In which Second year start

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It had been almost three long dreaful months before they saw each others again.
It had been slighty boring without each outher, at least Bellamy thought so. He had gotten a steady stream of mail back from Hubert. There hadn't happened anything special throught the holiday, to be honest.
Bellamy sat in his room, smiling as he packed the bundle of letters into his smaller cabin, that he had in his room.
" are you ready to head out for dinner?", Pepper asked, looking at the fairy.
His pink hair had grown out again, down to his shoulder blades and the fairy had sat it up in a ponytail. He thought it made himself a bit more cute.
On the way to the dininghall, he spotted Hubert, as nice and smooth as he remembered him.
He was about to wave, but figured that was stupid, after all.

Him and his friends sat down by their table, talking about how the vacation had went. Bellamy had actually gotten even more tan, seeing as his homeplace had been shone upon alot.

They others had been seem to be doing great as well.

" Hello Bellamy", Hubert stopped him on the way back, smiling.
" hi Hubert!", the fairy grinned, following the demon as he headed off away from the crowd. Bellamy did so as well, taking the demon hand, " how are you?",
" good", Hubert smiled, as they had moved outside, where they were pretty alone. At least right where they were, " and you?", It didn't seem like his hair had grown, He just seemed as pretty and nice as ever. Except he was a bit taller.
" great", Bellamy smiled, looking at him, smiling brighhtly.
" your hair have grown", the demon noticed, showing a gently smile.
Bellamy smiled and nodded, sitting the bench that was made of stone.
They said there, chatting a bit about the family.
" oh yeah", Bellamy took the slightly folded paperfrog out from his pocket, " see - i took it along", he smiled.
Hubert looked at it, then smiled brighter, " looks like it", he grinned.
Everything seemed back to normal, Bellamy enjoyed that, " see, i tried, so here", he said, handing the demon a paper crane, " that's for you. Marin taught me how to do them", he smiled.
Hubert looked at it then smiled, " thank you", he said amazed, looking at it, turning it over in his hand.

There stood in Bellamy's messy handwriting: 'Hubert'.
Hubert looked back at Bellamy, " you wrote my name on it?", he asked.
The fairy nodded, " yeah", he grinned, " i did a few tried, but i kinda forgot how to do cursive, so i gave up at last"; he apologized, rubbing the back of his head.
Hubert laughed slightly, fishing a pen out from his pocked and asked for Bellamy's frog.
The fairy gave it to him, looking curiously as the demon wrote 'Bellamy' smoothly on it.
" oh yeah, that's how you do 'e'", Bellamy laughed softly, getting the frog handed back and smiled.
" oh hello mister Crone, my name is mister Frog", Bellamy said, waving the frog again,
" crane", Hubert corrected, chuckling.
" what?", Bellamy asked confused.
"it's called a 'Crane'", Hubert laughed, soon joined by Bellamy,
" oh", he smiled, " well hello!",
Hubert stopped his laughter enough so he could make a deep voice, " hello mister frog, My name is mister Crane, but you sir can call me Crone", he said. They both laughed, seeming to find it utterly funny.

the laughter shook the calm night, making the surroundings seem like it was no different than inside.

They got interrupted by Bellamy sneezing,

" we should go inside", Hubert smiled rubbing his face that seemd to have gotten more colored.
" yeah", Bellamy smiled and got up, stuffing the frog into his pocket.
Hubert followed, " thank you for the crane", he said, gently putting it into a pocket.
" you're welcome",Bellamy smiled, flinging over and hugged the demon, for the first time in long time.
Hubert hugged back, smiling, " it's really nice to see you again", he said.
" you too", Bellamy smiled at him, letting go again. He looked around, then smiled at Hubert, " see you!", he grinned, heading off.
Hubert looked after him, waving, before heading to the south wing.

He felt rather glad for the gift actyally, even if it only was a ponded piece of paper. That was just so... Bellamy.
He smiled, siting it at his nightstand.
When the other boys, uncluding Nid asked why it was there, he just said he liked it and the demon seemed uninterested immediately.
Hubert was glad for that. Even though they were friends, the more populare demon sometimes liked to take his stuff for a good laugh.
That was probably what Hubert liked less about Nid.
He watched the paper crane as the light was turned off and then he closed his eyes.
There was rather silent in the dark, exceot the moon shone slightly in through the window and onti the floor. Hubert noticed as he opened his eyes once, then closed them again. It was great to be back, so be with his friends. And Bellamy.
He was looking really forward to spend alk the time he ciuld with the bubbly fairy.
The thought of demon behavior laid rather back in his mind right now. There was no reason, as far as he could see, to think of it. Clearky all fairies weren't annoying, Bellamy wasn't. At least nit in his opinion. He was funny, sweet, caring and seemed to have a generally very open way of seeing things.

Hubert dozed slowly off to the sound of silence.
It was going to be a good time, he told himself, a really good time.

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