In which they celebrate Christmas.

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Christmas had arrived to Dotelch.
A few students had headed home last night, but there still was a lot there.
The mood was still merry, music playing in the hallways and puplic places. Even the teachers that stayed seemed to enjoy it.
Hubert had gotten gifts from his parents, the three last books in his collection, a new golden pocketwatch and a homeknitted, turtleneck, darkgrey sweater, made by his mother.
It wasn't anything he had desired all year, but he liked it.
Especially the cozy sweater.
He stumbled in on Bellamy on his way out of the dinning hall, when done with breakfast, who explained about the gifts he had gotten. Bellamy was dressed on a red sweater and had his curls up in the ponytail.
" merry christmas!", Bellamy smiled, flunging his arms around Hubert.  
"ah!", Hubert yelped, about to tilt backwards, but gained balance, " m-merry hristmas Bellamy",
Bellamy smiled brightly, "so? ooh, what's that?", the fairy asked, looking at the caramel paperbag that Hubert held in his palm.
" caramel", Hubert said, offering the fairy one. He smiled slightly, Bellamy's smile was contagious. 
Bellamy took one, seeming very hyped and happy over the jolly mood, " what do you want to do today?", he asked excited.
Hubert shrugged, " what about going outside? there's a lot of snow",
Bellamy smiled brightly and took his hand, " let's go!", he said, pulling the demon towards outside.

Outside was white, every tree, every spot of the yard wa white, they seemed to be the first to break the white surface, pressing footprints into the white vevelt.
The sky was blinding white as well, but it wasn't snowing anymore.
Bellamy pulled them outside besides the lake, falling down in the snow.
The white flakes stuck to his hair and his warm laughter filled the place, for a second making Hubert believe the warmth in his tone would make the ice and snow melt.
Hubert sat carefully down in the snow, taking the snow up in his glove-overed hand.
" watch out!", Bellamy giggled, before a soft snowball flew into Huberts shoulder. Hubert took a scoope up in his hands, getting up, and formed a snowball.
" i'll get you back", Hubert chuckled, trowing after him, while Bellamy tried to evade. Then the snowball fight began. Laughter and yells filled the place, until they found themself exhausted and laid back besides each others in the snow, lazily making snow angels.
" why aren't there others out here?", Bellamy asked,
Hubert shrugged, " they're really missing out", he grinned.
Bellamy nodded,  looking up, "what's that?", he asked as a low stomping was heard in the distance.
" attack on the runts!", a voice yelled, making Hubert get up and pulled Bellamy up as well, " oh no, hurry", he said, " we need to load cannons", he said, pulling Bellamy over behind a bush and began making snowballs. Bellamy followed his example, slightly confused.
" who's that?", Bellamy asked,
" Johan", Hubert said, " i think he found out that i stuffed his slippers, socks and shoes with dirt", he grinned slightly, " also i but a dead toad in his morning coffee".
Bellamy laughed, " wow Hubert, you are amazing", he smiled.
Huberts face warmed up.
" dumb dotface, i can see your footprint and i'm going to stuff snow down your coat", Johans voice rung, it was clear he wasn't alone, " you don't mess with my coffee!",
there was some laughters from other people,
" It was a toad, right? that's a win", a boy said with a funny accent.
" Show some respect Vest", Johan said seriously, but with a slight kidding tone, one that was harder to detect if you didn't know him.
Hubert took a few snowballs up, getting up ," fire!", he yelled, throwing, snowball at Johan, making Bellamy join.
one hit him right in the face, making the other demons besides Johan laugh.
It was seriously fun, but of course both Hubert and Bellamy's jacket got filled with snow, all the way down the neck and back.
Both caught a cold, but it was most definetly worth it and Johan seemed satishfied after that.
Hubert and Bellamy moved in front of a fireplace in the north wing's living room.
It was empty and the fireplace was still lit. They sat down with a cup of warm cocoa and ate the caramels and other sweets that they had gotten.
Bellamy leaned back in the couch looking at the fireplace, then sneezed,
" that was fun", Bellamy smiled.
Hubert nodded agreeing, still chewing the caramel in his mouth.
" Bel? you alright?", a man came down the stairs magenta hair and big red wings,
Hubert looked at them. That was probably Bellamy's brother, judging from the elegant and pretty features. He was darker though and thinner as well.
" Hi Marin!", Bellamy smiled,
" i heard you got beaten by Diabaal", he said worried, walking over. His expression slowly changed as he saw Hubert sit there besides his brother,
" we just had a snowball fight", Bellamy explained with a smile, " Hubert, that's Marin my -", he sneezed, "brother and that's Hubert my friend", he introduced them.
"you had a snowball fight? with Diabaal?", Marin looked confused, then looked at Hubert, " hi", he smiled, reaching his hand,
"hi", Hubert said, not taking it,
" i figure you're Hubert Diabaal", Marin said, after clearing his throat. Hubert nodded.
"wow", Marin said slowly, rubbing his face, " alright", he sighed, "lovely", he said, then sat down in a chair.
" how are you then, caught a cold?", Marin asked, reaching out and took a chocolate.
Bellamy nodded, " yeah, it was fun though",
" that's good", Marin nodded. 
Hubert figured out Marin wanted to say something alike 'keep away from that evil bully' or something, but as Hubert was there, Marin probably wouldn't.
Hubert understood though. He had seen Johan with people he didn't like and it was certain Hubert never wished to be one of them. Johan could truely be ruthless.
He knew he got special treatment and he eas pretty sure Bellamy would do so as well for now.
He wasn't going to count on that Johan sudden gained deep brotherly love for him. Johan would still be unnecessarily painful to handle.
Hubert sneezed, leaning back and closed his eyes, " wake me up at dinner", Hubert said.
" sure", Bellamy smiled.
Hubert woke up some time later, streching his arms and yawned.
Bellamy hadn't awoken him, merely leaned against him and breathed slowly.
Hubert looked at him, then at the clock. they had passed dinner, actually it was really late.
And there was supposed to be such a delicious feast...
The demon kept sitting there, looking back at Bellamy. Outside it seemed to have starting to rain instead. 
"Bellamy", he said. He was hungry though, " Bellamy", the fairy woke up, looking at him,
" what?", he asked tiredly,
" we passed dinner", Hubert said.
Bellamy blinked, " oh. sorry", he mumbled.
" it's fine ", Hubert said, getting up, " i'm hungry, so i'm going to look if i can still get something", he said.
Bellamy looked after him, getting up as well, wait for me", he said. He followed Hubert as he lit a candle and began walking, the fireplace was almost going out.
There was silent as they walked towards the kitchen, it seemed like everybody had gone to sleep.
" i'm sorry, i just fell asleep", Bellamy said gently again.
" that's alright", Hubert smiled, " are you still sick?",
Bellamy shook, " i don't think so. i feel much better", he said, " and you?",

