Chapter 4: Grand Mage Likes Cake

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Ghastly sent a kick to the sorcerers chin and followed it with a blast of air, which knocked him unconscious.

Only minutes ago he had been doing Paperwork. Those absurd amounts of paperwork ,which came with being an Elder, when these three men had come and attack him.

He had no idea who they were. But they weren't friendly, that's for sure.

An adept came at him, fierce energy crackling in his hands. Before he could register what was happening, Ghastly sent a right hook into his jaw.

The sorcerer was dazed for a moment when nobody did anything, then was soon snapped out of it as he was sent into a wall.

Ghastly sighed in relief. Two sorcerers were knocked out cold and one had a bullet in his head.

As of convenience Tipstaff burst through the doors to his office.

"Elder Bespoke." Was all he said as he observed the scene around him. He swallowed.

Ghastly rolled his shoulders. "Get the cleavers in here to take them to the cells. Make sure the sanctuary is on a cautioned alert. Tell Corrival I'm coming. And..." he struggled the last bit." Inform Madame Mist."

Tipstaff nodded, a little shaken, and left the room. Tipstaff wasn't the fighting kind. He didn't even know much about physical combat.


After downing around his 100th cup of coffee, Ghastly entered Corrivals office.

It was huge. Corrival was sitting behind his huge leather chair. His head was in his hands and his brown hair was ruffled. He had a cup of coffee beside the mountains of paperwork piled on his desk.

It seemed like he had just given up reading, highlighting, signing and then proof reading a document when Ghastly walked in.

"Corrival." Ghastly began. "Are you okay?"

Corrival lifted his head a little to reveal his blue eyes. They looked glazed over, and unfocused with exhaustion.

"This job is cursed." Corrival mumbled.

The door opened and Ghastly turned to see a waiter, dressed in black and white. He was carrying a plate with a huge slice of chocolate cake on it. The waiter placed it in front of Corrival. Bowed and left.

Corrival fully lifted his head, grabbed the fork, and ate some of the cake.

He nodded before he continued eating.

"Now this is cake." He said.

Ghastly smiled. "So the jobs cursed huh. Anyway, you heard about the attacks. Right?"

Cortical nodded. "Yeah. The sanctuary is on a cautioned alert. All sorcerers have be motioned to watch out for anyone suspicious and any bombs. As there has been a recent bombing on the English sanctuary."

Ghastly looked shocked. "Are they okay?" He asked.

"Well, we sent out reinforcements to the sanctuary to help them get back on their feet. They said they found out some information they want us to know. It's quite shocking though..."

"Tell me."

"A few weeks ago they sent out a ten man regiment to check out some of the most recent threats." Corrival took a moment to eat more cake. "Everyone thought they were dead. Until only yesterday when they miraculously turned up."

"How many turned up?" Asked Ghastly.

"All ten of them. Somehow they all managed to stay alive. They are all a little crazy now and refuse to be treated in anything but luxury. But alive nonetheless." Corrival replied.

"I don't blame them. I'd be worse if I'd been lost for weeks without end." Ghastly grumbled.

"Anyway." Corrival began. "They discovered that somebody is creating nukes, capable of wiping out entire populations at a time."


"Anyway back to the attacks. Nobody knows who they are, where they are coming from or who they work for."

"Um hum."

"They are sorcerers though, and China, Sanguine and Samuel have been sighted by one of our spies."

"Yeah- um WHAT?!" Ghastly shrieked. "Samuel may be alive yes, but Sanguine and China?! I saw them die with my own eyes!"

"As I. There are many questions that still need answering, Ghastly. We all want the answers. But there just aren't enough of them to go around." Corrival stated. "Now leave me be. I have a mountain of paperwork to do. A year's supply of coffee to drink and a myraid of cakes to eat."

Ghastly was about to leave when... "Oh and Corrival. Cut down on the cakes. It's not good for you."

"Never." Corrival replied with a smirk on his face.

Ghastly laughed and shook his head. Then he left.

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