In which Johan unexpectedly understands.

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Johan glared at Bellamy, then at Hubert.
" what are you doing Dotface?", Johan asked. He had that tone in his voice that to Hubert couldn't determind if wheter he was confusement anymore or growing rage.
Hubert paused moving his gaze down to his feet.
" i. Uh", he mumbled, feeling his face paling more, as he tensed up.
Johan looked away, " i think it's time we talk together", The elder demon said quietly, then headed off. The female demon followed quickly him.
Hubert felt unable to look up. He felt so ashamed somehow.
He wasn't supposed to be with Bellamy and he had letting himself getting so carried away. It was so clear when reality hit him hard in the face like a hard slap.
He felt something against his back, a hand,
" Are you alright Hubert?", Bellamy asked worried. Hubert nodded gently, breathing in. He didn't know exactly what to expect from Johan.
His brother was a real royal pain in the butt to times. Sometimes even worse than his parents.
He moved back, beginning to walk, worry going to his head.
Bellamy moved his hand away from his back, gently gripping Hubert's hand, before everything slipped out of mind for him.
He looked over at the fairy's hand in his, it was warm-ish, as when they had first touched. Maybe even warmer, he couldn't tell because of the cold.
Hubert looked up at him, recieving a smile.
And then his worries dissapeared slowly.
The snow continued falling.
" here", Bellamy smiled, reaching the last bite from the crepé to Hubert, who ate it hesitated.
They walked back, Hubert not sure of how long they held hands, possibly all the way, but there weren't too many so he doubted they had been really noticed.
And as they reached to the beginning of the south wing, Bellamy said decided to head back to the north wing,
" Hubert", Bellamy said, making the demon turn towards him, "yes?",
Bellamy smiled, " if you want to talk... you know i'm there. we're friends, right?", Bellamy said.
Hubert looked at him for a bit, " yeah", he said, smiling gently back.

Hubert was conflicted, he didn't feel like he hadn't spoken the truth when he had said Bellamy was his friend.
But he knew he wasn' supposed to. It was written into his mind deep down. One thing he was pretty sure of though. Bellamy both amazed and interested him. That was why he decided to meet his brother with lifted forehead, intead of trying to evade the demon.

His brother was in the south wing first floor. He had such a nice room, all for himself, actually.
Probably because Huberts parents was really proud of Johan and claimed that he needed "private space to work".
"so, dotface", Johan said, sitting in his majestic and unfairly big bed.
Hubert leaned against the door, feeling doubt press back.
" What is it Johan?", Hubert asked, lifting his head slightly.
Johan looked at him,
" that fairy you were with yesterday-", Johan started," what's his name?",
Hubert looked a bit taken back, no reminding that they couldn't walk around together? What did he want with his name?
" uh... Bellamy", Hubert said hesitated.
" Bellamy", Johan repeated in a thoughtful manner, " you know what mother and father would say to this", Johan then stated.
" yeah", Hubert said firmer.
Johan looked at him, " what are you going to do about that?",
Hubert looked down, " nothing", he said. he was sure as soon as he had said that his brother would scold him.
" i see", his brother instead said, which surprised him so much.
Hubert looked up at him slowly,
" You're in a rebelious age too after all", the demon said, confusing him even more. Where was his brother and who was this look-alike?
" what are you talking about brother? are you trying to make e unomfortable?", Hubert asked slowly. Johan snicked, " wow, you flatter me", he said, leaning back.
" i don't understand", Hubert mumbled.
Johan shook his head, " sit down", he said.
Hubert did so, listening to what Johan had to say.
" you know, it's about time i tell you about when i was in second year", Johan said, "i had this girlfriend", he started, making Hubert roll his eyes,
"Are you realy making me listening to your perfect life?", he asked.
Johan laughed, " wait, I'll get to the essential thing", he said, clearing his throat, " before you so rudely interrupted me - her name is Ashly", he said, " she was extraordinary, wise and even beated me in chess', he chuckled.
Hurbert rolled his eyes. Impossible, Johan owned chess, which he himself had used a lot of his childhood to try to prove wrong.
" anyway, she was half fairy", Johan said, maing Hubert listen better? His hard and annoying brother liking anything to do with faries? No way... he seemed to dislike faries as much as their parents.
" the point of the story is", he leaned dramatically forth with a serious face, " mother and father don't need to know", he said.
Hubert looked stupidly as him,
" wait. No, wait", he got up, " first off you say that you were in love and in a relationship with a half fairy and now you say i should lie to our parents?", Hubert asked, but confused and surprised.
Johan shrugged gently, " sometimes you realize your parents aren't necessarily right", he said.
Hubert sat down again, " you're supposed to be the the perfect child", he said.
Johan sighed, " no one can be the perfect child that our parents want and still have personality", he said, which rung into Huberts ears, " i intend to give it my best", his brother said firmly, " and i believe i am. I am the current strongest demon in my year. Just because i love a person does not change the fact that I'll still be a pain in the ass for you", he snickered.
Hubert leaned back.
He didn't know the rulebreaking side of Johan, not when it came to unwritten family rules.
But somehow it didn't change much, as Johan had pointed out, except Hubert seemed to gain a small kind of respect for him.
" hm", Hubert mumbled, folding his hands. Was Johan supporting him? Wait, was Johan gaining the wrong idea of his and Bellamy's relationship?
" w-we're not like that!", Hubert hissed suddenly out, face going red.
Johan starred at him, beginning to snort and laugh, " i didn't even mention that!", he said. Te realization of his sudden reaction made Huberts face color more.
" no, but serious", Johan said, straightening his face, " i won't tell neither father nor mother", he said,
Hubert felt ease wash over him and relaxed a bit.
" you... You don't think it's wrong?", Hubert asked.
Johan shrugged slightly, " honestly, i don't know firehead. I understand you doing what you want and i congratulate you for some atitude. I understand it a bit i suppose",
He said.
Hubert looked at him. He never though he should meet a day where his brother sounded less annoying than usual.
" Thanks", Hubert said slowly.
He actually appreciated that a lot.
Johan snorted, " please don't go all soft on me. You know I'd rarely help you out", he said, " just this time", he said.
Hubert nodded.
" so why were you sharing pancake? Are you seriously thinking about dating a dude fairy? I'm not sure what to say", Johan asked dissapointed with a teasing undertone. Hubert threw a pillow at him and got up,
" i have no idea what you're taliing about", he denied, rolling his eyes.
Of course, if you knew Hubert like Johan, you'd notice the faint colored spots in his cheek, " we're friends",
Johan nodded, " i was just joking, he smiled, watching as Hubert headed out.
" you're still getting a dead toad for present", Hubert said.
Johan chuckled gently.

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