In which they meet

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Hubert Diabaal, the thirteen year old demon, stared at the sign above the great, but dirty, gate.
'Dothelch', there stood in an impressive writing, bended so that the letters fitted the gate's form.
The name didn't make any sense to Hubert, there might as well had stood 'Anumberofrandomletters', because it sounded stupid and like a cheap solution for a name.
After the gate, they were introduced to a big yard with many people in, walking in towards the school. seeing as they were in the late summer, the sun shone down. It was actually rather well kept and to each side there was plant- and flowerbeds. 
He put his hands into his jacket's pockets, and walked in with his friend.
The big school was parted in two, one half for fairies and another half for demons, which somehow worked fine it seemed, though it didn't take a keen eye to see the different, the halfes didn't talk much to each others.
Fairies were not that impressive, they could grant wished yeah, but they were weak and rather boring. so Hubert didn't really understand how they could have such a big part of the school for themself. He had been teached that fairies weren't inportant and that he shouldn' get friendly with one. Besides, he'd be teased fo that of obvious reasons.
The devil besides him, his supposed new best friend, Nid, was also quite wellknown. Much to Huberts displease, Nid was handsome for his age and had the neither freckles, pale skin and orange hair that Hubert owned.
No one dared to tease Hubert though due to his high status.
" hey Hubert", Nid said, brushing the black hair aside from his green eyes, "aren't you excited for starting here?" he asked.
Hubert nodded, "sure", he said, not really sounding that excited.
Nid nudged him in the side with an elbow, " come on, it'll be cool to be away from your parents, am i righht?", he laughed. Hubert nodded, that actually would be nice. His house rules was so strict. Nid looked over the others, snickered, " it will be so coll meeting other people, and we can totally bully some fairies!", he said, making Hubert look  at the fairies with their yet to grow fully out wings.
He actually didn't care much for That, but if Nid said so, he supposed he'd end up tag along anyway.
His foot bumped onto something on the ground, and when he looked down he saw the babypink book. he took it up, loking at the silver heartshaped lock. A diary perhaps? a girly one...
" what are you doing?", Nid asked, looking at it, while continuing to walk.
" i found a book", Hubert answered.
" oh, you found it!", a voice called, gaining Huberts attention.
It was a first gaze clear to be a fairy, a very pink fairy. It looked like a boy, a boy who was slight chubby, had small pink wings and had tan skin. A boy with hot pink curls that framed his face and honestly it made Hurbert look at the boys chest again, just to be sure it wasn't a girl. He found out he had a hard time to actually tell.
" uh", Hubert simple got forth in slight confusion with the diary still in his hands.
He could see Nid stop up and look at them. As the Fairy came over, he took around Huberts hands with his own. They were warm-ish.
" thank you, i looked for that", the fairy smiled looking at Hubert with their brown eyes. 
If that had been a girl, he could have sworn he would be beautiful.
" erh", Hubert pulled his hands back slightly flustrered to the sound of Nid laughing with a group of other demons. where had those others appeared from anyway? 
" i'll be going Hub", Nid said still halfly stopped by his laughter, then walked off with other . His laughter made Hubert feel more sheepishly.
This was embarrasing.
" ah well, i got to go", the Fairy smiled thankful, then turned around and headed off.
Hubert snapped out of his paralyzed state. He needed to snap back at that person - they had just made a fool out of him! Good insulting comeback? no problem Nid had learned him some, which should have a bad effect.
" you gay fairy", Hubert weakly yelled after them, of course it pulled a few more gazes towards them.
It apparently had sounded more like a question, because the fairy turned around and shrugged, "  i'm not sure, why?", he smiled.
Hubert looked more flustered, deciding fleeing was better. He wanted a few as possible demons to see him there.
H-had that fairy no shame? He had just, kind of admitted he was gay! Was all fairy shameless like that? No wonder his parents and Demons generally wasn't too fond of them.

Nid continued laughing, their roomates who now knew the story snikered, trying to hold their laughter in. Hubert didn't think it was funny, but ignored it. Nid would forget it soon, after all he got easily bored. 
Their room, which laid in the south wing, which was for demons only, was nice with good space and with a view to the big lake and the  tower from which they'd be able to have astromi and astrology.
His bed smelled compared to his own back home though and he wasn't very fond of that. Back home everything was in the most best condition.
Nid said it was how it was when you weren't home and then he supposed he have to give Nid right.
He laid in the bed, forgetting about that embarrasing scenario a bit ago and concentrated on making his bed and place comfortable, then pack his clothes out. Dinner was soon and he didn't want to be late. They'd better have quality food, because he couldn't imagine staying here without.

It was not dissapointing.
The dinner hall was big, devided in several long tables. The tables was filled with delicious looking food.
Hubert had gotten there early, sitting down at the table. maybe it wouldn't be that bad after all, besides, he could learn to be a mighty demon, it was in his genes.
Nid sat besides him, talking with some other demons. He had always been the social one and now he had made a small group that surrounded Nid and him. They actually had a fairy there too, one they called Nabel. Nid had described her as 'bad enough to join them' and Hubert didn't question it.
AS they began eating, Hubert found his eyes glide over the other populated tables, it was pretty devided, demons and faries, that was. Hubert easily saw the fairy he had run into this morning. Very quickly, he focused back on his meal, hoping Nid didn't see that because then it would refresh his friends memory and they would talk about that again. Hubert wasn't much for that thought.

Standing in front of the mirror, he looked at himself before heading to bed. His terra cotta colored horns weren't that long, but bigger than most at his age, which of course was a sign of how powerful he was. he was pretty sure the answer was that he was very powerful.
One day he'd do something impressive, be well known and even more respected.
He messed around in his hair, normally it was pulled back, but he had just been in bath and decided to put it into shape tomorrow morning.
Nid and the rest of his roomies weren't there, probably still talking in the livingroom in the south wing. He got back in the bed with his black pyjamas, sighing and laid down.

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