In which Bellamy waits.

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" let's meet at our place at seven o' clock?", Bellamy chipperly had asked Hubert.
The demon was reading in a book, then looked up at him, " tonight?", he asked.
He didn't have any other plans, as he remembered, so that seemed alright.
Bellamy nodded.
They stood just the two of them  in the library, which was peaceful.
" sure", Hubert smiled softly, closing his book.
He had been gone from his room for a while, just sitting here with Bellamy, it was time for him to go bag, else Nid might begin to look for him.
Bellamt smiled, the sunshine from the window falling upon his curls and half of the cheerful expression.
Hubert looked at him for a bit, then slightly flustered got up.
Sometimes he forgot how beau- how good-looking Bellamy could be.
" see you tonight then", Hubert said, looking at him , awkwardly thinking about whether he should leave or-
Bellamy hugged him and nodded, "yeah!", he said.
Hubert moved an arm around him, hugging him back.
It realy was nice, seen as he did no such thing with other people.
Oh well,  his mother did hug him sometimes, but it was very different and distant, compared to Bellamy's embrace.

As Bellamy let go, the fairy grinned softly, saying goodbye before heading off.
Hubert looked a bit after him, then headed off back to his dorm as well.

"Where have you been?", Nid said irritated, as Hubert entered their room, " did you forget that you were supposed to help me with my essay?", he said. It was clear he was trying to do homework.
" oh. So- Well, that's really not my problem", he answered, " you just had to wait until i was done with my  things", he said, but walked over. Sometimes he'd almost talk to Nid, like he did to Bellamy.
Nid snorted annoyed, "yeah, yeah,  just come over here and help", the other demon said.
Hubert sat down, helping Nid out with an indeed rather complicated task.

At Seven o' clock, Bellamy sat ready at the place they usually met. He hummed softly, while letting his thoughts drift.
The last year with Hubert had been really fun. He felt like they had grown to me good friends, like his mom had pointed out.
He was looking so forward to spend the rest of the school time with him too.
The fairy leaned back against the wall, then leaned down to look at his calf. Oh yeah.
The bruise wasn't so visible on his skin, but he hoped it to be gone soon.
He had gotten it, when some group of demons had walked past him the day before, and someone had kicked him so that he fell onto the floor with the books he had been carrying.
Nothing too major, just a one time rudeness.
But it had hurt.
He sighed, rubbing the calf and shook his head. He had often gotten mocked for being pink, chubby and dumb.
Even by faries.
Especially now that he was friends with Hubert.
But this last time,  he had forgotten of it. It really helped having a good a friend as Hubert. He was caring, funny and didn't judge him, even though he was a rather high ranked demon.
Bellamy really appreciated that.
He sat there waiting, looking at the entrance. He was probably on his way.
Bellamy looked at his lap.
But the worst part was that lately Hubert had not had so much time to talk and see him.
This had been the first time in some while.
Not that he didn't understand, Hubert had so much to take care of: extra courses, his own friends....
The fairy smiled. He was quite silly for feeling like this. Surely Hubert would come around to have time to him too.
His stomach grumbled, pulling himself out of his thoughts.
He had dinner, but he usually got a bit snack-hungry around eight o' clock.
Bellamy wondered what the clock was - perhaps Hubert was just late a bit.
Besides, he didn't want to miss out the first time they'd talk in a long time.
He sighed, closing his eyes, leaning back.
He'd probably be here soon.

When  Bellamy awoke, he was sore and had slept badly, worse than any night in a long time.
No wonder, it was cold. He tried to pull his blanket over him, but realized there was none. As he awoke more, breathing the cold air in, he realized he was still in the tunnel under the school.
No trace of Hubert.
He wondered how long he had slept, perhaps an hour?
At any rate, the though of Hubert showing up, dissapeared from his mind. He should go to bed now...
The fairy made his way back, at every noise looking back, just in case Hubert would suddenly stand there or call for him, but it turned out that he didn't.
Bellamy was dissapointed and felt so unhappy that he had fallen asleep there, waiting for Hubert.
The demon had to have forgotten it, he thought, and that could happen for everyone.

As he opened the entrance to the tunnel, sneaking out, he realized it was dark, probable mid night.
Bellamy carefully made his way back to his room, not even realizing the frown that hung on his face. He felt so... so sad, almost. Emotionally exhausted and like had something he had been afraid of suddenly filled his mind.
He hoped it was just because he was slightly hungry and sleepy.
Tomorrow he'd feel better, and Hubert could probably explain why he hadn't met up.
The door to his room creaked slightly, making Bellamy look around to see if he had awoken anyone. All that could be heard was a light snore, and they all seemed to be fast asleep.
He sighed relieved and got into the chilly, but soft bed.
It'd all be much better tomorrow, Bellamy decided.
He glanced at the origami frog once, smiling softly, then closed his eyes, snuggling comfortable into the bed and fell into sleep.

High status and Fairy dust (boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang