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"Jensen stop!" Misha shouts.
"Misha im sorry lemme explain please?!" I cry out.
"You have five minutes hurry up" he says crossing his arms.
"I woke up and wanted to see you so i got dressed ams left my room but Gim asked me to help him. So i followed him into a green room and helped him move some things around. He asked if i wanted Breakfast and of course i said sure. So we were walking down when all of a sudden he slamed me into a wall and told me he wanted me. I tried pushing him away misha i really did. But he stuck his tounge in my mouth, he raped me mish.. His hand was traveling up my body and i was so scared i couldn't push him off. It was like my whole world was melting. A fan must of took a picture. He stopped kissing me only to unbuckle my pants. When he knelt down i summoned the strength to push him away finnaly and i ran. The first thing i did was run to you. Misha please...you have to believe me" i look down at my feet.
"Jensen..." Misha sighs. "Im sorry but its scary and embrassing when you wake up to people tweeting you that your boyfriend cheated on you" he says.
"I know misha. Im so sorry. But i never kissed him back or any thing. I froze. All i could think of was you" he walks over and wraps his arms around me.
"Im sorry baby" he whispers. He lets go and i see the anger build up in him. "That fucking asshole!" He shouts and punches the wall.
"Misha!" I run over to him. He lets a yelp out. His knuckles are now bleeding. "Its ok" i whisper. I bring him to the bathroom sink and wash his hand off. I wrap it as he tells me what hes going to do to Gim.
"Everything ok over here?" Jared asks walking in.
"Gim Pope fucking raped jensen. God! Im going to kick his ass!" Misha yells.
"What?" Jared walks over to us. I show him the picture that is now all over the internet. I can see Jared grinding his teeth. "Im going to find that bastard" jared says.
"Lets just go get some coffee settle down ok?" I ask. Misha nods and we walk out.
"Hey you guys have a panel in 40 minutes" Felicia says walking through the lobby with us.
"Thanks" i say. I look up and see the last person i ever want to see again.
"Hey! Gim!" Misha yells. Gim stops and looks at us.
"Whats up pal?" He asks. Obviously he hasnt seen the picture. Misha hits him as hard as he can causing him to fall down. He gets on top and starts pounding his face in causing a crowd.
"Misha" i yell. I run over and grab him.
"Touch my boyfriend again ill fucking kill you!!" Misha screams as i pull him away from a bloody gim.
"Baby calm down" i say holding him.
"He hurt you jensen! How am i suppose to calm down?" He asks.
"Im ok really, baby." I say rubbing his arm.
"Hes such a...douche bag!" He says frustrated.
"Hey...its ok" i rub my thumb against his cheek. Misha is litteraly a physcopath. I know he looks cute and the type of person to cuddle next to. Well he is when hes not angry or horny but once you get him mad he will murder you. I look over to were Gim is and see people taking pictures. I ealk over and help him up. I grind my teeth as he stands up. I cant help myself but throw a punch myself. He falls back down and i just walk away. I go back to misha and see his hand is worse. Both are bloody and bruised. I go to the ice machine and grab a cup of ice.
"Are you ok?" I ask rubbing an ice cube on his knuckles.
"I feel a little better but im still mad" he looks at my hand move along his. "And my hands hurt" he says.
"Youre on in 10." The stage manager says. I dont have time to wash Misha's hands off so i take my button up off and wrap his hands in it. We walk to stage and grab our mics.
"I will admit that was pretty hot" i say. He blushes and looks down. Jared walks over to us with some blood on his knuckles. "Hes going to be in the hospital for a while, right?" I ask. Jared nods with a small smile.
"Nobody messes with my brother" he says. I laugh and thank them for being such good friends.

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