In which Hubert and Bellamy talk about their families.

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It was getting colder and most students seeked inside the whole day. Once again Hubert didn't talk with Bellamy much, not else than class and when he occasionally met the fairy in the hallway.
Hubert was in his sweater and scarf, sitting down in a small common room in the east wing. there was both fairies and demons, studying, chatting and reading. He himself was enjoying the fire from the middle of the room's fireplace, reading a book. He should send some gifts back to his parents for cristmas, he thought.
Nid was going home for cristmas because his parents craved it, which meant he wouldn't come back for two weeks.
Huberts parent on the other hand was alright with him staying as long as he studied as well. 
If he could choose between a stressed, same and strict cristmas as every year or here at the school and sleep longer, it was pretty obvious to him, which was the most attracting one.
" Hubert?", Bellamy came walking over to him, somehow making sweatpants and sweatshirt look elegant.
Hubert looked at Bellamy, pulling his scarf down from his cheek and mouth, " hi", he smiled.
" i almost couldn't reconize you in that thick inpackning", the fairy giggled, sitting besides him with a book, " you look like a bundle of clothing with two hors sticking out of it"
Hubert cleared his throath, " erh, uh. it's just cold", he said, noticing Bellany's wings had grown a bit.
He felt like he couldn't help but be more comfortable around Bellamy, the fairy simply had that cozy and funfilled atmosphere. Even though he knew he of all demons wasn't supposed to. They had it strict in his family. 
He wondered how it was in Bellamy's family actually.
" Hey Bellamy?", he asked, looking at the fairy,
" yeah?", he smiled,
" are you going home to your family this christmas?", Hubert asked, tugging his scarf more down so he didn't mumble.
Bellamy shook his head, " no, i will be staying", he answered, which made Hubert kind of gleeful, " and you?"
Hubert shook his head, " staying as well", he said.
Bellamy smiled, " cool - we can hang out together", he said. Probably not in the way that Hubert and Nid hung out together. For a starter Hubert couldn't imagine Bellamy ever bully anyone. He was really kind.
" sure", Hubert said. Actually he didn't mind if they did something else. Bellamy smiled,
" so", Hubert leaned back slightly, " how are your family Bellamy?", he asked.
Bellamy paused thoughtfully, " hmn. Very kind, i have a mother, a father, an older brother and a little sister", Bellamy smiled.
" two siblings huh?", Hubert asked, " i have an older brother, but that's it", he said.
" really? How funny, another thing we have in common!", Bellamy smiled.
Hubert looked at him, another?
" what else do we have?", He asked confused. Bellamy was nowhere neat like him.
" well we read, we're both thirteen and we have the same humour", Bellamy smiled. Was that fairy keeping a track of such thing?
Hubert nodded hesitated. He supposed they did actually shared some things.
" what's your siblings like? ", Hubert asked instead.
" my little sister's name is Clea, she's elleven", Bellamy said, " she is very cheerful and can be a bit persistant, but she's very kind. My bother is named Marin", he said, " he's fifteen, a bit more of the calm type. He's workung on becomming a guardian fairy like my dad, maybe for a village, because he's actually pretty strong", Bellamy smiled.
" i see", Hubert said,  " dies he sill go here then?", he asked.
" yeah", Bellamy nodded, "third year", he said, " and your brother?",
" his name is Johan", Hubert said, " he's sixteen, fifth year and a real smartass", Hubert added, making Bellamy laugh gently, " so? How?",
" whenever he sees me he calls me dotface or flamehair", Hubert grunted, referring to the freckles and the orange pulled back hair, " but he's really good with grades and being really good at sports", he sighed, " so my parents always points at him as the perfect idol",
Bellamy thought about it,
" well that doesn't sound right if he troubles you with your freckles", Bellamy giggled, " but maybe dotface is a good thing, i mean, you look nice with them", he said, making Huberts cheek color slightly.
" y-you think so? I very dislike them", Hubert stated.
" well i think they make your face unique to look at", Bellamy pointed out.
That was first time Hubert had heard someone saying his face was unique without meaning seriously ugly.
" t-thanks", Hubert mumbled slightly sheepishly, gently pushing the scarf a bit more up in hope they'd cover his cheek.
Just in case they actually was red, because it felt like it.
" anything more about your brother?", Bellamy asked curiously.
" hrmn. He helps me with homework to times and he is is alright when he's not a jerk. He also doesn't like faries", Hubert said, " which mmost in my family don't", he mumbled, the quickly looked at Bellamy,  " it's not that i dislike you!", he hurried.
Bellamy gazed back, smiling gently, " it's alright.  I know that some demon families despites faries", he said.
Hubert nodded, " especially the Diabaal family", he said. It was true after all, his family thought Faries as lower rank than themselves. And so was Hubert raised and supposed to.
Bellamy laid a hand on his shoulder, making Hubert look at him,
" well I'm glad i know you", Bellamy smiled, making Hubert slightly embarrased again and say another thing he didn't get to think through, " me too".
" What kind of fairy do you want to be then?", Hubert asked, changing subject.
" i'm going after being a fairy godfather, like my mother, except she was a fariy godmother", Bellamy said.
" huh. what's the difference between that and a guardian fairy?", Hubert asked, it began getting a little crowded in the room, understandable, it was warm here afterwards.
" well guardian fairy usually protects a whole village who if enough people belive in him or her, where as a godfather it is my job to look out for one person if they get in trouble or their parents die", Bellamy said, "then they are under the fairy law their legal guardian, if accepted by the parents", Bellamy smiled.
"ah", Hubert nodded. That, he supposed, made sense.
as the room got more crowded, which was normal round noon, Hubert got up,
" do you want-?", he stopped, " i mean, i'll give a cup of hot cocoa down in the canteen", he said as he normally should have done. 
" sure", Bellamy smiled, getting up as well and walked after Hubert.

