In wich they go christmas shopping

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The next day it began snowing gently, bringing most in a christmas mood.
Hubert felt a quite ease as they had started the holidays.
It was nice and calm, though the delivery was heavily lately. Some students recieved their christmas presents.
Hubert didn't get any post, not before christmas anyway, his family wasn't the type to change traditions.
" do you want to go shopping with me and some friends?", was the question that Bellamy asked Hubert early in the morning, which was why Hubert stood outside the gate his boots and jacket.
" who are 'friends'?", Hubert had asked. Not that he could remember it now though. Some fairies.
He straightened up, as the fairy appeared out of the gate with three other people.
All fairies.
" hi Hubert", Bellamy smiled, dressed in warm clothing too and had earmuffs on.
Hubert looked at them, " hi", he simply answered.
Bellamy introduced them one by one, though Hubert didn't shake their hand.
There was no need getting friendly with others.
Kare, was the name of the first one. She was a tall and had a blue braid and was thin. Actually much builded like Hubert. How she could have, what seemed like a thin jacket and leggings on, was a mystery to him.
Sindro, the second one was a brown haired guy with green wings, not very tall. He really tried to somehow greet Hubert with a handshake, but it turned into a awkward thing where Hubert stared blankly at him and Sindro took his hand back. The fairy didn't seem offended though.
The last one was Pepper, a blond haired girl with rather big light blue wings. At least bigger than everyone else, shaped like butterfly wings.
" aren't you Hubert Diabaal?", Kare asked.
Hubert nodded, " yes", he said.
There was a silence. He figured out that he was rumored in fairy circles as well. He knew what people said about his family, that they were harsh and cynical.
He had never really minded them, after all, his mother had always said it was because they were more intelligent and powerful. Other families couldn't handle that.
" what are you planning to buy for your parents?", Bellamy said, crashing through the silent wall that had been made.
" a hairpin for my mother and a new watch for my father", Hubert answered, watching halfly the white snow falling into Bellamy's hair.
" ooh, that sounds fancy", Bellamy smiled, " anything for your brother?",
" a dead toad. i found one in the yard", Hubert said, making Bellamy giggle.
" and you?", Hubert asked.
He didn't pay much attention to the other three who seemed to chat in the front of them.
" i'm thinking a new photoalbum for my mother, she wanted one i heards from Marin. Uhm, i'm buying him some gloves, Clea wants a beadnecklace and for my dad a hat, a really cool hat i'm thinking", Bellamy smiled.
Hubert nodded, smiling gently.
" so, where do you want to go first?", Kare asked, turning her head towards them,
" what about the jewelry?", Bellamy asked.
They were lucky that there was a town this close by with so many different stores.
Kare was not the very talkative type actually, but she had a gentle atmosphere around here. Sindro kind of annoyed Hubert, mostly because he wasn't too used to people, especially not fairies, wanting to talk all the time, pat him on the back and he had had to tell him to stop touching him. It may had sounded harsh, when he had snerred it out, but Bellamy had explained that Hubert was a bit touchy around that subject.
Sindro had apologized to Hubert, which the demon respected and accepted.
All in all they weren't that bad as he had thought and they weren't exactly dumb either, not as far as he could see.
After a bit, they split up so Bellamy, Hubert and Pepper was walking together, while Kare and Sindro headed of to the toy store.
The snow got heavier as they day went and when they had more or less gotten all the things, Pepper suggested that they could head back, while she got a hold of Kare and Sindro. It looked like the snow only would get more heavy.
They actually weren't that bad, the fairies that was. Pepper was good at mimicking animal sounds and had a good sense of humour.
Hubert rubbed his pale hands on their way back. he should've brought his own gloves.
Bellamy was dressed in a big quilted jacket, eating his warm crepé, that he had brought in the sweet-store.
Hubert hadn't had enough money to buy any after the rathe expensive gifts.
"here", Bellamy said, reaching his the crepé with bananas and chocolate.
Hubert looked at him, then down at the crepé, " what?", he asked.
It was almost like every sound was swallowed by the white snow that fell around them.
" taste", the fairy said and smiled.
The demon felt flustered, a feeling that Bellamy had provided him with a lot, when he was around.
He nodded, leaning over and took a bite.
" what do you think?", Bellamy asked, looking at him.
" goof", he answered, taking a hand up to his mouth embarresed, " good", he corrected as he had chewed off.
Bellamy giggled gently, taking another bite himself, " we can share it if you like it", he said.
Hubert nodded gently.
Bellamy smiled, looking at him.
in the complete silence, with only the snow beneath him to creak, his breath and heartbeat sounded loud.
" it taste better when you share it with friends", Bellamy said softly,
" mhn", Hubert mumbled agreeing.
" Dotface?", a voice besides him said, making him stop up, just after he had taken a bite of the the crepé that Bellamy had reached him.
Oh no.
He looked flustered back at his brother behind him.
He had orange hair as him, just darker, less freckles and brow horns. Bellamy looked at him as well.
Hubert knew he had no chance on hidden or explain it.
Why today? Why now out of all times?
"h-hi Johan", He said, trying to look as confident as possible.
The older demon was walking along with a female demon by his side, looking somehow shocked and in disbelief.

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