and just avoided the shadows. Her back was shredded with diagonal cuts.

She felt extreamly light headed.

Tanith grabbed her sword and swung low, catching the necromancers knee as he fell to the ground.

He tried to get up but Tanith slit his throat and he didn't move again.

Tanith sent a kick to the elemental and before he passed out he sent a wave of air her way.

Tanith was too light headed to shift her centre of gravity and she began stumbling to the edge of the roof.

She heard the elemental cry out as a blurred figure rushed past her.

Blood crowded her vision as she toppled over the edge and her free hand grabbed it.

The adept awoke and walked over to Tanith. He had a blade in his hand and stabbed Tanith in the hand.

Before he could proceed he fell to the ground, sharp marks ripping apart his throat.

She was rapidly losing strength and the blade in her hand wasn't helping. Her free hand gave way and she felt herself falling.

A cold hand grabbed her and she winced as the blade went in deeper.

The hand pulled her up and Tanith slumped on the edge of the roof.

She saw a tall, figure with a long black coat on. An axe in hand.

The man pulled out the blade in her hand and Tanith cried out.

"Tanith?" The man asked. He spoke with a British accent.

She recognised it immeadiatley. Frightening Jones.

The sky groaned and a white flash pierced the sky before the heavens opened on them.

Tanith's hair was immeadiatley soaked.

Damn it.

"Frightening? I thought you were dead." She whispered.

"So did I." He chuckled. "The British sanctuary have some pretty good doctors though."

He picked up her limp and bloodied body, Tanith groaned in pain. The cuts along her back wern't aiding anything.

"To the British sanctuary we go." Jack said.

Tanith looked down and saw them moving along the street.

She wondered how they got from the rooftops.

"Thank you ." She whispered.

"Ayee, don't thank me yet." Jones replied before Tanith blacked out.

She was being carried to safety.

In the arms of her friend.

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