It was rather cozy, they both just sat there drinking hot cocoa while chatting. Hubert quickly found out Bellamy's talkative way transmitted to him.
He never talked like this with Nid, nor Johan or his parents.
It it felt kind of nice, especially because Hubert began being more interested in the fairies. Bellamy didn't only spea bad of them, like his parents, but laid much weight on how they were all different and nice people. It didn't fit with how Bellamy had heard about them, so he really felt himself curious.
"but we don't have to think too much in it, i mean, all the parents are coming here in the spring", Bellamy said, making Hubert cough.
"what?", the demon asked. He didn't know that.
" yeah, you didn't know?", Bellay asked.
Hubert shook his head. His parent was going here? probably not, right? Now that he remembered, they did attend when Johan went in first year.
" well it's first in spring", Bellamy smiled.
Hubert nodded. first in spring, that was a bit away yet.
" and then you can meet my siblings", Bellamy smiled,

"hrmn", Hubert mumbled, looking into his cup.
There was another silence, where Bellamy looked at him.
" that wouldn't be so good, would it?", Bellamy asked softly, " i mean, your family probably wouldn't like you talking to me, right?", he asked.
Spot on. Bellamy wasn't stupid at all.
"yeah", Hubert said.
Bellamy nodded, " that's alright ", he smiled, " we don't need to talk", he paused, " that day"; he carefully added, looking at Hubert. Honestly they both knew it was a question wheter they should continue to talk together, it wasn't just that day, they knew they talked about generally.
The demon nodded slowly, " there's long time before that", he said, looking at the fairy.
There was no reason to cut their ties. Bellamy smiled.
Hubert gnidded a spot on his cup with his thumb. He slowly realized that he felt nice around Bellamy, even if it had been short time. it was simply the change from the people Hubert usually spoke to and Bellamy.
" yeah", Bellamy said, " there's long time before that", he said.
Bellamy was sympathetic, wasn't he? He understood.

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