Hubert nodded, " me too", he smiled.
As they cane to the door, Hubert tugged in the handle, with no luck. It was locked, as expected.
Hubert looked at it for a while, before his stomach began growling.
" hmn", Hubert sighed, pulling a key forth.
" what's that? will that work?", Bellamy asked curiously.
Hubert nodded, putting it in and openedthe lock, " it's a multikey", he explained. A key which could open any normal lock who weren't protected by magic.
" ah", Bellamy said, " how did you get one of those?",
" from my father. He entrusted me with it", Hubert said, walking in, followed by Bellamy,
" i see, tthat's smart", he said, " do you use it often?",
Hubert shook his head, " no", he said.
Bellamy saw as he opened thee fridge to the delicious looking dinner.
"bing-bong", Bellay said, " that's the treasure",
Hubert chuckled gently, putting the ligh on the counter and began taking small portions out.
There was a footstep somewhere in the distance.
" Hubert", Bellamy whispered, "close the fridge!",
Hubert, who stood with half a turkey in her hands, fumbled around panicked, while Bellamy quickly took the chicken, closed the door and pulled Hubert with him to the nearest conor, squeezing them against it, before blowing the light out.
Hubert looked at him, wondering why Bellamy was so good at thinking quick.
There was a silence, followed by nearer footsteps.
" hello?", a voice called as a light shone in.
Bellamy gestured Hubert to be quiet. They both were.
After a while the light dissapeared, and they could hear a click, from the door being locked again.
" there", Bellamy sighed, moving away. Hubert looked slightly impressed at him, " you handled that good", Hubert said.
Bellamy giggled, " comes with being a person who snacks at night", he said.
Hubert chuckled, " i see", he said, feeling himself forth to lit the light again, then returned to work with the things, making two plates.
They sat down to eat by the table, chatting silently. It was still tasty, even if cold.
As they were done, Hubert quickly cleaned the most, putting dishes into the wash.
" ah, that was good", Bellamy smiled. Hubert nodded agreeing, cleaning his hands, then looked at the clock. It was very late.
" we should get to bed again", Hubert said, walking over to the door, yanking in the handle. Oh right, it was locked again. He opened the door, gesturing Bellamy to walk out, then followed, closing the door behiing them.
" i feel like we did somethiing illegal", Bellamy said, as they walked back.
Hubert shrugged gently, " i don't know if it is", he said, " it's holiday after all",
Bellamy nodded, " yeah", he smiled.

 Once they reached the center of the wings, Hubert and Bellamy parted, Bellamy with the candle.
It had been so unusual from his normal christmas, but Hubert kind of liked it.
He sneaked back into his bed, then got to sleep.
He fingured out it soon be over, but even then,
he could keep this memory.

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