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"Hey" sofia says walking in. "Are...you okay?" She asks.
"Oh uh yeah...can you take Leila out...for a few hours..?" I ask. Its been four hours and he hasn't came home yet.
"Yeah..where's Misha?" She asks. I sit up and sigh.
"Doing some work..." I lie.
"Ohh..Leila let's go!" She yells. Leila comes down.
"Where?" She asks. The door opens and misha walks in.
"Misha!" I jump up and hug him. "I love you" I tighten my hold on him.
"Can you guys...go on a walk please?" Misha asks sofia and Leila. They walk out and misha looks at me. Please don't give me the ring back..
"I don't want to separate.. I spent the past five hours or whatever wanting to talk to you about you but couldn't. So I talked to myself. I love you Jensen ok just tell me what happened" a small smile appears on my face.
"I love you too" we sit down on the couch facing each other. "Before I married Daneel...before I even knew her there was a boy he was my friend and we both were experiencing feelings for boys so...we thought we should see what it's like. He wanted to go all the way. But I told him no so then we were watching movies one night and decided...to start touching and kissing...so we did. It went on like this for months. I met daneel and kept doing it. I didn't know better...I was 25. I kicked him out of my life when I proposed to Daneel."
"You never answered my question, did you love him?"
"No" I state.
"I don't know why I got so jealous" he says.
"I would be misha. You should still be pissed at me-"
"I am but Im in love with you and I can't just forget that because of something that happenes years ago" he blushes.
"I missed you mish" I move over and hug him. He was gone for 4 ish hours? So I missed him. I love him. Just stop. He pulls away and looks at me.
"God I love you." He pushes his lips to mine. Yes this is what I need. This is what I'd miss if he ever left. No. What I'd miss is his blue eyes. And the way his voice sounds when he's sleepy or when he wakes up all the time really. Id miss the way his body feels and looks. I'd miss the way....oh yes the way his tongue feels my tongue. My hands wrap around his back and he straightens himself out falling on top of me. Sofia walks in with Leila and a smile. We sit up and look at them.
"He's cute" Leila says.
"Leila! Stop" sofia laughs.
"What?" Misha asks.
"That cute boy...came around today...while we were at the mall"
"Aren't you glad I told you to change?"
"Yeahh" she blushes. Her smile falls and she looks at us. "Are...you guys...breaking up?" She asks.
"No it was just a little fight" I pull him into me.
"Good because you guys are soul mates...and seeing you two holding hands while we watch T.v or the way you guys make breakfast together and how you kiss each other when you realize the other is upset makes me...happy" she says. I look down at misha and smile.
"Wait...you guys were going to break up?" Leila asks.
"Never" misha says. I look down at my watch and read 6:37.
"We'll make dinner as you two...relax" she wiggles her eyebrows. I laugh and they walk off.
"Let's never fight again" Misha says.
"Never ever again" I say as he lays in my chest.
"Jensen" misha whispers. "Jensen" he shakes me.
"Hmm" I moan opening my eyes.
"I can't sleep" I roll onto my side and looks at him.
"Why?" I joke making him chuckle. I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him into me. "Can you believe in a month we'll be shoving cake in each others faces, dancing, we'll both have rings on." He smiles widely.
"I'll be Misha Ackles." His hand slips on my hip.
"I'll be able to tell people you're my husband" I kiss his nose.
"I like...husband..jensen Ross ackles and Misha ackles"
"Dmitri Tippens Krushnic- Ackles"
"I think I love you Ackles" he giggles.
"I think I love you more" he rolls over so his back is against me.
"I like how your fingers fit in mine."
"Me too." I kiss the crock of his neck and fall back asleep.

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