In which 'guardian show up day' happens.

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As school started, Hubert wanted to ask if they could keep low profile for a bit.
It wasn't because he didn't like Bellamy, not at all.
The fairy had smiled and said it was fine, they could meet less often after all.
Nid came back and then Hubert felt busy again.
Nid seemed to have gotten expensive gifts as well, asking about Huberts holiday.
He just said it had been calm, though mentioning the prank on his brother. As expected Nid laughed, slapping his back,
" that is exellent!", Nid said, " i bet he got payback though?",
Hubert shrugged gently, " got snow stuffed down my jacket",
Nid snickered and nodded.
Hubert also realized that the annual 'Guardian show up day' was coming soon.

As it came, Hubert had cleaned his room, cleaned himself and made sure to behave like he was home. His parents had been here before and they fought fine of the school. Well mostly, actually they had rather seen their kids on a school for only demons, but as this was the best and their kids was the best, it seemed necessary.
Hubert went outside the gate, waiting for the little diligence to show up.
His brother had for some reason showed up as well and stood besides him in his finest wear.
Hubert saw it as an good opportunity to let Johan talk a bit with then, but he figured that Johan only was their to greet.
Their parents came out from the deligence, their mother, Georgia as elegant as always and seemed somehow more fresh.
Their father, August was dressed as stiffly as ever, his eyes piercing pale green and with big almost black horns.
He seemed scary, even to Hubert, vecause he knew it was actually true to times. Their father had ill temper, that's why Georgia was his wife. She milded and complimented him.
When their mother was out, their father could sometimes go on rampage.
Hubert straightened up, looking at them.
The other families that reunited happened often with hugs, but Hubert knew that that was out of thought.
His father didn't like unnecessary contact either and his mother woild just gently pat their shoulder or back in sign of affection.
And that was exactly what she did,
" hello Hubert, Johan", she smiled more warmly.
" hello mother and father", Hubert greeted, then Johan,
"I only came to greet, i have to return to lesson again you see", Johan smiled.
Their father nodded understanding.
" i will guide you around", Hubert said. Though they had seen the place before, he figured he'd do a precise and good job.
There was slightly crowded, but somehow the family managed to make other move a bit more away.
" do you like this school?", his mother asked, she had a gentle voice.
Hubert looked at her, " yes mother", he said.
" you do well too it seems", August, his father said. That was a huge compliment.
" thank you father", Hubert smiled slightly.
It actually so far was much better than expected, his parent seemed to actually be proud of him and Nid somehow was able to be more mature.
He actually didn't even see Bellamy until the dinner. From here he could see what probably was his father, mother and younger sister. They just all owned that merry atmosphere.
Bellamy's father was nothing like August, he was short and had fancy yellow long curls. he was dressed in bright red clothing, and Bellamy's mother was no less brightto look at. her hair was smaller curls, a strong neon pink and she wore some kind of one-suit.
His mother seemed kind and like that type of mother that always baked sweets.
Nothing like his own family, but Hubert knew that his weren't like most.
Not that he missed it, he didn't know anything else, than what he had grown up with.
His parents soon decided to leave, telling him to keep up his work. They weren't to fond of haing to stay around here for long, he thought. 
He looked at then as they went into the the deligence and moved out of view.
He was going to work harder and become more powerfull. As he walked back towards his room,  he felt someone tug in his shirt,
when he turned around, Bellamy was standing there, " hey", he smiled. Hubert looked around, not seeing anyone threatening, he smiled, " hi", he said, "what do you want?",
Bellamy smiled, " i thought you might wanted to meet my family?", the fairy asked.
Hubert paused, " i'm not sure that's a good idea", he said. Bellamy thought about it again, " just shortly, hmn? they're out in the garden", he said.
Hubert looked at the clock, "Sure. Shortly", he said. Bellamy smiled brightly, pulling him along side and out in the garden.
Out there was Bellamy's parents, even Marin was there.
As bellamy came pulling with Hubert, he tried his best to look like he was in full control, even though being pulled after Bellamy.
The parents seemed pretty surprised to see a devil, but smiling at Hubert, in such a way that he was in no doubt that that was Bellamy's family. Well, except Marin. Marin looked slightly concerned.
" hello, my name is Hubert", Hubert greeted as he was over there.
he little girl, Clea, if Hubert remembered correctly was shyly hiding behing their mother.
" hello, I'm Peia", the woman smiled, " this is Carn, my husband and this is Clea and Marin", she said, gesturing at the two siblings.

Hubert nodded, looking at Bellamy. what now? 
" Hubert is a really good friend of mine, but he's quite busy, so it can only be a greeting", Bellamy said.
Hubert nodded.
" ah, i see", Peia smiled, " well Bellamy talked so fond of you, maybe you could come over once in spring-vacation if you'd like!", she said. Hubert looked at her, then ad Bellamy, before back again, " uh.... i'll look into that", he said politely.

Bellamy smiled, " that'd be really nice!",
Peia smiled, " alright then, we won't disturb you any more then!", she smiled.
Hubert nodded, " thank you for the offer", he said, hesitatingly turning around, then headed back.
Huh. they seemed pretty nice, not that he really had expected something else.

High status and Fairy dust (boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang