in which they unexpectedly have to work together about a scool project.

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Autumn was up and the leaves had started falling. They laid as brown, yellow and red puzzle pieces in the yard, in the garden and the surrounding area.
Hubert had gotten letters from home, first being really paranoid if it was about Bellamy, but found out his parents just wanted to hear about his grades.
They were pretty good as always.
He hadn't seen much of the fairy honestly, but they sometimes shared a smile, when passing each others in the hallway or in class.
That would be, when Hubert was sure none looked, he'd do a small lip pulling, that maybe, if looked at for a while, could look like a smile.
Bellamy on the other hand had a big smile.

" Welcome class", The teacher said, " today we will be preparing a presentation about any magical species of your liking, in groups of pairs", she said, " please note that the presentation must include how the human world sees upon it, if knowing of it and what the "second magical catastrophe" meant for them ",
Hubert leaned back in the chair, that sounded fairly easy.
" and just to mix you a bit, i decided groups", she said, beginning to read groups.
Hubert scribbled some suggestions down on the paper. Maybe a unicorn, but those he didn't think was easy to get information about. It could also be a healing plant...
" Hubert and Bellamy", the teacher mentioned, then went to the next pairing.
Wait. What?
He looked up, to see Bellamy turned towards him, waving.
He looked around, of corse to soon remember he wasn't in a class with many of his friends, only that fairy Nabel.
Before he was done thinking over how this was very unlucky, Bellamy moved over to his table,
" Hi Hubert", Bellamy smiled brightly, leaning with his elbows on his table.
" hey", Hubert quietly said, looking around. Was peiple staring at him? To his luck, it seemed like the others really didn't care as lost was in a 'fairy and demon' group.
" what creature should we pick?", Bellamy asked, making Hubert look back at him.
" uh. Erh", he reached the paper with ideas over, thinking how unintelligent he sounded.
The fairy looked down on it, brushing the pink curls behing his ear, making Hubert stare for a bit,
" these are good suggestions", Bellamy smiled, looking back at him, " especially this and that one", he pointed. Hubert just nodded agreeing,
" i thought so too", he mumbled.
Bellamy smiled, " what about nymphs? shall we take them?", he asked, " we can work after the lesson as well, seen as we probably won't finish now", the fairy continued. He sure was talkative.
Hubert just nodded.
He felt kind of eased that he could explain this off with groupwork. Nid maybe wouldn't remember Bellamy so it wouldn't be too awkward.

Hubert got up after the lesson and Bellamy followed. 
They sat in the library, it was calm there, Hubert didn't mind. 
Bellamy began reading up from a book about nymphs in particular and the demon listened curiosly along as he looked at him. 
He seemed more elegant, than he ever thought fairies could be. More elegant each time he got to see him and-
He shook his head slightly, w-wait, what? Oh yes, water nymphs.  
" are you alright?", Bellamy asked, looking up at him.
Hubert let his eyes move away, " yeah", he mumbled, feeling his face grow uncomfortable red, " sorry, i spaced out",
"ah", Bellamy said, reaching a hand out towards him, which made Hubert slap his hand quickly away, " don't touch me", he hissed out by instinct. Looking at the fairies eyes afterwards, made him immeadietly regret the harsh tone.
Bellamy pulled his hand back, smiling apologizing, " sorry, i was just going to feel your forehead", he said, " you seemed spaced out a lot due lessons too",
Hubert paused, looking down. No, he hadn't been much present.
" No. Sorry", Hubert heard himself said, which surprised him. Why did he apologize to a Fairy?, " it was just an i-instinct", he trailed off.
Bellamy smiled, " it's alright. i heard Demons are very touchy about their personal space.
For a second Hubert really wanted that to be a lie.
" h-hrm. some of us", Hubert nodded instead.
Bellamy smiled, " that's alright", he said, then paused slightly awkwardly, like a small wall had just been made by one simple action.
" it's not that i'm afraid or disgusted when you touch me", Hubert said. He knew that many demons had it like that actually.
"no?", Bellamy asked, looking at him, making Hubert sure about that that was what had worried Bellamy.
" no", Hubert said, reaching out and touched his hand with his fingertips, " see?", he smiled slightly.
Bellamy looked at him and he looked up back at him. and then it was like for a short moment everything stood still.
Hubert had no idea what happened, he just looked at the fairy, who smiled slightly, feeling his cheeks warm a bit up.
Hubert was the first to pull his hand gently back, " see?", he repeated more gently.

Bellamy nodded, "mnh, yeah", he smiled more, taking his hand back as well.
The demon felt a sudden heavy confusion appear. Why was he acting this weird..?
"shall we continue with the work?", Hubert asked after bit. The fairy agreed and then they continued.

" Hub, still-?",  Nid walked in, watching Hubert laugh with Bellamy.
" and then i said, who's a toothfairy now?", Bellamy laughed, making Hubert knock a fist into the table of laughter,
" Hubert", Nid said, leaninf against a bookshelf, " what are you doing?",
both of the boys straighteend up, Hubert a bit more.
" oh hey Nid", Hubert smiled slightly, not over the joke yet, " we're working on a project.
Bellamy smiled gently as well, gaining a foul grimace from Nid,
" right", Nid grunted.
" we are more or less done", Bellamy giggled, packing his books and things together.
Hubert nodded, doing so as well. Nid had surprised him there. He had been a bit nervous of looking too comfortable with Bellamy.
" see you Bellamy", Hubert noted, 
" yeah, see you Hubert", Bellamy said, before Hubert left up and walked out with Nid.

" getting all comfortable with a fairy?", Nid asked as they headed to the south wing.
" we're just working together", Hubert answered.
" and telling small jokes", Nod said, rolling his eyes.
" yeah", Hubert said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
" you're so weird. don't let it become a habit, Demons don't talk with fairies unless they're dumb, geeks or seriously gay", Nid said. And for the first time ever, Hubert though about asking, 'how is that wrong?'.

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