In which they talk

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Hubert sat reading a book at the yard. Homework had been kinda hard, especially in transformation. he wasn't very good at shapeshifting yet.
it was getting chilly in the weather, so he had wrapped a red scarf around his neck.
He blew the hot breath out in to the air, mumbling what he read. It was a bad habit of his, not being able to read things silently.
He paused in his text, just enough to hear a noise in the background, then aid the book a bit down.
The sound continued, making him get up and look for the source. It sounded like sobbing.
Who was out here anyway? Most was inside studying or having fun. The wether was rather boring, after all.
Hubert turned a conor to stop up awkwardly, seeing the fairy with pink hair curled against a wall, halfly sobbing. He walked slowly over, after debating wether he should leave or not.
" a-are you alright?", Huberts asked, walking closer.
The fairy looked up at him, then quickly dried sall tears off, that rolled down his chubby cheeks.
"ah. yeah", he smiled softly.
Hubert felt a sting. seeing the, did he dare to say pretty, face trying to smile like that.
He looked around to make sure no one was around, then sat down besides the fairy. it it hadn't been for his beauty and crying face, there had been no way that Hubert would ever had done something so out of how he was raised.
" why were you crying?", Hubert asked slightly confused. It confused him so, because every time he saw the fairy, he was smiling or laughing.
the fairy didn't answer for a while, just looking at his feet. Hubert kept quiet, feeling awkward there. How he hoped none of his friends would stop by.
" i was made fun of by a teacher", The fiary finally said.
" why? what did they say?", Hubert asked.
" he said i was a fat and stupid", The fairy said slowly.
Hubert paused. A teacher? really? there was few who'd do such a dirty thing.
" you're not-", Hubert said, but paused, why did he defend that.
" yeah", the fairy said, " i know i'm not slim and super intelligent, that's not why i got upset", he mumbled, " it just hurts me the tone he used, like it was bad. It's like being that gives people the right to point and laugh of you.", He said.
Hubert looked at them, not quite following. He wasn't sure he understood. The fairy didn't think that was a bad thing?
" i... don't understand", Hubert admitted.
The fairy looked at him, then smiled, " that's alright", he said, his smile so more trustworthy.
" what's your name?", he heard himself question.
" Bellamy", the Fairy answered, before Hubert could think further over the sudden question.
" ah. that's... that's a pretty name", he mumbled, laying his book on his lap.
Bellamy smiled, looking at him, " and your name?", he asked.
Hubert paused, " Hubert", he then said, " my name is Hubert",
Bellamy chuckled, " Hubert?", his voice was even nicer when happy, " that's a nice name", he said.
the before white and clouded sky was covered by a darker color,
" thanks", Hubert said. since when did he feel like becomming this friendly with a fairy?
There was another silence.
" you know, even if they teased you, you shouldn't be sad", Hubert started, " i mean, that teacher probably don't even know you and you don't seem stupid", Hubert said. Boy, he sounded like a geek.
Bellamy smiled " thank you, that is very sweet of you to say", he said, making Hubert look flustered in another direction,
" you're welcome", he mumbled, then looked at Bellamy. The fairy seemed very lightly dressed for this weather and it was getting chillier. He could swar that out from the conor of his eye, he could see the fairy shake a bit.
" are you cold?", the demon asked.
" a bit", Bellamy said, pulling his legs more up under his arms.
Hurbert paused a bit, then hesitated and awkwardly handed Bellamy his scarf, " here, take it", he said.
Bellamy looked at him, then smiled, " thank you", he said, taking it and wrapped it around his neck. it didn't seem to help much, but somehow Bellamy seemed quite satisfied.
Hubert looked at the cover of his book, then catched another sound, a well-known one that right now meant touble.
" Hub!", Nid called.
Hubert got up, " uh, see you Bellamy", he quickly said then ran off. No way that Nid was going to see him hang ou with a fairy, no matter what reason.
Bellamy looked after him, then got up, deciding to go back inside.

Hubert had suceeded not humiliating himself, which was good. He found himself sometimes spare a thought for Bellamy.
It was weird, the fairy seemed so self confident and happy, but had been sad.
Not because he had felt insulted by the words, which Hubert would have been.
Though Bellamy seemed weird, Hubert felt like maybe he wasn't that bad because far down he thought he understood. In some way it made sense.

The next time they met, was at the way out from the dininghall some days after.
Hubert discreetly walked over to the fairy that waved at him,
" hey Hubert!", Bellamy said cheerfully.
The boy noticed that it suited the fairy to have their hair sat up in a side ponytail.
" hi", Hubert said, walking a bit off from the stream of people.
" i thought i should return this to you", Bellamy smiled, reaching him his scarf, " thank you for cheering me up", he said.
Hubert took it slightly flustered, " wha- i did nothing", he said.
Bellamy smiled, " well it still cheered me up", he said.
No matter how much Hubert seemed to deny it, they seemed to have come on first name basis.
Hubert nodded, " i got to head off", he said, looking towards the dinninghall entrance.
Bellamy nodded, " i thought. Maybe we could hang out sometimes?", Bellamy smiled softly.
Hubert snapped his head back, looking at the boy.
" erh", he said awkwardlt, this probably was a bad idea, " m-maybe", he just said.
Bellamy smiled, " alright, see you then" he smiled, heading off as well.
Huvert walked conflicted back.
Really? Had he thought abot hanging out with a fairy? What if Nid found out? What if his parents found out? He wasn't sure.

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