In which Johan observes his younger brother.

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To think his brother was having a fairy friend surprised him.
Really, actually.
Though he teased his younger brother endlessly,  he felt a new kind of empathy for the child.
Mostly because knew this wouldn't last.
No matter what, something would go wrong, especially because Hubert was... Hubert and not nearly carefull enough. 
He had a relationship with one long time ago. Nothing big.
Just, you know, he realized their parents wasn't always right. It was a big step for him to take.
For him, his parent been the complete pair, the perfect example of what he needed to be, what everyone needed to be.
That time, were his mother had almost realized his relationship with a fairy, a fiend, she had lifted her hand. It scared him, it scared him more than anything had done since actually.
He knew she had been about to slap him if he had answered yes.
And it had flipped something in his mind, made his scared enough to deny it.
That was the first time he had ever lied to his parent.

He tapped his finger against the window frame, while watching Hubert sitting in the yard reading.
He doubted his kid brother knew their parents, really knew them like he did.
As far as Johan knew, they hadn't been attacking either him or Hubert since, but once he had seen it, it was hard to unsee.  The hatred that boiled inside his mother and father.
He didn't think of it anymore, he was the perfect kid.
Honestly he didn't mind.
He liked being reconized as a genious, but he knew that Hubert weren't the same.
Hubert was emotional, young and not yet familiar of how the society was.
Not aware that this was counted as a break of an unwritted law.
Johan frowned.
This was clearly not the same as him and that silly crush there had once been.
First off, this was Hubert, his kid brother who was still learning.
Secondly, this 'friendship' with Bellamy was quickly evolving, quicker and more than it should.
He knew someone had to notice. Even Huberts friend, Nid, couldn't be unknowing forever, he knew that.
If it ever got out, then Hubert might become unlucky like him and have to witness his parents rage.
He did not wish that upon Hubert, even if he could be an annoying brat.
Even worse, his brother could be abadoned, and Hubert was nowhere near ready nor strong enough to take such.

He stopped tapping his fingers, watching as his brother got up and left.
It was going to be fine, he said to himself, it could be a phase, much like his.
His brother would grow up to follow the system of a devil.
He hoped not. But in many ways it would be better.
He sighed, would it not?
It seemed like being naïve was the easiest, no need to think of the problem, think if he was right or wrong.

Johan stuffed his hands into his pockets, sighing. When had he gotten so emotional himself, he grimaced.
There was just that partof him that was jealous, That his kid brother had so much something he could hardly reach. Hope.

"Let's go meet in the underground tunnel, hrm?", The little chubby fairy guy had asked Hubert one day. He cringed over the very fact that they were so uncareful, especially when Johan could spot Nid only some meters away.
Hubert on the other hand just nodded, giving a quick smile, then headed off. 
It had gotten Johan curiosity and he had to be lying if he swore that he had not went. Excusing himself from the rest of sofisticated devils in his dorm, had not been a problem. Once he had done so, he went down to the tunnel, that he had shown Hubert himself. It seemed like none other than those stupidheads had went, which was lucky, when you thought about how loud they were.
Of course sneaking up on them had been no problem, he knew this place way too well, seeing as sometimes he liked to be along rather than having to talk to others.
So he stood there, listening to the casual conversation they had, about how school was going, about how their families had it, or more like Bellamy's family had it. Bellamy was apperently the name of the smaller fairy. Well, now he knew that.
" It's weird right? We're both boys, about the same age, but we're so different!" Bellamy said, with a soft laugh.
Johan rolled his eyes slightly, of course, they were devils and a fairy.
" mhn, it is", Hubert answered, in a tone that somehow surprised Johan. Normally when they talked, it was either in a calm and formal tone or snerring words after each others.
" But we also have things in common i suppose", Bellamy said, " we both like crepés and red", he said.
Hubert laughed, " that is not fair - you like every color Bellamy", he pointed out, making the fairy laugh too, 
" True, but it still counts! All the colors are amazing", he said.
Johan shrugged, carefully making his way back. He had supposed he had gained the information that he really needed.
If this was worth it all, all the trouble that he knew awaited them, all the trouble that came with talking to each others. It seemed so.
For he had never hear Hubert laugh or talk like that, like a happy child. 
He carefully walked back to his dorm and to his room. 

Once that you saw it, it was clear like the sun, irritatingly popping into your eyes in the morning when you tried to hide your face under the covers. But a complete fool his brother was not; Once his parents asked what he had been doing, he did not hint a single time to have been near a fairy, which of course their parenets had been satiishfied with that.
Johan had been rather impressed, almost fooled himslef, by the convinced voice of Hubert.
But that was a needed, if he had to fool their parents. 

No matter how much he thought about it, he could not really decide wether to stay out of it, like his concious and like his parents always told him or help his younger brother.
He was not sure he'd even be able to help him if he wanted, but at least he saw no reall reason to oppose Hubert's wishes. There was no reason to tell anyone.
Maybe his kid brother really had a chance to be different for the better.

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